animalover22 Member


  • You should feel really proud of yourself. Life is always going to throw you curve balls and you didn't let them derail you only got slightly sidetracked. That's a win in my book. My weight has been a roller coaster my whole life. It is a struggle, but I want to be healthy for myself and the people who care…
  • You should be SO proud of yourself. You deserve to show off how awesome you look. Keep up the good work!
  • They sound delish and as a vegetarian, I'm always looking for healthy options...can't wait to try them!:smile:
  • I think most of us at this site can relate to what you are saying. Food, which should be an ally, has become my nemesis because of choices I've made. Like many, I've made a resolution for a healthier me in 2012. The difference this year is that I have a plan and a support group that I can count upon when needed. You are…