Meechity Member


  • Same here! I love this potential functionality, but the SmartPoints are coming in wrong. For example: 1 large egg is coming in as 3 SmartPoints (should be 2), and 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk is coming in at 2.5 SmartPoints when it should be 1. Is the script *for sure* using the latest SmartPoints equation, or an older…
  • I'm a wannabe vegan. I used to be 100% but now when I binge I eat cheese products. Embarrassing. If you'd like you (all) can add me. I'm meticulous with tracking my OWN foods now (used to track sporadically for others), 34, novice runner hoping to lose 10 fat pounds and get fit through running, clean vegan eating, and…
  • I can't wait to try this. :) I'm vegan and will be using coconut milk to replace the fat-free milk, and I've just read online about using 1Tblsp vinegar + 1Tblsp baking soda to replace one egg. I'm not a baker, but does anyone know if I need the baking SODA if there is baking POWDER in the recipe already? It's worth a…
  • There are brands of Stevia that are bitter and horrible-tasting, but don't let that "sour" you to trying other brands. :) Both "Stevia In The Raw" and "PureVia" I found slightly bitter. "Stevita" and "Sweet Leaf" I found extremely bitter. I find the powders and drops to be much more bitter compared to the spoon-for-spoon…
  • Hope you feel better soon. Kudos on cutting out the animal proteins, I'd actually watch iron more carefully. :)
  • @JLH32 I'm pretty close to you. :) CW and SW: 153 goal: 135 age: 33 height: 5'8"