islandjumper Member


  • really? I've eaten corn raw plenty of times... I also eat raw spinach, and have never heard anything about it not being healthy. The only food I would be cautious about is tubers (potatoes etc)...some types have toxins in them that are deactivated when you cook them.
  • Read the series and saw the movie. Thought the series was amazing...though the 3rd felt rather rushed.
  • I can't say I've been exactly where you are but, speaking from personal plateau experience it might be worth it to up your calories closer to your bmr. It sounds scary but it might help. Also maybe it's time to tone and stop trying to lose...but to build muscle you'll need to eat more.
  • Yup pretty much...I only just recently added a picture of myself.
  • Congrats :-D
    in :) Comment by islandjumper June 2012
  • Thanks all! Sorry the pics are dark...I don't have many full body pics for 'before' and my camera didn't seem to want to cooperate today. I also can't seem to get the pics the same size!
  • I'm in Australia now :) Haven't really encountered a dentist since I've been here but I think I'll be going soon
  • I had a similar issue...impacted and touching nerves. I got mine out about 5 years Africa and had no issue...feel any better? But seriously, sure there's a chance of numbness but it's one of those things the doc tells you on the very remote chance it happens to avoid a lawsuit. They're trained to do it properly,…
  • On top of the suggestions you've already gotten fruits and veggies are great hamster used to LOVE strawberries! Make sure you slowly introduce yourself to the hamster (don't go chasing after it trying to pick it up...try to bribe the hamster with food to get it to climb into your hand) but make sure you give it…
  • Just graduated today! Finished my last day with a 5k at 39 just have to work on speed!
  • I started Jan 3 2012 SW: 220 CW: ~186
  • It's not the same in the least when i worked as a waitress there was a different min wage for the service industry ($2.50/hr at the time). But the way it worked for us was we were required to claim our tips at least up to the normal minimum wage point ($5.50 i it's $8). If we didn't make minimum wage…
  • I usually save about 300 cals to eat right before I go to bed...otherwise I'm hungry and can't sleep.
  • The big difference between the US and everywhere else in the world is that US restaurants don't pay anything even remotely close to what you can live on. The other big difference is the US has the best customer service (if you ever complain about slow service try going to a restaurant or bar literally ANYWHERE outside of N…
  • Castle hill and the strand (TSV) are my personal favorites
  • That's fantastic!
  • I've been dealing with knee problems for a while...Ice, elevation and ibuprofen (assuming you're not allergic to it). If it keeps hurting...someone already mentioned it...go see an orthopedist. Chances are the doctor is going to tell you to go to physical therapy to strengthen the muscles surrounding your knee. Also, I…
  • So big tall guys :)
  • ^^^ Yup I'm jumping on the Twilight bandwagon. Horrible tripe. Oh and team america
  • The greatest PC country in Africa is Madagascar :) For a while (not sure if this is true anymore) it had the most extensions, lowest ET rate, and highest number of PCVs that married a HCN (love PC acronyms) Hi Ed& Jessica...I'm doing C25K as well (almost done actually!! 2 more weeks :-D)
  • My loans are deferred right now, and they were reduced before. I'm from CT...I could theory afforded rent but that's about it. Loan payments, food, bills would have taken a back seat so I lived at home an commuted. I promise, I only got 3 interviews and I was applying for multiple jobs every day. I studied marine…
  • There are far too many generalization in this thread about people who borrow money. Mortgages and defaulting on them are not as simple as earlier posts have made them out to be. A LOT of people have lost their jobs in the past decade. Companies and governments have downsized their workforce...people lost incomes .... And…
  • Might be a good idea to go see a doctor...though, just out of curiosity, are you eating a lot of carotene rich/orange carrots, papayas, mangoes etc? I've seen someone who ate a papaya for lunch every day get this coloring. Yellowish skin can indicate liver's worth checking it out.
  • above suggestions about waterproofing your mp3...or buy a waterproof mp3, that works. For me I count laps and think about anything and everything (my mind goes a mile a minutes sometimes lol)....try challenging yourself...with speed or number of laps, it'll keep you thinking about something.
  • That's amazing! I started running a few month ago and I hope to do my first half in're really an inspiration!
  • Get yourself a good podcast for C25k...there are plenty out there with music to suit your tastes...just google "c25k podcasts" or if you have a smart phone there are apps. Try running outside if you can. It's much more interesting to look at varying scenery rather than the back of someones head on a treadmill at the gym.…
  • Make sure you're well hydrated on days you run...don't just guzzle right before and during your workout (actually unless you're doing a long distance (like 1hour + run) you shouldn't have to take your water bottle with you)....I personally find these are the days I get side stitches. When you get them slow down but you…
  • The C25K program is amazing. I just ran 2 miles the other day...this from someone who couldn't run for more than 30 seconds at the start of the year. To be fair I spend a month or just just running as far as I could before I could even get to the point of starting C25k.
  • I don't know what you're talking cat used to meet me by the door every day! :flowerforyou: They aren't needy like dogs and don't give away their love so easy....they make you earn it...and that is why cat's rule and dogs drool...but hey, if you're into cheap love...:tongue: