Biggest nutrition/weight loss/fitness pet peeves?



  • ilovehlloktty
    ilovehlloktty Posts: 31 Member
    I have a couple.

    -The first one. Everyone and their mother has become gluten intolerant. I don't know how many people say they have a gluten allergy and by cutting it out was a sudden miracle worker and all their problems were solved. I get it that some people do have this allergy, but I just can't wrap my head around how many people actually say they have it. If a doctor hasn't diagnosed you with it, than how can you for sure say you have it? Maybe they all have PHD's though.

    Also the gluten intolerance people that wear a gas mask in the air port, won't come to the "gluten" side of the camping site, or visit friends/families homes that eat gluten. Maybe I'm wrong.. but people like this I just have to roll my eyes at. Gluten is not an air born disease you can catch!

    -Second. People that discourage you to become healthy because they are obese and are jealous that they don't care enough about themselves to get help or do something about it. How about instead of making negative comments about my plate filled with normal and healthy portions and how much I work-out .. you pass on your fourth plate of grease and go for a walk.

    That felt good to get that out!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    All those 'lose belly fat fast' ads on MFP and facebook. Ugh.
  • ilovehlloktty
    ilovehlloktty Posts: 31 Member
    All those 'lose belly fat fast' ads on MFP and facebook. Ugh.

    On facebook there was an ad talking about Beyonce's personal trainer leaking her secrets with a picture of her crying. Really? I wonder if people really buy into that BS.
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member

    fat binders? really? they make u poop out fat?

    NEVER have I heard of this!

    Sounds scary and gross!

    I like veggies and fiber to make me poop :)

    yep, if you eat a healthy meal they do nothing, but eat anything with fat in and your rushing to the toilet, you can buy some over the counter ones and some doctors are prescribing them, aside from the whole they sound extremely unpleasant side of it, i personally no people who have ended up having to buy adult nappies after a couple of little accidents, who in their right mind would want that lol
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    Dear God how could I have forgotten my biggest pet peeve of all of them.

    People who seem to believe that they won't effectively gain weight unless they supplement their workout by tagging themselves at the gym on Facebook and posting a picture while they are there, and also believe that their meal is unhealthy unless they take a picture of it first and then list all of the ingredients to their status.

    You don't need to flood my news feed to be healthy. I have lost 50 lbs and never have I ever, even once, mentioned weight loss, health, nutrition, working out, or anything of the sort. STOP IT!

    OMG I absolutely agree with this. People who post their statuses on Facebook drive me nuts! I don't care if you are at the gym working out or what you had for dinner!

    FB is a personal experience. If you don't like what someone posts on their FB page (note the 'their') either block their posts from coming through where you see them, set them to acquaintance rather than friend or unfriend them. It is 'their' choice to post what they want on 'their' page! Perhaps them posting what they are doing to their own page is their way of motivating themselves. At any rate, not your problem.
  • hbwright74
    hbwright74 Posts: 36 Member

    people posting the just can't eat up to 1200 calories because they are so full...then how did you get 80lbs overweight

    They aren't used to eating healthy, filling foods, so when they initially go on a 1200 calorie diet it is a shock. They are used to eating empty calories and that's how they got to be overweight. 1200 calories is filling for a while, but once their body gets used to the fullness of the fiber and protein, they get hungrier and want more calories.

    This!! When you go from eating a half Totinos pizza and a burger you grabbed from fastfood on the way to or from driving the kids around to eating a day full of high protein foods for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks you are FULL! You are eating less calories, but eating them all day long. The first couple weeks I never thought I'd get those healthy calories in, but I did. I still have days like that on occasion, but since I started lifting weights I am magically hungry!
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member

    Starvation mode, specifically people telling others to eat more when they aren't losing weight.

    Yes! People had me so terrified of starvation mode! I ended up looking it up. I no its not good but there has been a busy day or two that I've only eaten once and it was just hardly enough calories. I basically forced myself to eat more because I thought I HAD to. Normaly I take in my 1600-1800 calories with in the course of my 18 hour days. But once in a while **** happens ya know? Now that I understand what it really is I don't feel so freaked out lol

    Starvation mode is a myth, or at least it is the way the term is tossed around here. I hate that the warning flashes if you go under the 1,200 calories for the day too without considering if you are having an off day or are sick. I could see the warning if someone were consistently eating under the 1,200 calories for a prolonged period of time but one day? Honestly! Those who go on a fast must really tire of seeing that warning.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    When the banner ad on MFP is for junk food.

    There's ads on MFP? I've never seen any. You do know there are ways to enjoy the internet ad free, don't you?

    Simply use an ad blocker like Adblock Plus to effectively block out ads :laugh:

    Please enlighten us.
  • SbetaK
    SbetaK Posts: 385 Member
    "I don't sugar coat *kitten*'s not all unicorns farting rainbows/fairy dust." Etc.

    There are dozens, no hundreds, of experienced MFPers capable of giving out sound, science based, compassionate, educated advice without being obnoxious, rude, critical or judgemental. But when some are, in fact, obnoxious, rude, critical, judgemental and sometimes downright offensive, they wheel out this tired, overused excuse. Being "blunt" and "telling it like it is" is fine if you never learnt/can't be ar$ed to adopt the art of diplomacy or develop the gift of empathy, but don't defend it by using that smug, pre-school unicorn analogy. If you really don't care about how others interpret or react to what you have to say, why bother to justify it at all? Why do you even need to roll out the unicorn????

    Other than that, my gears don't often grind. Just the farting unicorn thing.

    ^^^^^^THIS!!!!!!!! I sent an apology to an OP a while back, in behalf of all of the decent people on here that genuinely want to welcome and help new members. Her original opener could have been interpreted a few different ways. I saw an open invitation to new friends, and an enthusiasm to start taking care of her health. Several people came on and ripped her up, cut her down, and told her she was too sensitive and should get off if she couldn't handle it. I was stunned they could be so rude. So called "my way or the highway experts" but really egotistical self-ascribed know-it-alls with no compassion or empathy. I see she deactivated her account and left this site. Way to go people. Everyone that comes to this site (or really anywhere!) should be treated with equal status, and if they ask for help or show misinformed ideas, they should be responded to with caring and decency, not blunt judgemental rudeness. Don't we wish success for everyone that joins us here?
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,525 Member
    My biggest pet peeve, like you said, is eating at 1200 calories. Some women eat even less and hang around 900-1100 per day! Very few people actually need to eat 1200 per day to lose 1 lb per week, unless its a little old lady who doesn't move much, or a very short, skinny woman. And even the short, skinny woman probably doesn't even need to lose weight anyway, and should be eating around 1700-1800 per day to maintain.

    I'm a short, petite woman ( but not the shortest ). I'm 113 lbs and 5'3.5". I am still losing on 1500 per day. I do not have much more to lose.

    Ahhh, but your opinion will change in about 25 years! And that won't make you a little old lady!

    If you are short, skinny, and over 45, just get ready to be hungry! Or fat, or exercise constantly. Yes I am exaggerating a bit, but not much.

    One of my pet peeves is people telling me I need to eat _____ calories to maintain/lose without knowing my stats and personal health history.

    And being hungry! (Actually not really being hungry, just wanting to eat more--there is a difference and learning the difference is hard!)
  • bumblebeez86
    bumblebeez86 Posts: 208 Member
    ME: No thanks on that birthday cake (that I didn't build into my day.)
    Random other person: "Oh, come on. It won't kill you to have one piece."

    ME: Yay, Cake! (I've got room in my macro today)
    chubby friend: "Oh, there goes your diet!"
    ME under my breathe :Um, which one of us has lost weight? Yeah, me!

    ME: I can't eat that much/at that restaurant/right now/etc.
    usually supportive hubby: Aw, come on, just because you are on a diet....blah, blah, blah


    Also people (family/friends) telling me I am too skinny/anorexic etc (I have only lost 12lb this year and am no where near skinny at 5'4'' and 137lb and no where near goal) I would understand if I was but I am not - I wish people could be supportive not negative
  • DaniettaF
    DaniettaF Posts: 212 Member
    Threads like this are an interesting window into the weight loss/dieter psyche.

    My biggest pet peeve is a closed mind.

  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Those that say "Every little bit of health is determined by your genetics" as if diet, exercise and lifestyle play no role.
  • Bammitssamm
    Bammitssamm Posts: 27 Member
    I think my biggest pet peeve is having contradictory advice all the time. My doctor told me to not eat more than 1200 calories a day and I have no idea why because clearly that's terrible advice. Then people say carbs are bad, some say carbs are good. Ect ect.

    I learned to go with my gut feeling, do trial and error, and not get unmotivated but to feel more enlightened about how my body works if I don't get the results I want.

    Edit: Maybe 1200 calorie works for some people but my doctor knows i'm one beast of a woman lol if I only ate 1200 calories i'd probably just fall over and wilt away
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    I learned to go with my gut feeling, do trial and error, and not get unmotivated but to feel more enlightened about how my body works if I don't get the results I want.

    Edit: Maybe 1200 calorie works for some people but my doctor knows i'm one beast of a woman lol if I only ate 1200 calories i'd probably just fall over and wilt away

    Me too! My magic number seems to be around 1600 calories. Any less and I get lightheaded, dizzy, nauseated and grumpy as all he!!
  • slroggemann
    slroggemann Posts: 168 Member
    the pushing of pills, gimicks, wraps, etc to help weight loss. I've tried the pills and I coundn't take them because half of a pill made me shake. I only took them when I was sick and needed the extra energy to get through high school and work.
    My biggest pet peeve is probably just all of the fads and miracle products. I am sure that SOME of them do have merit, but I have always zoned out on them because they just really annoy me. I won't name specific ones and risk starting a huge fight in your thread but generally if it's a pill or a shake and promises huge results, it can be considered my pet peeve ;-)

    Personally, what bugs me is some of my acquaintances who ask me how I've lost over 100 lb and when I tell them they instantly make excuses and/or argue with me about counting calories "not working" or "won't work for them". Meanwhile they are working out constantly and eating huge meals from Five Guys and Outback and drinking mochas from Starbucks and weighing the same they have always weighed with no discernible fitness improvements from all of their workouts. I feel like they're just wasting their time honestly even though exercise is great, these are generally people who have 50-100+ lb to lose and are continually frustrated but won't try anything except various pricey fitness machines for their homes and/or workout programs on DVD.

    I totally agree. I'm so glad to help people if they want advice. I have a friend that recently told me she's serious about losing weight and asked for my help. I sent her an obnoxiously long email with anything I thought would help her. I'm no nutritionist, and I told her that, but I'll do what I can to help her out. She thanked me profusely for the email and has asked for some recipes. That's great. However, I have other friends that constantly ask me "What are you doing to lose weight?" and, when I tell them, they either make excuses or act as if I'm lying or that it would be some huge hassle just to find a TDEE calculator and punch in some numbers. If you're not willing to work hard, why ask me at all? It's as if they're expecting me to have some super easy and quick way to lose weight. No such thing exists! I eat better and exercise - that's it! If you're not willing to do that, don't ask me for advice.

    I used to make a lot of excuses as to why I couldn't lose weight, and I'm also guilty of relying on 1200 calorie diets, so I'm not saying I'm better than these people. It's just frustrating to see it over and over again and they just never listen!

    these. I hate the gimmicks and the ploys with trying to lose weight - there's no miracle pill, or wrap, or even workout. 30 days of jillian michaels won't last a lifetime unless you continue working out regularly. change it up, keep going - it's all proper nutrition and regular exercise. People will always make excuses if they just don't really want to workout or eat right in the end and that's on them. It bothers me when people ask for help and then turn it down or make excuses, though.
  • nerual13
    nerual13 Posts: 39 Member
    i will show my thigh gap when i see a penis that shoots out money, because THAT is hot to me

    You madam are my hero, this made me laugh so loud it scared the cats! AMEN SISTER!!!
  • annie61702
    annie61702 Posts: 120 Member
    i will show my thigh gap when i see a penis that shoots out money, because THAT is hot to me

    This is the best post I've ever seen on any Internet forum. :-)
  • arainiday1
    arainiday1 Posts: 1,763 Member
    1. The Food Police

    First, they ride my *kitten* (not in a good way) because I eat a donut from Tims. Then they start shoving foods at me when I decline what they're serving.

    2. The Disease Police
    Because I'm fat, I automatically have diabetes, HBP, joint pain, PCOS, and/or food allergies.

    HOLY CRAP YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! especially the food police. i have had people actually unfriend me because i didn't want to open my food journal for their criticism.... UGH