deggersuk Member


  • Well I thought I would ressurect my first post on here from back in January. Must say its certainly been a journey where I have educated myself on food without making much sacrifice, rather being more aware of the types of foods and my limits. Still using the scanning food diary app, but I'm happy to say 11 months in and…
  • Fully aware and she was in hospital with Ketoacidosis at 19 due to going out partying/drinking and not injecting insulin trying to keep a size 10 figure. She is now 29 and learnt a valuable lesson from that experience. Still remains though that insulin abuse is common to control the weight gain.
  • Im in Leeds, West Yorks if you or anyone else would like to add me.Thanks.
  • My fiance has type 1 diabetes and in answer to your question yes by abusing/neglecting her insulin she can drop weight fast. She can also put it back on as fast under good control. I wouldn't recommend it but fact remains some type 1 diabetics do abuse to control weight. From Yahoo Answers: "Uncontrolled type 1 causes…
  • Seems you cant find any calorie burn data for Kinect games either but you can for the Wii. You cant cheat at Wii, but you cant at Kinect :)
  • From a newbie to a newbie - hello you :O))))) If your on about pro-points I just didn't believe it said I could have 2500 calories etc per day.. i was eating like a king and going nowhere fast! I could even squeeze in a Dominos pizza on a tuesday if I starved all day.. lol
  • Hey there!! Gods own county here :)