My biggest challenge...eating junk in the evenings!

Please tell me I'm not the only one who struggles with this!!

I eat really well all day long, being careful not to go over my allotted calories per day. I work out, as well.

Then the evening rolls around, the kids are in bed and my hubby is usually upstairs watching tv....and I hit the kitchen. I'm not even really hungry. Next thing I know I'm eating junk. This doesn't happen every night but often enough that I can easily see it becoming a hindrance to my weight loss.

I honestly think it's because I'm so busy with the kids all day and never really get a chance to relax so when I finally do get that down time, I find comfort and relaxation with a bag of chips or whatever.

Any suggestions on how to avoid this pitfall? It's such a shame to do so well all day long, only to have it backfire on me sometimes in the evenings.



  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    You have a couple of options:
    1. Get rid of the junk food.....if it's not there, you won't be tempted by it.
    2. Create a new nightly ritual for yourself. Maybe do something with your husband, instead of spending time in separate parts of the house. Or take a bubble bath (hard to eat chips in the water!!). Do a yoga dvd to relax. Take a walk around the block. If you find something to replace the eating, you won't be as tempted to snack.
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    That's exactly why I started working out at night. I used to go to the gym at 8:30 or 9pm and workout until 10pm when it closed. Now I spent the money on a treadmill at home, I have some weights, bands, etc. I will often workout even later than 10pm if I'm still up. Keeps me away from the kitchen, gives me an extra burn and dosen't keep me awake at night.
  • lizzybeth5983
    lizzybeth5983 Posts: 37 Member
    I have the same problem and I noticed it when I first started MFP. What I do is find something to do with my hands. Once I distract myself for awhile I ask myself am I really hungry. The answer is always "no" and then the urge is over.
  • I read an article that said that your willpower decreases as the day progresses. I know mine certainly does. They suggested some of the things that the posters above did, like working out or staying out of the kitchen. Sometimes I drink peppermint tea at night, which seems to help. If I'm really hungry, I might eat some carrots with hummus, if I'm craving something salty, or a small banana with some almond butter, if I'm craving something sweet, and once in a while I just give in to temptation and try harder the next day.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    The best advice? DONT BUY THE JUNK :bigsmile:
  • sherbear2678
    sherbear2678 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm the same - kids and hubby are asleep hours before me, it's especially tough thru the winters and hubby has to get up at 4 am for work so no way he can stay up later than he does - I bought some 100 calorie popcorn to crunch on and some sugar free del monte popsicles for something sweet (just 35 calories) at nite when a craving appears... I also drink a lot of water and teas thru the day :) good luck!
  • A lot of people say don't buy the junk, you can't eat it if it isn't there. But if you have other family members living in the house, they can't always be expected to eat the same way you do. Besides, it doesn't have to be junk food for it to become unnecessary and out of control. I over did it on baked tortilla chips and salsa last night. Keeping busy is a good distraction. Or even something simple like brushing your teeth at 8:00pm or after dinner instead of waiting until right before bedtime might help deter you from chewing on something.
  • LoreleiWalks
    LoreleiWalks Posts: 143 Member
    I totally have this problem too! Lately, it has been under control, but there have been many many evenings where I have had trouble. I can really relate to feeling like you want to sit down and relax with some chips/candy/what have you. I have a long commute and I get up very early to work out. By the time I get home, I am exhausted and struggle to muster up the energy to make dinner. I just want to flop down on the sofa and take a nap or veg out with some munchies. Things that have helped me are similar to those others have mentioned. I don't keep junk in the house at all. If it's not there, I can't eat it. Yes, I'll buy a single-serve pack of something special every now and then- but it is planned into my day in advance and isn't just sitting there calling my name at night. I also am a big believer in replacing an undesirable habit with a more desirable one. I love to crochet, so I'll often take out my latest project as soon as we finish dinner. Can't eat while I'm busy with that. I also brush my teeth right after eating and turn out the lights in the kitchen. These are kind of "signals" to myself that eating is over for the day. Best of luck to you, to me, and to everyone struggling with this issue! :)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    wait... you buy the junk cause your family NEEDS JUNK?
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Thank you for the responses!! You all have some great ideas that I'll definitely be trying! I just went to the store and bought some sugar-free gum and I think that will help as well.

    As far as junk food, it doesn't even have to be "junk food". I could gorge myself on carrots and hummus and find comfort. The first thing I'll go for is always the junk food but if we don't have any in the house, I'll eat anything that I can find that sounds good. But even too many carrots and a huge cup of hummus can be a bad thing esp when it's in the evening so close to bedtime!!

    My husband is a total junk food junkie and complained the other day that there were no cookies or sweets in the house. So he went out and bought cookies. I very rarely buy cookies or candy for my kids but we often do have chips in the house.

    Again, thanks for all the suggestions! They are much appreciated!!
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    wait... you buy the junk cause your family NEEDS JUNK?

    Oh wait, no....I didn't say they NEED junk. I have little kids who often enjoy chips here and there but for the most part I don't buy junk food. My husband is the junk food junkie around here...he's the one who is often buying the cookies and soda...and if it's in the house, I'll eat it unfortunately. I should just ask him to hide it so I have no clue it's even here!!
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I totally have this problem too! Lately, it has been under control, but there have been many many evenings where I have had trouble. I can really relate to feeling like you want to sit down and relax with some chips/candy/what have you. I have a long commute and I get up very early to work out. By the time I get home, I am exhausted and struggle to muster up the energy to make dinner. I just want to flop down on the sofa and take a nap or veg out with some munchies. Things that have helped me are similar to those others have mentioned. I don't keep junk in the house at all. If it's not there, I can't eat it. Yes, I'll buy a single-serve pack of something special every now and then- but it is planned into my day in advance and isn't just sitting there calling my name at night. I also am a big believer in replacing an undesirable habit with a more desirable one. I love to crochet, so I'll often take out my latest project as soon as we finish dinner. Can't eat while I'm busy with that. I also brush my teeth right after eating and turn out the lights in the kitchen. These are kind of "signals" to myself that eating is over for the day. Best of luck to you, to me, and to everyone struggling with this issue! :)

    Brushing my teeth!!!!! That's a great idea!!!! Thanks!!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    ahhhh gotcha!!

    yeah if I had a hubby, Id make him keep his stuff hidden from me. He would get the pleasure of having a secret stash all his own, and I'd have the pleasure of filling the pantry with sexy healthy foods!

  • k99star
    k99star Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you for the ideas. I also have this problem after a long commute home. I also have found I need to make my dinners smaller and eat more healthy things during the day.
  • ruperthumphrey
    ruperthumphrey Posts: 195 Member
    I was being stupid myself with snacking after being good all day. I ate healthy all day, worked out real hard and then in the late hours of the day pigged out. Dumb! I just came to the realization that I was sabotaging myself by doing this kind of behaviour.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    As others suggested, find something else to do that keeps you occupied and your mind off eating. I get ready for bed and read in bed. Before you know it I am asleep. When I was losing weight (I am on maintenance now) I came to MFP and read the success stories, actually I still do. That gave/gives me the motivation to keep from eating things I really don't want to eat. Another thing that works for me is asking myself, "do I really want to eat these additional calories. Is it worth it? Will you be upset with yourself in the morning?" That usually stops me. Good luck! It isn't easy, but truly worth the effort.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I am very good all day, but I walk in my sleep and walk straight to the kitchen and eat whatever. :( Very depressing.
  • kutedaisy
    kutedaisy Posts: 41 Member
    I did something similiar. I would get off work late and be starving and be munching while making dinner so always spoiled my calories. I like what loraf83 said start a different routine, also the brush teeth idea too.