Tracking with honesty.

Today is my first day on my new "pal". I have done WW in the past and had great success with it, the first time. The last 3 times were not as successful. I blamed the weak sauce leader and group but really... I wasn't disciplined or motivated. Now I am planning for baby #2 and want to loose this belly and extra and totally unnecessary weight.
Tracking today was great with my pal. Easy. Then my classic afternoon snack quickly became chips and as soon as I started in on them I decided, tomorrow, tomorrow I will start tracking better. But after my two serving binge on baked ruffles - I tracked them. And then I decided to just track. Be honest. The results will come with discipline. The results will come from being able to see and CARING about what I actually eat in a day.
Even if I don't love what I just did. Track it. Tomorrow is a new day but today is still here.

I look forward to support. I want this bad. I know I can do it.

Thank you to my beautiful big sister for showing this site to me.



  • briocktj
    briocktj Posts: 128
    I totally blew my calories out of the water today.... but like you said, tomorrow is another day! Wishing you the best on your journey!
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I track everything I put into my mouth because it keeps me accountable. First, I can see where I am at with calories, and second I am able to ask myself if I really want everybody to see that I just ate that. It allows me to second guess my choices and make the right ones. The more you track, the better you will get at it and you'll look forward to it.
  • aquapussy
    aquapussy Posts: 112
    You should be really strict at least for the first several months. If you eat the Ruffles oh well, put it in your log. Then it is real, not some fantasy calories that materialized from thin air and don't exist. Be accountable now instead of passing it off. I messed up a ton losing my 101 lbs but I still lost it, because I tracked it and knew I would not let myself get away with it next time.

    Having said that, it is ok to have a treat, but get the food under control a bit more first.

    I still have weak moments a year later. The urges don't really go away you just have to learn how to handle them.

    Edited for horrendous punctuation.
  • I am on my second day of tracking and so far I have blown my calorie count out of the water (almost 300 over both days). I chalk it all up to just starting out and not really knowing exactly what it is that I am's hoping it will all get better in time.
  • MissMeshia81
    MissMeshia81 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello, this is my first day on MFP and I started tracking as well. I kind of looked at what I ate today and was shocked I stayed within my goals because I did so extra exercise. I was proud of myself, but my problem came with mindless snacking if I would have left the tortilla chips I ate out I would have done perfect. As you all have said tomorrow is a new day and I will track again and see where I get. The only thing that will be different is my dinner cause I will be at work. When I am home its a lot more different because I am constantly doing something at work. I need to start being more accountable for what I do and have done a terrible job at it until I came across this website. I am glad to be on here and glad to see my outcome in the next month.

    Cant wait for my 1 month results.....
  • I track everything! Even the blow outs. Instead of focusing on that day I'll focus on being at goal (or under) for the week. I don know about the website but on the iPhone app you can see your weekly progress :) so just do a little bit more exercise for the next 3 days, it will not excuse the blow out but will make up for it, iykwim
  • I was using LoseIt!, tracking everything and still staying within the limits. I copied this weeks entries over to my newly created MFP account and I totally blew my calorie budget the past few days. Even though I realize that it's going to take time to form new habits, to say no to the late night cravings and to make the right food decisions, it's a little frustrating but stricter self discipline/reward is one of the things I'm working on and will pay off in the long run.

    OH, well. Like everyone said, tomorrow is a new day and being honest with yourself is what's important. =)
  • eddyca
    eddyca Posts: 153 Member
    I track everything I put into my mouth because it keeps me accountable. First, I can see where I am at with calories, and second I am able to ask myself if I really want everybody to see that I just ate that. It allows me to second guess my choices and make the right ones. The more you track, the better you will get at it and you'll look forward to it.

    Amen! This is what I do too.
    I'm a bit shameless sometimes though and will make a bad choice knowing very well I end up logging it for everyone to see. It's the occasional critiques I receive from my wonderful "pals" on here that make me want to get in control again.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I am on my second day of tracking and so far I have blown my calorie count out of the water (almost 300 over both days). I chalk it all up to just starting out and not really knowing exactly what it is that I am's hoping it will all get better in time.

    This will happen...start looking at other people's diaries for really helps. Also if you can take criticism, make your diary public and ask your friends that you make here to help you tweak your food choices.
  • enigrebua
    enigrebua Posts: 113 Member
    I am also tracking very honestly these days. Good luck to you!

  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    That's why my diary is private, so that I'm never tempted to be anything other than 100% honest with my logs. Plus that and I don't have any desire to get negative comments on what I eat. I had my diary open for a while but got a couple people saying crap like "Oh, you should work on your sodium" and "You need more protein" - etc. Frankly I'm working on eating healthier every day, and don't need people telling me stuff like that when I'm already trying as hard as I can. I'm working on it, and definitely don't need people telling me what I need to put in my mouth. lol
  • 1JenMilam
    1JenMilam Posts: 108 Member
    I track even if I go over. It happens and when I am honest with myself I do better. Good luck take it day by day. You can do it!
  • Yeah it sucks sometimes ...I went over by 200 calories for the first time in 10 days...however I'm motivated to do better tomorrow ;)
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    I track everything I eat. And that's it.

    I am strictly using MFP to track food, and I've set my goals how I want them to be (with input from my CNC wife), and I simply aim to get all the macronutrients up close to the levels that I have set, to keep sodium low (that's tough!), all while using calories as an overall indicator of how efficient the food choices I made are at providing what I need on a day-to-day basis. I am not using it to track my water intake, nor my exercise. I am trying to drink more, but I can't force myself to do more than I already am, so tracking it won't help. And the exercise tracking isn't important to me because I already tracked it elsewhere for as long as I needed to get a good feel for what I wanted to do, and I'm not neurotic about it anymore. I don't want to track my net calories, just my caloric intake.

    I only just started using MFP on December 29th, since that was the day I finally got an Android device and installed the app. I had already lost over 40lbs by that point though, after starting trying to eat better and do some exercise earlier in the year.

    I really hope that by tracking what I eat, I'll actually get better at learning the nutrition (not just calories) provided by a lot of foods I eat, and that will help me lose even more of the fat I have left to lose. Frankly, I know that all last year I over ate, but I still managed to make enough improvements in my fitness and eating habits to raise the quality of my life by a substantial margin. With my nutrition fully in check now, I expect to continue down the path I started on, and hopefully at a brisker pace now.
  • jtcc91
    jtcc91 Posts: 88 Member
    I am SO excited for you!!! We will make this fun. I'm not going to say "good luck" because I know you will be able to do it. Love you!:flowerforyou:
  • I actually overtrack what I eat and undertrack what I burn in the gym and I find myself pleasantly surprised by the end results (which is more weight loss than anticipated).
  • Fairly new to this site, I joined last week. I went way over my calorie goal yesterday and almost didn't post my after dinner binge, this is where things get critical. If I don't hold myself accountable and be honest, what's the point? I eventually logged my excess calories and accepted it and can only try and do better today. Feeling good about it so far!
  • I'm so in love with the forum. My second day of tracking and I find myself even more in love with my new pal. I shop at Trader Joes most of the time and the tracker finds everything fast and easy! I love how simple it is to track with the app too. I went to pick up a gift for a teacher at See's candy today and got my free sample... one dang piece of candy is so expensive. As much, or more then a glass of wine! I logged it and now I can actually see it - and what it did for me today. Thanks everyone for the feedback. I love this network!