Odekwe Member


  • nolimabeans on misfit. Added you three. :)
  • Shoes make a huge difference. Consider going to a running specialty store and having them fit you. They can match you up with the best pair or shoes for your arch and gait and you'll be much more comfortable running. I had to take a couple of weeks off when I had shin splits. You might want to rest a bit more and back off…
    in Shin splints Comment by Odekwe May 2009
  • Good to know. I just ran my first half last Saturday and was up 4 lbs afterwards. I was out of town and ate out more than I care to, so I know that is part of the problem. Today is the first day I'm back to eating less processed foods. I feel a ton better and I'm sure my weight will balance out by the end of the week. It…
  • Congrats! Now it's time to sign up for a 5K! ;)
  • Oh, how fun! I don't think you need to eat anything special if you're running a 5K. Someone already said there is no need to carb load. If you eat as healthy as you can today and eat breakfast tomorrow, you'll do fine. Good luck and have a great time!
  • Congrats on the 6K and good luck on the future 10K. I'm running my first 10K this weekend, and am incredibly excited about it. I began running with the couch to 5K last August and barely ran at all over the winter. When it got warm enough, I would run 2 or 3 miles at a time until I was comfortable with the distance. Then,…
  • Wow, 10 lbs is a lot! Congrats!
  • Wow, doesn't that feel good?! Running is something I never felt I was capable of doing, but I started last August, unable to run for 5 minutes even. That first 2 mile run was amazing for me, as I'm sure it was for you. Keep up the good work and maybe it's time to train for a 5K.:wink:
  • Congrats!! I hope to be able to do that someday, thanks for the inspiration!
  • Thank you for the welcome!
  • I am so terrible at introducing myself, but I thought I would just say hi anyway. :smile: