

  • Haha my favorite method!
  • Don't forget that although MFP seems to rely on weight that's not what matters! Personally I just want to look the way I want, I don't care what weight I am. In fact my goal weight is officially "over weight" but I like to have curves and not just skin and bone! Don't get me started on that stupid BMI! It's not even an…
  • If it has caffeine it DOES NOT count as water. Everything else does. Source: Nephrologist (kidney specialist)
  • I can't be 100% about this but maybe Firestations? I know the ones around here will take your blood pressure and attend to small injuries. Wouldn't hurt to ask all the cute firemen? :P
  • I think rambled too much... XD How about this: I want to help support understanding people and get some support back! Please add me and let's help each other out! :)
  • I will! :) I'm sending you a friend request. Hopefully we can help each other.
  • I'm having so much trouble with exercise! When I was younger I use to go until I couldn't anymore. Of course I can't do that anymore. It's hard for me to make myself stop even when I feel fine. I know the next day (or few) will be hell if I over do it! I do a few things to keep myself on track like timing my exercise and…
  • Thank you. That's what I'm trying to do but sometimes it's so hard!
  • If you eat too little your body with go into 'emergency' mode and will store every single calorie it can get! You need to eat! Please think about this. When I was your age I was anorexic, and like you, starved myself. I know now that it was the worst thing I could do for my weight. When you don't get enough to eat your…
  • I think you look younger in the second pic. Good job! :) Keep up the good work.