Biggest nutrition/weight loss/fitness pet peeves?



  • Suezyq47
    Suezyq47 Posts: 199 Member
    Dear God how could I have forgotten my biggest pet peeve of all of them.

    People who seem to believe that they won't effectively gain weight unless they supplement their workout by tagging themselves at the gym on Facebook and posting a picture while they are there, and also believe that their meal is unhealthy unless they take a picture of it first and then list all of the ingredients to their status.

    You don't need to flood my news feed to be healthy. I have lost 50 lbs and never have I ever, even once, mentioned weight loss, health, nutrition, working out, or anything of the sort. STOP IT!

    OMG I absolutely agree with this. People who post their statuses on Facebook drive me nuts! I don't care if you are at the gym working out or what you had for dinner!
  • Suezyq47
    Suezyq47 Posts: 199 Member
    i will show my thigh gap when i see a penis that shoots out money, because THAT is hot to me

    Hahahahahaha! I agree????????????????????
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member

    I just had a HUGE HUGE HUGE fight with my husband the other day because he says I am being too obsessive because I won't eat ANY thing that doesn't go on the scale first... But yes, I must be wrong......


    You constantly keep telling me I'm not weighing my food... But if I am doing it so much to the point my husband actually gets MAD that I am obsessing about weighing my food then obviously I'm weighing my food...

    See this is another one..and not to this poster specifically...

    I said "you" being generic not to this poster specifically I was actually trying to be helpful by suggesting creating new entries by grams as grams to cups to grams is not accurate.

    But I get bashed because I used the wrong word.

    And if I specifically mentioned this to the this particular poster on a previous occassion it would only because questions on the forums were asked...I don't creep diaries of strangers and email them with suggestions.

    I have had to ammend the words "log accurately" to Log accurately which means choosing correct entries which do not include the words generic or homemade or have an asteriks, and if you can't find one without those check nutrional values against the package and confirmations and if then you can't find one google "calories in __________" which takes you to something that looks like this (insert pic) and click the USDA source for other information...blah blah blah because people get awful upset and call me a bully because I say it doesn't look like you weigh your food as your diary doesn't reflect it.

    See this is what makes people like me want to stop with the forums, nasty responses when we are only trying to help...being singled out for being "mean" or a "bully" by offering helpful suggestions only to be bitten by people

    I wonder what would happen if all the "bullies" and "mean" people of MFP stopped answering questions....

    Agree!! :flowerforyou:
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    Dear God how could I have forgotten my biggest pet peeve of all of them.

    People who seem to believe that they won't effectively gain weight unless they supplement their workout by tagging themselves at the gym on Facebook and posting a picture while they are there, and also believe that their meal is unhealthy unless they take a picture of it first and then list all of the ingredients to their status.

    You don't need to flood my news feed to be healthy. I have lost 50 lbs and never have I ever, even once, mentioned weight loss, health, nutrition, working out, or anything of the sort. STOP IT!

    OMG I absolutely agree with this. People who post their statuses on Facebook drive me nuts! I don't care if you are at the gym working out or what you had for dinner!

    I post on Facebook because people ask me to.... People ask me for advice and ask about my progress and request pictures and want to know what I am eating... But I put a full disclaimer that if you don't wanna know then delete me now because if I can inspire one person to better their life than it is completely worth the few people getting aggravated about what I post on my own page .. I also post a bit of it to my blog and if they want to see then the can click the link and go read
  • roxanne_sarah
    roxanne_sarah Posts: 1 Member
    1. People asking questions like, "how did you lose weight?" "how do you stay slim?" etc. I feel like they don't want the real answer.

    2. People saying..."You're only 'skinny' because..." I've heard "you're only skinny b/c you don't work" (I am a stay-at-home mom to 2 kids) "You are only 'skinny' because you don't eat" (I eat about 1800 cals a day...and sometimes more).

    3. The MOST annoying thing: a former friend (who is in her 30s) kept talking about joining the Navy. When I finally asked her why she wanted to do this...she said, "Well, I need to lose weight, and I figured that would be a good way." words...just no words.

    Oh AND loose vs lose.

    Loose vs lose probably has to be the worst for me! Haha. You don't loose weight!! And these are adults who can't spell?!?!

    Also, people who constantly complain that they are fat, but an hour later go and post a picture of their half naked bodies on Facebook and Instagram. Grrrrr
  • Super_Amy
    Super_Amy Posts: 97 Member
    I'm not going to lie, I'm one of those people who get confused over lose and loose. Believe it or not, I'm not an idiot. I am an intelligent, mostly right brained functioning adult, working in a creative field and getting paid actual cash money.

    Its not really a fitness peeve, but I do have a MFP peeve. It can get really judgmental around here.
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    My biggest pet peeve is when others go onto the latest bandwagon/fad diet. EX - Gluten free.

    Little do they know....

    This is a huge one for me. Gluten free is "trendy" now. It's great that people who ACTUALLY have to go gluten free have more options, but I've talked to my friends who are Celiac (legitimately) and no one takes them seriously. The risk of cross contamination is a big deal.

    Also refreshing to see so many others bothered by LOSE/LOOSE. I'm not perfect, and I certainly make other errors in typing, but for whatever reason this one in particular makes my skin crawl!

    P.S. I hate to add to the rant about weights/measures, but I do the same thing and was wondering why it is so inaccurate. For example, my package of cheese lists nutrition facts for 1/4 cup (28g). I will weigh out 28g, but log it as 1/4 cup because a per-gram measurement is not in the database for that brand.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    My biggest pet peeve is the way most fitness programs are advertised. Like I was watching a commercial for some beach body work out and they say "and as a bonus, receive this blah blah blah to help you lose 5 pounds and 5 inches in 3 days!" Um, what? that doesn't even make sense. That's just stupid. If you're losing 5 pounds in 3 days it's certainly not fat, it's probably just water. And the way they always advertise the exercise programs and show you a bunch of people who lost a bunch of weight.. they lost the weight because they ate fewer calories than they burned. Just simply doing some work out DVD is not going to make someone lose weight.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    What are your biggest pet peeves regarding nutrition, weight loss, and/or fitness? Any huge misconceptions that you're sick of? Feel free to rant about it here!

    The concept of "cheat day" or "cheat meal". Nobody is being cheated, it's a semantic nonsense that absolves the individual of responsibility for their consumption choices. It also plays into the idea that fitness and weight loss are actually that sensitive to choices on a single day. The body clock doesn't turn over at midnight.

    And the idea that exercise X is the ONE TRUE WAY and anyone who doesn't do that is doomed to failure. Plenty zealots around. No names, no pack drill.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member

    One of my biggest ones though: When you politely decline a doughnut, pastry, etc. and people get offended. They assume you think you're better than them for not eating it and that you have a holier than thou complex when in all actuality, you think nothing even close to that. This really grinds my gears!!!

    Grrrr. I hear you! I hate when people say that I am "on a diet" because I won't eat crap food every time it's offered to me. I'm not on a diet; I just try to eat in a way that shows my body some consideration and kindness.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    People saying " Is this food bad?" "Can I eat
    twice a week?" "I know I have to give up
    but it's so hard".
    You don't have to give up ANYTHING. NO food is bad. Eat whatever you want, chocolate, fried chicken, whatever, just burn more calories than you take in.
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    My biggest pet peeve is the way most fitness programs are advertised. Like I was watching a commercial for some beach body work out and they say "and as a bonus, receive this blah blah blah to help you lose 5 pounds and 5 inches in 3 days!" Um, what? that doesn't even make sense. That's just stupid. If you're losing 5 pounds in 3 days it's certainly not fat, it's probably just water. And the way they always advertise the exercise programs and show you a bunch of people who lost a bunch of weight.. they lost the weight because they ate fewer calories than they burned. Just simply doing some work out DVD is not going to make someone lose weight.

    I have a girl on my Facebook that is a beach body coach and I love her to death but she's been posting about how she eats out of these red green blue yellow and purple containers and it makes you lose weight and I'm like.. Say what? I wasn't aware that colored containers made you lose... I know they are different sizes... But still....
  • AdelaideNat
    AdelaideNat Posts: 89 Member

    ...I'm not on a diet; I just try to eat in a way that shows my body some consideration and kindness.

    BINGO !
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    One of my pet peeves is well-meaning MFPers giving medical advice.

    OP: I have sudden blinding headaches when I ______________.
    Answer: Start drinking more water. You need to hydrate.
    NO YOU DON'T! Sudden, blinding headaches can be life-threatening! The OP needs to stop what he/she is doing and SEE A DOCTOR!!! I doubt any physicians would answer this question this way, doctors know better than to diagnose over an internet message board.

    The other pet peeve: Every now and then (less than when I started on MFP) someone will start a thread "All Food Diaries should be public." For some, the knee-jerk reaction (regardless of the question) seems to be: Open your diary so I can see.

    Who are you and why should I open something I consider private?


    Personally, I couldn't care less who sees my food diary.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Dr. Oz's existence is my biggest nutrition/weight loss/fitness pet peeve.

    Lol this too. A bunch of weight loss ads with Dr Oz plastered all over them keep showing up on my facebook feed. It's annoying. It keeps showing pictures of these really fit girls and then advertises for some diet pill. Like, sure.. that girl totally got those abs by taking some stupid pill. Who actually buys that crap?
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    My biggest one is people who say, "Oh you've lost so much weight" and when I tell them I've lost hardly any weight in the last year and have just been strength training, they tell me I'm lying. I may be smaller but the number on the scale has little to do with my volume. Conversely, people who just want to "lose weight" with no concern about the composition of said weight lost kind of bug me, too...leads to crash diets, rebounds, and often not even better-looking bodies.

    My second pet peeve is friends who complain all the time about being overweight but don't want to do the work to change. They will ask me to work out with them. Now, I have a pretty intense training schedule so I usually have to skip one of my regular training sessions to do something like go walk or go to a class. Then inevitably after a workout or two, they "can't make their schedule work with mine" so they stop working out after 2-3 workouts. If you need a fitness partner to do every workout, then you're not going to make it. Join a class where the fitness partners are built in because no one else is going to have the same exact schedule as you. If you can't commit to doing it without constant hand-holding, you're not committed. There is either do or do not. There is no try. Show up or don't. Perform at your own level, but show up consistently!
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    I, for one, hate the word "skinny." I hate when girls on here say, "I just want to be skinny!" Why? There's nothing sexy about being skinny. There's nothing hot about a thigh gap. Fit is the new skinny! Being healthy is more important than looking like Jessica Alba.

    These are just a bunch of words- "fit is the new skinny" is pretty much as meaningless and loaded with expectations about what you "should" look like, and equally difficult to attain. Those fitness model's bodies might be healthier than a model's (although that's no guarantee) but they are just as hard for the average woman to achieve. I believe that health is the goal, but just changing the ideal to a more muscular, equally low-body-fat look isn't really changing things. And many women and men would disagree that "there's nothing sexy about being skinny." Everyone has different tastes and many people DO find "skinny" attractive. It's not okay to disparage thin bodies any more than it is to do so for fat ones. Fat people can be sexy. Skinny people can be sexy. Many people are attracted to one of those shapes and it's okay.
    I also hate when women say they don't want to do strength training because they don't want to be "muscular." What a huge misconception! Women don't have the testosterone needed to bulk up like men. On a similar note, I hate that age-old logic that you do heavy weights, low reps to bulk up and light weight, high reps to "tone." Not true. Men who lift heavy bulk up; women who lift heavy "tone up." Some women seem to think lifting for 30 minutes three times a week will make them into some bodybuilder. If only it were that easy, right guys?

    This is all true, but again, not everyone has to do intense strength training to be healthy or attractive. It's okay not to lift weights if you don't want to. Honestly.
    The myth of the 1200 calorie diet. Don't even get me started! If I see one more new thread about, "What do you eat on 1200 calories per day?" Not enough, that's what! Unless you're a tiny petite woman, you should be eating more than 1200 calories per day.

    Most adults will need more than 1200/day, but lots of people who are not "tiny" can manage 1200/day just fine. Anecdotally, my TDEE is only about 1500 if I don't have time to exercise, so 1200/day is a very small weight loss deficit for me. And I'm average height, average weight...I just have a sedentary office job.
    I also can't stand when people try to tell others on here that there's only one way to do things. The pretentious "my way or the highway" attitude. I say do what works for you, as long as you're doing it in a healthy way and not harming your body in the process! Examples of harming your body: Not eating enough, trying to attain a figure that does not exist, putting your vanity over your health.

    Pot/kettle, etc.
    What are your biggest pet peeves regarding nutrition, weight loss, and/or fitness? Any huge misconceptions that you're sick of? Feel free to rant about it here!

    I mentioned a few of mine, but this Pinterest-fueled "fit is the new skinny" is probably the biggest. Obsessing over fitness isn't necessarily any healthier from a body-image perspective than obsessing over thinness (although, yeah, a healthy and strong body is a good thing and better than a weak and underfed one for your actual physical health.) In my books, an obsession with having abs for the sake of abs isn't really better for your mental health than an obsession with a thigh gap. Non-aesthetic goals like lifting a certain weight or being able to complete a certain task are a great thing to have, but that's separate from the rampant pursuit of fitness for solely your looks' sake.

    LOL!!! I was thinking the same thing Pot meet kettle. lol

    My pet peeve is people claiming others are sabotaging their weight loss. Really gets under my skin. lol.. I'm a firm believer of taking responsibility for your own actions and gets under my skin when I see threads claiming others are sabotaging their weight loss. lol .. like for real? Have some self control and quit blaming others if you decide to eat certain things that may slow your progress.

    I also agree with the my way or highway attitudes that some display. Again, I believe that everyone is grown and will go through trial and error. And not all journey's are going to be the same. Say your peace but don't shove it down others throats.

    Also what kind of irritates me but not too much is "cheat meals." I look at this as a lifestyle so if I decide to have a cheeseburger then I decide to have a cheeseburger. I couldn't go through life thinking of this as a diet. What is a cheat meal anyway? lol... I just look at it as I may eat something high calorie and may go over my calories or may take up alot of them. Oh well. I'm consistent enough to be able to do that.
  • KMC1012
    KMC1012 Posts: 20
    The scale as a means of progress, especially if like me you are gaining muscle.
    People giving me nutrition advice because I am a vegan so don't know how to eat.
    Where do you get your protein from?
    Protein shakes
  • 40DayFit
    40DayFit Posts: 246 Member
  • BigVeggieDream
    BigVeggieDream Posts: 1,101 Member
    I hate people telling me that Vegan diet isn't healthy. That I'll be weak and sickly. My ex Thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail on a Vegan diet. I don't call that weak and sickly.