Stevia Sweetner Or Truvia Sweetner

After reading many articles on how bad Splenda is I decided to finally try a "safer" natural sweetener. I'm having trouble deciding which one to buy. I've read reviews on Stevia and how it leaves an after taste and it isn’t FDA approved, Truvia has mixed reviews. I can't decide. Also, where can i buy a bulk size of (which ever sweetener of better) from? Thanks in advance


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I'd suggest that you buy a small size first and try it out. If you buy a giant one and don't like the taste, you'll have wasted your money. I bought a blend of regular sugar with stevia and it tasted repulsive, I won't do that again!

    I don't like the taste of any artificial sweeteners though, so now I just use sugar when I need to, but try to reduce the amount or leave it out altogether.
  • diegolish
    diegolish Posts: 1
    I wouldn't use either. Just use real sugar and a little of it and it will taste so much better and it's better for you. Just my opinion of course.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    I grow Stevia in my herb-garden, doesn't get a lot more natural than that..

    If you can get Stevia itself try it, Truvia and the "spoon for spoon" replacements for sugar have a lot of filler that isn't Stevia to make them "equivalent"..
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i love the taste of truvia. (and the smell, it's like marshmallows!)
    other brands of stevia just aren't the same.
  • I know artificial sweetener aren't good for you blah blah. Im taking small steps to a healthier life okay. But anyways does truvia taste like regular sugar.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I use Kal brand stevia, purchased from amazon, for 99% of my sweetener. But its very powdery- Truvia is granulated, more like the texture of sugar. It's also a lot more processed, but I use it when I'm looking for the sugary texture- like on fresh fruit for example. Truvia I buy at the grocery store.
  • Bump
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    If you stop sweetening everthing you drink, eventually you'll stop missing the super sweet artificial sweeteners and appreciate other flavors more.
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    I only use Stevia and Truvia in hot tea and baking. I've never noticed a taste difference between them and real sugar. And while I prefer Stevia, I've never noticed a difference between Stevia and Truvia.
  • pinthin87
    pinthin87 Posts: 296 Member
    They are the same and I use both. Check your labels. I know that Truvia and the Great Value brand of Stevia from Walmart are exactly the same aside from the cost.
  • tnqnt
    tnqnt Posts: 397 Member
    Stevia is an herb - is all natural and is not an artificial sweetener.

    Truvia is a brand name for a sweetener that uses stevia as its sweetener.
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    I only use Stevia and Truvia in hot tea and baking. I've never noticed a taste difference between them and real sugar. And while I prefer Stevia, I've never noticed a difference between Stevia and Truvia.

    I am going to agree with this statement. I am currently using both (depends on which I can find at the store). I use it in tea, Greek Yogurt, Oatmeal... I can't tell the difference between the two. As for an after-taste, I haven't honestly noticed...
  • I agree with pinthin87 that you should check the labels. I've grown stevia, and I've used it in a liquid form. That was years before Truvia came on the market. Truvia came on the market AFTER stevia became FDA approved. Truvia is made from stevia and fillers. Read your labels to see exactly what you are getting.
  • TeresaWash
    TeresaWash Posts: 283
    i thought Truvia left a bitter aftertaste, but I have problems with all artifical sweetners. They just don't sit right with me, was hoping Truvia wouldn't bother my stomach... but they give me instant heartburn.

    Stevia is natural... right? I haven't tried it yet.
  • Truvia and other similar store stevia sweetners have sugar alcohols in them which mess with your digestive tract. It can give you gas, bloating and diarreha. They are NOT true stevia. If you want true Stevia you can purchase it from a health food store. I love my Stevia from NOW foods, they also have flavored ones. I use on one tsp in a whole gallon of ice tea. I have a lemon flavored one I put in water, and it tastes like a Lemon Shake up. My kids and I love it. It did take a bit to get use to the aftertaste, but after a week, I couldn't use regular sugar in my tea anymore. I even carry a little bottle in my purse to use at resturants. This year I bought my own stevia plants and am going to dry them this winter to use.
  • trudefaith
    trudefaith Posts: 50 Member
    I use kal stevia . kal is a brand name and I get mine in the local health food store. It took a while to figure out that stevia is ALOT sweeter than sugar, in fact it comes with a tiny spoon in the bottle that is about 1/16 of a teaspoon and I only use 1 scoop of it for my whole bowl of oatmeal. I make things like homemade ketchup and only use 2-3 scoops for the whole batch, any more than that and it leaves a very bad (to me) aftertaste. but remembering that I only need a tiny amount is easy and when used right it tastes wonderful

    stevia and truevia are NOT the same thing. stevia is a dried powdered plant extract , and truvia IS a highly processed product
  • I grow Stevia in my herb-garden, doesn't get a lot more natural than that..

    If you can get Stevia itself try it, Truvia and the "spoon for spoon" replacements for sugar have a lot of filler that isn't Stevia to make them "equivalent"..

    How do you dry your stevia. I have just started growing the plants this year. Have you used the ground leaves or do you make a syrup?
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    I like the taste of Truvia well enough. I use one pack a day to sweeten my morning smoothie, and very occasionally to sweeten herbal tea in the evening. It has the taste closest to sugar without any real aftertaste, and I've never noticed any side-effects.
  • Meechity
    Meechity Posts: 7 Member
    There are brands of Stevia that are bitter and horrible-tasting, but don't let that "sour" you to trying other brands. :)

    Both "Stevia In The Raw" and "PureVia" I found slightly bitter. "Stevita" and "Sweet Leaf" I found extremely bitter. I find the powders and drops to be much more bitter compared to the spoon-for-spoon granules (in packets and canisters), which are usually mixed with fillers.

    My fave is "Nu-Stevia"; it's in purple-and-white packets in the Organics aisle at some groceries. They add a maltodextrin filler to make the texture more like sugar. It's got a hint of licorice aftertaste and isn't bitter.

    My second favorite is "Truvia" because it tastes very good with no discernable aftertaste and no bitterness, but is produced by Cargill, a huge food conglomerate I have issues with. It is mixed with Erythritol ((2R,3S)-butane-1,2,3,4-tetraol), which occurs naturally in some foods but is a food alcohol which some are sensitive to (gas, bloating).

    I think it was FDA approved as a supplement, not a food additive for many years, and I think the FDA was dragging its feet so the artificial sweetener companies could devise their own formulations "containing stevia"... which means all sorts of mysterious things (opinion only).

    Good luck!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    IF I need dried Stevia I hang the plant to dry, or if I'm in a rush use the food dehydrator.

    But I'll often just grab a leaf and add it that way. Either into the tea ball or just straight into the chompers ;)