

  • good for you getting back on it! good luck to you :smile:
  • I put a pitcher of water in the fridge with cut strawberries or cucumbers or lemon and lavender or lime or what ever just to keep it interesting I also sometimes at a few tablespoons of herbal tea into the pitcher, that helps me
  • I totally agree! Well said
  • I agree with the above posters + I think your boobs look perkier- you look great!
  • I actually have no idea but I have heard that both can be very inaccurate, so if it were me I would go with the lower or maybe split the difference. I have heard machines and calculators can be off by up to 40% that better measures are the heart rate monitors but again Im not very familiar with them, I don't work out a ton…
  • this has been my week, and I am totally feeling frustrated too, I have weighed, measured, and logged every bite, stayed with in my calories, and worked out every day and I gained a pound too! its so hard to stay motivated. Im sure if I just stick with it, I will level out (I keep thinking maybe its water retention.) I know…
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