lucylousmummy Member


  • i've lost the majority of my weight just doing walking as an exercise, i don't have proper shoes though :ohwell: if you can't find any that fit you, then perhaps for the time being just do it in your regular shoes, you may find your feet shrink in width as you lose weight good luck x
  • i get this off one friend all the time, i'm also 5'7 and my doctor wants me to aim for 159, and she says i look ill now while i've still got 13lbs to go, i've tried reasoning that i'd like to be a healthy weight for once in my adult life, but she just says i look ill now (which i don't) and if i lose anymore i will look…
  • i'm doing it for my kids (sort of), i had a huge wake up call when i had to lay down for 5 mins to catch my breath after walking up 13 steps, i realised at the age of 33 i was eating myself into an early grave, i didn't want to leave my kids without a mum, also i didn't want my kids to be made fun of at school because…
  • that babies were found in the cabbage patch (and this was before cabbage patch kids came out) i was absolutely devastated when i found out they didn't despite the fact that i lived with my dad, i thought the milkman was my real dad because he used to wave to me every morning??? whilst in infants school (year 2) some older…
  • i do 3 school runs per day, approximately 3 miles each, 2 of the runs i do pushing a very heavy pushchair, and i walk at approximately 3-3.5 mph (sometimes quicker i'm always running late lol) i do sometimes look like a crazy sweaty woman by the end, i'm on the fence as to if this is exercise or not, yes it burns lots of…
  • trogalicious your freaking awesome :flowerforyou: op follow this advice and you will be where you want to be in no time good luck x
  • i've got a really dodgy knee and was always told squats and lunges were the best way to build it up, you may want to check with somebody more professional though before jumping into something that could damage you youtube has got some brilliant free workouts on there, you should be able to find something that suits you on…
  • yep over estimating is far safer if you haven't got accurate calorie info, or made it yourself
  • we've only got domino's in our town since pizza hut shut, must admit im slightly obsessed with the jalapeno dough balls at the minute, sooner have them than an actual pizza, but if i'm wanting really good pizza we order from a local indian restaurant it is so much better (and cheaper) but takes twice as long, also the…
  • it's called weight control it's for the blackberry
  • good luck to all of you, i no it's tempting to want to do this as quickly as possible, but really where weight loss is concerned, slow and steady is better, you are more likely to keep the weight off and are less likely to end up with huge amounts of saggy skin everywhere it's totally do able, i'm 95lbs down, 18lbs away…
  • two sets of scales will most likely weigh differently so don't take it to heart :smile: i'm terrible with weighing myself, have to do it everyday, it used to really stress me out with the daily fluctuations, but now i record all my weigh ins on a phone app and only take notice of the average weight for the month, i'm happy…
  • i've just burned 479 cals doing an 80 minute walk, do i think this is accurate, NO, but that is what mfp (via endomondo app) says i have burned. i don't actually take much notice of the calories i earn everyday from walking as this is normal for me, i have to do 3 school runs per day, 5 days a week, and regularly have well…
  • i started at your age after having 4 kids, i'm now slimmer and fitter than i was before i had my first one, almost 16 years ago, if i can do it so can you good luck x
  • at the age of 33, having to lay down for over 5 mins because i was out of breath after walking up 13 stairs, i found this utterly ridiculous and decided enough was enough
  • energy drinks, don't get me wrong i did realise how bad they are just didn't realise the calorie content, i was probably consuming upwards of 1000 calories a day i still drink them (trying to get off them but totally addicted) but now drink at least half the amount and switched to sugar free
  • not quite as good as yours but i "arranged" for my ex husband to catch sight of me for the first time in years, whilst he was with his new partner, his jaw hit the floor lol so much satisfaction in it i started out dieting for a really noble reason (honestly) my favourite aunts cancer had come back and she was going…
  • well done on your loss x you can add me if you don't mind me having a closed diary (i probably only log about half of what i eat most days as i'm trying to get used to life without counting) i am on most days though good luck x
  • @supersexydork you gave excellent advice, and for the most part i do use the same principles with food as you do, doesn't always go to plan but i can only try, i'm lucky that i can sometimes sidetrack him with fruit and he eats all his veggies please don't think any of it was aimed directly at you because it wasn't at all…
  • i appreciate that everybody has opinions and for the most part i do agree with everything said but........ my child is obese, there is no two ways about it, i feed him healthy food, cook everything from scratch to better control what goes into his diet, and he is still obese, other parents look at me as if it is my fault…
  • weight loss journey.... i always think of a journey as having a final destination, i have no final destination, so do i refer to it as a magical mystery tour fat binders...... why? just why? i really don't get this at all, you eat whatever you want, pop a pill, it magically transforms all your fatty food into god knows…
  • i think you should up your calories, 1200 is very hard to sustain long term and your more likely to get fed up and fall off the wagon, you seem to be doing a fair amount of exercise so thats not the problem, try going onto this site put your stats in and see what calorie goal…
  • firstly congratulations, on all (except the last set) of pics you look fantastic, the trouble is you have lost a huge amount of weight in a relatively short time, your skin hasn't kept up with your weight loss, it may shrink back on it's own but this will take time and patience, you could see a doctor who could better…
  • my other half hasn't got any ink, and at the age of 45 i very much doubt he ever will, that said my mum got her first one done last year at the age of 58 lol, i've got just the one, i had it done at the age of 16 and it was definitely a rebellion thing, it wasn't very mainstream then, i am thinking about getting another…
  • i've changed mine a few times, first i wanted to be under 200lbs, then the lowest weight i'd managed since childbirth (nearly 16 years ago with 4 kids) i then went for my pre pregnancy weight, and now i'm aiming for the highest weight i can be and still be a healthy weight, when i get there i will see how i feel but…
  • drink more water, i hate water
  • i've got 2 pictures of me taken when i was at my heaviest, i keep one on my fridge, and i've got one on my phone, they serve as both motivator and deterrent cos i'm never going back there
  • 5'7 currently aiming for 159 which is my doctors ideal weight for me, that is 1lb under the highest healthy weight for my height, once i get there i will decide what i'd like to do but my dream is 139lb
  • i weigh myself daily too lol can't resist, but if you are logging your food and you do have a spike in your weight, you may be able to work out what has caused you to weigh more 1200 is most definitely not enough calories, i'm not far off your weight, i'm 5'7 and female and i'm currently on 1750 cals and losing between…