

  • To give my husband the WOW! factor when he gets home for Afghanistan! Last time he was deployed I had lost 30lbs to only put it back on when he came home as we celebrated, but this time, it's not coming back. Obviously my health, set a good example for my 3 boys and cute clothes are big ones too. But my husband is super…
  • Update: After contacting various companies, I have an straight answer, I qoute: "Regulations require that Serving Size and Nutritional values be calculated "as packaged." So fresh meat is measured raw whereas pre-cooked is after, since it's "packaged" as cooked.
  • And that's what I thought at first, but then I started looking into it and the majority of the sites say cooked, because you serve meat cooked. As for the Steak, I can see that now. I like mine like leather.
  • What an inspiration you are!
  • Holy cow dude, what's your secret!?
  • I have been eating heathly, fresh, homemade food, low fat, all natural, no soda, etc for over a month. I went to McDonalds a few days ago and had a 6 piece kids meal, guess who spent the night in the bathroom>this gal right here. So I guess since I haven't had greasy food in awhile, and I ate a meal that was covered in it,…
  • That's always tough to figure out. I'd say you're probaly doing more than light, but you're also not working everyday. On your off days are you as active? Do you add excercise to your daily routine?
  • Add incline on the treadmill and resistance on the eliptical/crossramp. But squats and lunges are the best!
  • It is a lady part that needed worked on lol.
  • From what I have read and learned in school and online research, massaging the skin will help increase circulation and getting the blood flowing freely, therefor increasing elasticity. Many products say it will reduce cellulite, dimples, lose skin, and strech marks, but it's really the massaging that's doing the trick,…
  • After talking with my Doctor about this because I was having the same type of questions. She said take how many calories you want to use to lose weight, your's say 1200, then add the extra 500 to it making it 1700. 1200 sounds like it might not be enough though since that's border line stavation mode, I would do atleast…
  • don't wish too hard, I ended up with three boys, but a fourth won is in the talks :)
  • I think they say that because it's hard on your heart. It's used to working to support all the extra weight and dropping it so fast might add a little stress. Also when you loose that much weight that fast most people (not everyone) will gain it back and then some when they do slow down. I think you are doing excellent and…