I've studying aikido and Krav Maga and hapikdo over the years. But would love to try BJJ or MT.
I believe Jessica asked what is Krav Maga? I currently train in Krav Maga and have trained in Aikido and Hapkido over the years. Hopefully this website will give you some insight. Take care.
I have trained in a few styles (aikido, hapkido, karate and Krav) and over the last few years I 've been training in Krav on and off. I love what Krav teaches and it is a very complete system that pulls from a few arts. It's teaches you how to be the attacker if you are put in a life and death situation. It's a very…
Well good luck with you move. It's funny you brought this up because I changed arts a few times and found that I really enjoyed each one for different reasons. It's funny how some arts use similar techniques; I started with Aikido as a youth, then transitioned to Hapkido drastic change to Krav Maga and I like them all…
check out Youtube for some good Kettlebell workouts. You will find once, you add them in your routine you will see an improvement over time in your conditioning. They are great for both a good cardio and strength training burn. Their is a russian martial training that swear by them and he has an article on…
Same for you. Merry Christmas.
Have you consider taping yourself attempting a roundhouse and watch yourself so, you can see if it's something you can tweak or modify. Sometimes seeing it may help more then, just instruction from someone else...
Great advice by this person ^^^^^^ I've tried different styles over the years and it's all about what's a good fit for you...It's not the style as much as it is the person using the style..
The group is called Martial Arts and Sports fighting.
Hello Addie, There is a Martial arts group on here. You should join and ask any questions you may have it's a wide array of arts and styles in this group. Good luck on your journey.. I've done Krav Maga and I really enjoyed it. It's a nice self-defense system and you will certainly get in shape because that's a large part…
Thank @ Kingkong, I've never used chalk or the straps but, I was considering purchasing some straps to help with my heavy lifts but, I will consider getting some chalk first instead of the straps...
thanks guys, for the recommendation on the grip strength...I've been doing farmers walks for the last few weeks to improve my grip strength and add new element to my workouts. I add some of you guys recommendations too...I know this is impacting my dead lifts because my grip gives at a certain point.
I train 3-4 days a week for 1 hour Squat - 369 -( 3 times) could have went higher but, no spotter. Bench--225 Dead lift -225 - I need to improve my grip strength because i know I can do more... Total 819
No offense taken here guys just conversation. I was simply stating my opinion. No harm, no foul...I do agree with default that Mayweather is the best Pound for pound fighter in the world but, I just happen to believe it's because of his great defense not because he's a great striker that's all. Not knocking what he does…
I didn't say his striking and speed was the best I've ever seen, I said it was impressive based on the video that was provided. Honestly, I think Bones Jones is great striker and the spider too but, just in the context of the video Frank Brennan has solid striking ability and he's fast. Honestly, Mayweather is not a great…
His striking and speed is very impressive.
^^^^^This point exactly^^^^^ I want to re-write my family history...
Thanks, I'm not sure what weight I should start out with since my gym doesn't have them. I do DB rows with 45lbs so, I'm thinking starting of with 25 lbs kettlebells and work up from there or maybe go lighter and get use to the movements first.
I appreciate it Chris, I'm going to mos def learn the moves and add it in the mix...
I do the SL 5x5 and I do Krav so, it's a nice balance. I find that lifting also helps me when I roll because of the core work. I also noticed I take a shots a little better too and that helps also. I was already a nice striker so, I say the weights help with the power some too. I think strength training will help your…
Welcome, it's a nice group of people in this group and they are always willing to share info and provide solid tips. Good luck on your journey and your bulk cycle.
He has my vote just from the fact that he seems to dominate his fights with little effort. I like GSP but wo different weight classes and Jon Jones as well. Silva would have to put on two much weight to fight Jon Jones or Jon Jones would have to drop to much weight. So it appears he is the best in his class and possible of…
I thought you wanted something for your wrist only. I agree hand wraps are great and I do Krav as well do you guys have gloves. We have MMA gloves we use during class which help too.
Ace bandage.
I'm a huge fan of the SL 5x5 program. I did it and I'm almost completed the 12 weeks I'm at the 11 week mark but, I will continue doing it in some way or another. I wasn't really a newbie but, I think this program is great for building a nice foundation to work from and build onto down the road. Great starting point...
I got 100 in AM and will do a 100 in PM.. I'm going to try to break it up this way. I won't count the BB Squats I do regularly just BW stuff...
Well, good question and I hate to say both. But, how you get out of this cycle I say something close to Foxy you may want to look at your rep range and try to back off a few reps and focus on form with the desired weight. For example, if you shooting for 5 reps maybe do 3 with good form and try to do 2 or 3 sets with good…
Tae bo is nice option but, you can always sub the Lunges for other movements like body weight squats or another movement to still get the burn just omit what cause you pain. Just a thought. Bob Harper has a few nice DVD's some require hand weights other's don't so, you have to look at the video to see but, I started using…
Aikido doesn't have any kicking involved neither does Judo. So, there are two options. To someone else point you don't have to kick in any art if you physically can't and a good instructor should be able to work with you and teach you other elements of the art you choose.
I agree with Chris that typically for strength gains the rep range is from 5 to 8 and for muscle endurance it's typically 10-15 rep range. So, your approach seems okay other than the rep range. I say try switching to heavier weight with a lower rep range. I.E.--Strong Lifts 5x5 you get 25 reps across 5 sets of heavier…