

  • A lot of people say don't buy the junk, you can't eat it if it isn't there. But if you have other family members living in the house, they can't always be expected to eat the same way you do. Besides, it doesn't have to be junk food for it to become unnecessary and out of control. I over did it on baked tortilla chips and…
  • And you shouldn't care anymore! Your are doing fabulous!
  • Fairly new to this site, I joined last week. I went way over my calorie goal yesterday and almost didn't post my after dinner binge, this is where things get critical. If I don't hold myself accountable and be honest, what's the point? I eventually logged my excess calories and accepted it and can only try and do better…
  • I'm not close to you geographically, but we're all close on this website for other reasons! Feel free to add me.
  • I live in Pittsfield, MA on the west end of the state. My goal is a little smaller than yours, but when I was pregnant with my son (he's 8 years old now) I gained a whole 60lbs so I've been up there. Now that I'm getting older it's becoming harder for me to stay at my "normal" weight. But it's really tough after having a…
  • I'm 28 too and was just married last year. I was pushing past the overweight limit around the time I got married and have succeeded in adding another 10lbs since. I definitely understand where you're coming from and going. I just joined this website yesterday but am already getting familiar with using it and am feeling…