

  • Not sure what kind of time frame you're looking at, but 1 pound a week is actually pretty solid. Weigh yourself in the morning before you eat, and don't sweat it too much if the number is small. It's better to lose slowly and keep it off! =]
  • I was diagnosed hypothyroid almost 2 years ago, and I would say that your sensitivity to cold, low sex drive, and difficulty with weight could be indicators of hypothyroidism. Other things to look out for would be general fatigue, dry skin, and constipation. The good news for you, I would say is that while taking a daily…
  • or hilary duff. I think I have a similar build to her:
  • I only plan to eat chicken and turkey, as I didn't eat beef or pork before, and I don't care for fish/seafood. I don't know how much I'll eat meat, but I wanted to make sure I'd be okay going back. When I don't eat meat, I tend to fill up on carbs, and usually the high sugar kind. It's been tough for me to control what I'm…
  • I'm not a professional, but I'd say that you probably want to get above the "starvation mode" marker. Doesn't have to be by a lot. If you notice you're under, try eating a piece of fruit, or some peanut butter to give you a small calorie burst to make sure you're getting enough calories. It is true that you can put your…
  • I'm 5'2" with a similar build. My goal is 125, but that's also a guess. I'd suggest somewhere around 130 as a generic goal, but put the focus more on measurements and how you look and feel than feeling the need to be a certain weight.
  • Thanks for the tips, everyone. I think I will try to open my food diary (if I can figure out how?). I guess I'm just not really sure what constitutes lean proteins, since I'm vegetarian. I'll look into it.
  • I have the same problem with actually getting up to do my workout, but I've found that reminding yourself how good you'll feel afterwards is always a motivator. Also, setting non-food goals is a great motivation. If I get my workout in, I get to watch a television show, take a nap, shower, read... whatever sounds good that…
  • I'm a first year college student... it's been tough to keep track of what I'm eating since it's all in dining halls. :( i lost 15 pounds before college and then gained it all back. here's to starting over!
  • I'm 18 and have been on Levoxyl (currently .075mg) to treat my hashimoto's for almost a year now. I've found the best way to deal with the weight issue is to remember that yes, the weight will come off slowly, but it *will* come off. And there are so many factors that we *can* control, such as paying extra special…
  • I LIVE off of FarEast brand Rice Pilaf and Lentil mix. It's delicious, full of protein, and you can add your own seasonings and a pinch of cheese to change up the flavor! I'm the only vegetarian in my family and I'm rubbish at cooking, so it's a great choice for me. I can prepare stuff that comes in a box. :bigsmile:
  • I'm afraid I don't have the most inspirational story of how I started, but the best advice I can give you is if you fall of the horse, get right back on it! I've been trying to lose weight on and off for about 3 years, and I go through phases of doing really well and doing, well, not so great. So just remember when you…
    in New here Comment by eeelastic9 July 2010
  • When I'm under 1200 that's not counting exercise, so when you factor in exercise, I'm especially under. Yesterday after my workout I had burned more calories than my entire breakfast, so I felt pressured to eat a big lunch and dinner. I'm not sure how to balance my meals more effectively.
  • On non-food purchases, I always consider if i *really* want/need whatever item I'm considering. If you leave it on the shelf/rack and walk away for a few minutes, you'll find out if you miss it or not. Also, when I went vegetarian last October, I started paying a lot more attention to what I eat, and how much I spend on my…
  • I weigh myself every morning, but I tell myself it doesn't "count" until my weigh-in day. If I notice that my weight is up the couple of days before my weigh-in, it makes me work harder to try to get the number down for my "official" weigh-in. It really depends on how you feel though. What works for one may not work for…
  • That sounds gross! Not to mention really bad for you. :P
  • Endorphins are usually associated more with exercise (it's the neurotransmitter that gives you a "runner's high"). I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think dopamine works the same way. Some foods boost dopamine levels, like almonds and pumpkin seeds, and you should avoid high amounts of caffeine and cholesterol, and also…
  • thanks for the support. My friend and I both plan to work out together, so hopefully that actually happens. And I've definitely heard that exercise helps with retaining information! I'm mostly worried about following my diet, since I'm trying to go gluten-free and am already vegetarian.
  • That's a pretty common issue, I would think. When you're overweight, you have to exert more energy to move around, so hot temperatures make you even warmer than you already are. As you lose weight, you lose that "insulation" against cold, and you become cold more easily. I wouldn't be too concerned-- stock up on hats and…