

  • Starting back tomorrow - teaching the same grade again (6th) but new curriculum, which means more planning, which means less time for me. It will be challenging, especially with all the junk that regularly flows into the staff lounge! Hoping to be able to resist temptation. Also hoping this dang heat spell will end, making…
  • Have you ruled out a medical issue? My sister had unexplained weight gain tied to an endocrine issue.
  • Hot tea, English muffin w/ peanut butter & strawberry jam and a banana!
  • It's OK - fall off the horse - get back on. Every day is a fresh start - you get a whole new day to start over and it's never too late. I managed to keep off 40 lbs for 10 years and found that as long as I walked 30 min per day, ate a decent breakfast, and try to only eat 1 bad food at a sitting (ie., instead of burger +…
  • Way to go!! Keep up the good work! Esther:smile:
    in day 2 Comment by apexmomof5 July 2010
  • Good for you quitting smoking - you already have proof positive that you can do whatever you set your mind to! I think the most useful thing on this site is the food journal - it's fast & easy, and planning ahead helps me stay on track. Most important rule is: If you have a bad day, all is not lost; just start fresh the…
  • Anything more than 2 kids is just more of the same!!! It's just a longer period of time until you can sleep again!
  • Me too - the kids are great, and I just love that age!! Love this site - Keep me posted on your progress! Esther
  • Great to meet you Anna! I am also new and looking for motivation & support. So far I really like this site. The food journal is really useful and keeps me out of denial about what I'm REALLY eating.:wink: Sending positive vibes your way ~ Esther
  • Best of luck - you can do it! :smile:
  • Wow! That's inspirational! You have nearly accomplished what I am just starting out to do! :smile: I am really new here but I love it already. The calorie counter is awesome! Good Luck!
    in Hello! Comment by apexmomof5 July 2010
  • Hurray for you!!! I think you should wear them out tonight and show off! Good job!
  • Hi there! I'm new too, and already loving it. I know we can do it!
  • I am in the same situation! I teach 6 & 7th graders, and each year for the past 3 years, I have put on 5-7 pounds. It's coming off!!!! I know we can do it!