

  • I was thinking of doing the full AF marathon but that is still up in the air for now, its a long ways to travel!
  • Run around your neighbor hood and map out a route. Its free and you will burn more calories!
  • Find more friends that have the same interest as you! Don't give up your current friends but surround yourself around people who share the same interest of being healthy as you. It will further motivate you, and keep up the good work!
  • I was in the same boat. I am 5'2 and right now I weigh 128 and Im working on 125 but my ultimate goal is 120. For a while now I have stayed at 130, but I have lost 2 pounds alone this week. I havent changed anything except for one day a week now I cheat, and I cheat pretty bad! On sundays I eat whatever I want and since I…
  • I found an awesome website. Its called Its for the inner "fat kid syndrome" as I like to call it, for people like me who love to eat all the time. I just bought two of her cookbooks on Amazon and they have great delcious recipes. Just thought I would spread the word.
  • I know most people burn 500-700 calories alone in a 55 minute cycling class. Every body is different so the calories burned all depend on the individual. I have a polar heart rate monitor and it is programed to my age, height and weight. I love it, I really dont know how I ever worked out without it. It keeps track of all…