anyone else looking to lose 5-10 lbs???

I starting watching what I eat and eating a more "clean" diet at the beginning of the year, and with just doing that, lost about 8-10 lbs in a few months. I then started running (c25k), a few weeks later joined mfp and have not lost one pound since! I'm 5.2 and 130lbs...I would like to get to 125, I would love to get to 120! My bmi is just under "overweight" so I know I should weigh less. My clothes haven't felt any different, as a matter of fact, I wore a pair of shorts last night for the first time this summer and was expecting them to fit better than last summer, but they really didn't:cry: ! I'm staying under my 1200 cals a day, exercising 3 days a week for 30-40 minutes

I need help and support! Does anybody have any advise or is anybody else in the same boat. I know the heavier you are the quicker you lose weight, but there has to be a way to continue albeit slowly...



  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Your calorie allotment is pretty low so you should eat more on the days you are working out. Ask almost anyone on this site that has lost a lot of weight and they will tell you the same thing. Also, when you signed up did what was your weekly weightloss goal? If you set it to 11/2 or 2 lb, that may be too much because you are a healthy weight. Try setting it to 1/2lb or 1lb a week so your daily calories go up. I know it seems counter intuitive but it will probably help.

    There are a lot of good post on this site about losing weight. Try reading:

    Good luck!
  • ctmom1
    ctmom1 Posts: 189
    I should have said, on the days that I work out, I do eat my added calories...

    Thanks for the links!

  • swtally80
    swtally80 Posts: 278 Member
    My guess is that ur body is starving u need to eat a MINMUM of 1200 cals more if ur working out
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I am very frustrated. Got over 1 plateau, but keep going up a couple and back down. Drives me nuts. The last 10 are killing me! Help!:explode:
  • jenn_miles
    jenn_miles Posts: 10
    I was in the same boat. I am 5'2 and right now I weigh 128 and Im working on 125 but my ultimate goal is 120. For a while now I have stayed at 130, but I have lost 2 pounds alone this week. I havent changed anything except for one day a week now I cheat, and I cheat pretty bad! On sundays I eat whatever I want and since I am a junk food junky its usually a lot. My friend told me that its good to pig out sometimes because it gives your metabolism a boost because your body isn't used to it. I dont know how true that is but its working for me. I still eat 1200 calories a day and sometimes a little under, but eat more if you work out! Plus it doesnt make me want to cheat during the week where I am really strict. Hope this helps! Good luck :drinker:
  • ctmom1
    ctmom1 Posts: 189
    Your calorie allotment is pretty low so you should eat more on the days you are working out. Ask almost anyone on this site that has lost a lot of weight and they will tell you the same thing. Also, when you signed up did what was your weekly weightloss goal? If you set it to 11/2 or 2 lb, that may be too much because you are a healthy weight. Try setting it to 1/2lb or 1lb a week so your daily calories go up. I know it seems counter intuitive but it will probably help.

    There are a lot of good post on this site about losing weight. Try reading:

    Good luck!

    I just checked my weekly weightloss goal and it is 1lb, which is what was recommended. If I decrease it to .5 my daily calories go up to 1270...
  • ctmom1
    ctmom1 Posts: 189
    Any other suggestions? Anyone else in the same boat?

  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    The less you have to lose the longer it seems to take. You really can't expect more that .5 a week. You will even have weeks that you won't even lose that.
    I would up the calories and eat the exercise calories. And keep up the c25k. That really helped me to lose in the belly.
    I am 5"2' and I do weigh 120 now. Last year I was close to what you are now. It took what seemed like forever to lose 5lbs. Then I found this site and realized that I was eating to little. I was trying to stay at 1200. I felt like I was starving so I'd do it then quit. When I found this site and started to eat more then those last pounds finally came off.
    Don't be discouraged. Keep working towards your goal, you will get there but it does take time.:flowerforyou:
  • Sebidian
    Sebidian Posts: 199 Member
    I am in the same boat, and am so frustrated I have stayed off the scale.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    I am in the same boat, and am so frustrated I have stayed off the scale.

    That's a really good idea. Since our weight fluctuates so much it can make you more frustrated. It seems worse when you're getting so close to where you want to be. Then you get on and see it went up. :grumble:

    The other thing I want to say is don't get to stuck on a number. I thought I wanted to be 115 because that's what I weighed when DH came home from Iraq. Yes, then I gained. Went up to 129. I was so miserable. Nothing fit.
    But when I lost this time I got to 120 and because I was running more and I had started to do some strength training I actually look smaller than when I was 115. I have pants that fit better at 120 than 115.
    All of our bodies are diffferent. Just because two people are the same height does not mean they have to weigh the same to be fit and in good shape.
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I am in the same boat, and am so frustrated I have stayed off the scale.

    That's a really good idea. Since our weight fluctuates so much it can make you more frustrated. It seems worse when you're getting so close to where you want to be. Then you get on and see it went up. :grumble:

    The other thing I want to say is don't get to stuck on a number. I thought I wanted to be 115 because that's what I weighed when DH came home from Iraq. Yes, then I gained. Went up to 129. I was so miserable. Nothing fit.
    But when I lost this time I got to 120 and because I was running more and I had started to do some strength training I actually look smaller than when I was 115. I have pants that fit better at 120 than 115.
    All of our bodies are diffferent. Just because two people are the same height does not mean they have to weigh the same to be fit and in good shape.

    Funny how we obsess over the number. I have decided to weigh once a monthe from now on. Just after my TOM. I eat 1520 cals and my exercise ones. Not sure what else to do, but I have incresed the weights-can't actually move right now, :ohwell: , but have to try something. After the marathon, I'm going to change up my cardio and continue with the weights. My gym area is in the basement, which we;ve been working on, so it's been tough to do any good exercises that I usually do.