

  • That's great! Sounds like she's a lil fighter! I'm really going to try and do some serious exercise today, I haven't done a proper workout in a while and my fitness levels are pretty horrendous! Only problem is I have a huge university assignment due for tomorrow so I don't know when I'll find the time :( At least I've…
  • Hey this is a bit of a random one ... my mum has lost loads of weight in the past year and she credits it to having three tablespoons of virgin coconut oil everyday with her food after reading an article somewhere. I'm not convinced though (the scientist in me emerges lol), I'm pretty sure she's doing something else to…
  • Hey! I'd love to join too :smile: Lack of motivation is my downfall so it'd be great to check in with you all to keep me going! I'm going to aim for 5 pounds too. Xxx
  • I'm new here (obviously) and I really really really want to lose weight. I'm a serial "dieter" but I never last long as I'm terrible at staying motivated and have very little willpower! One of my main reasons for wanting to lose weight (and I know it's awfully superficial) is because I love fashion sooo much and I'd love…