

  • I started waxing like 12 years ago and at first it hurt pretty bad but now the pain is minimal. It is worth it though, I'd never go back to shaving. You get used to the pain and it takes longer for the hair to grow back if you do it for a long time. It feels like being snapped with a rubber band but the pain is only for a…
  • I hated exercising and dreaded going to the gym. I was always the slowest person running and could barely lift any weights or do any situps/pushups. I would have rather been on the couch or in bed sleeping. After dragging my butt to the gym every morning for the last two years (except on weekends) I now, most of the time,…
  • I'm 5'5" and currently weight 134. I want to weight between 125-130 depending on how I look. The lowest I've weighed was 120 but I looked sickly at that weight for my figure and that was 12 years ago....I'm 35 now so I'm not seeking to be too thin anymore, just comfortable with myself and fit.
  • I have a weakness for hollow chocolate bunnies so I feel your pain especially this time of year. What works for me is to allow myself to have some sugary items every once and a while, not frequently but a few times a month as long as it fits in my calories for that day. It helps because I don't say I can never have it, I…
  • My husband's best friend's wife tried to lend me a dress for a special occasion by saying "I'm sure it'll fit. I wore it when I was pregnant." Needless to say I wasn't pregnant, nor are we friends now.
  • You may want to go to one of the performance fitness shoe stores that watch you run/walk in the shoes to see what is best for you. My toes used to go numb when I walked long distances but once I tried new shoes and stopped tieing them so tight, that has since gone away.
  • I was told by our fitness people at the gym that to mimic running outside you need to put the treadmill incline at a 6 or greater. I used to run on the treadmill all the time and then when I switched to the track I was winded and slower. The treadmill helps you run so you can run longer but outside you have to use your own…
  • I look up the restaurant nutritional info prior to going and plan out what fits into my calories for the day. If I know I'm going out ahead of time I add 10-15 minutes more to my cardio session so i can eat something on the menu that actually tastes good. When I go to Longhorn steakhouse I get the 6oz sirlion and the…
  • If you get bored with just plain popcorn, add a tsp of taco seasoning to the bag and shake it. It actually tastes pretty good and only adds 10 calories.
  • You could bring that Michelob Ultra beer that's only 95 calories to the gathering. It doesn't taste that bad actually and still allows you to have a few beers with your sisters without all the calories.
  • When I started out, I just had a book I tracked my calories in and subtracted my calories I burned from exercise. It worked for me. I lost 28 lbs that way in four months. You'd be amazed how many calories you consume when you don't watch what you are eating. I had a BodPod test done though that let me know my resting…