Clindy50 Member


  • Today is my second day on keto. Your weekly totals are awesome! Well done! Passed on pizza yesterday and walked past birthday cake in the break room 3 times this afternoon. Determined to make a change. “Nothing changes if nothing changes.” Thanks for sharing - I needed it!
  • I have zero and would be happy to join you. 😁. Just getting serious about losing my baby fat once and for all (since my baby is now 21). 😜
  • I made the easiest cauliflower recipe last night, had it with supper tonight. It was GOOD stuff. 😁 Preheat oven to 375. Leave the cauliflower whole; snap off all the leaves, trim the stem so the head sits upright steadily. Rinse and dry. Line baking dish with foil, place the cauliflower in the center. Drizzle generously…
  • So glad you started this thread! The food looks wonderful! Re: earlier post: what is "baby marrow?"