Biggest nutrition/weight loss/fitness pet peeves?



  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    That HCG stuff ugh and people who always asks "what diet you're on" lol because most of the time they are the ones who frowns and doubt when I say the word "exercise"
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    my biggest peeve is advise that individuals give to others that state all you need to do is xyz...........................everyone is different so what works for one person may not work for another......................I have been obese all my life and was not able to lose a dang thing for a long time...........I tried doing what others would tell me...........finally got insurance a few years ago and found out all these different medical issues that I have that actually held me back from losing weight.....once I started getting them under control I was able to see some weight come off, however, I have to stay on top of it as it doesn't take much to gain it back without changing my diet or exercise......................which leads to my next biggest pet peeve............those that think that every obese person is the way they are because they choose to be this way and that no medical condition can put them this way.........I understand that while every choice I make may not be the best I also understand that some of the medical conditions I have do affect my weight in a huge way and require constant monitoring.......example my husband got really sick and was in the hospital for a few months (Dec-feb) in jan i started noticing changing in how i was feeling but my priority was my the time I went to go have labs and see the doc I had gained back 50 pounds in less than 30 days........were there changes in my diet yes...........however, changes were less eating due to feeling stress......when I am worried about losing a loved one I tend to not eat much.............changes in bet more of it...........had to shovel lots of snow we got this past winter 2-3 hours of shoveling about every other day........................when I got my labs back boy did my meds get increased not just one but 3 of them due to them all being to low thus causing weight gain..................point being is don't assume you know what will work for everyone and don't assume they are the way they are because of what they put may find out you are talking about someone with an actual medical condition
  • srr728
    srr728 Posts: 549 Member
    i will show my thigh gap when i see a penis that shoots out money, because THAT is hot to me
  • dwljazzman
    dwljazzman Posts: 22 Member
    My pet peeve is that family members are undermining my success.
    It took me 1 year to put on 20 pounds. In 21 days of MFP and adding a fit bit I have lost 7.
    This isn't a diet it's a lifestyle change.
  • fredgiblet
    fredgiblet Posts: 241 Member
    Now that I'm home from work I'll type up the other thing I wanted to say.

    Re: Thigh gaps

    They are sexy, just like big tits, flat stomachs, round butts and a little muscle.
    It's true that some women can't get them, that has literally no bearing on their sexiness. None. At all. Any more than the inability of ANY man to have a penis that ejaculates chocolate has a bearing on the desirability of that anatomical feature to women.
    But there's good news: You don't have to have a thigh gap to be sexy, it helps, but it's not required. Having a thigh gap also doesn't automatically make you sexy. There's tons of stuff that's sexy, you don't have to have all of it to qualify.

    So get over it.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    My pet peeve in relation to MFP is that whenever someone asks for assistance on diary/logging, it's automatically assumed that they're not logging correctly. I have been accused of using "generic homemade recipes from the database" when the reality is every single recipe I use, I have entered into the builder and portioned out and I actually know the calories in what I've eaten. I also weigh virtually everything I eat, even if it ends up recorded as "1/3 cup cheese" I know that that 1/3 cup recorded in my diary is 28g. I just don't make a new database entry for every damn thing that I eat. I know I know... I'm not the typical MFP user in this regard. It still bugs me :laugh:
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    Ha ha GertrudeHorse you have a lot of pet peeves! Hope it's not a reflection of your entire personality! (joking)

    Haha I wish it was! Sadly I'm friendly and tolerant for the most part. I'm working hard to fix that though.
  • dammitjanet0161
    dammitjanet0161 Posts: 319 Member
    People who tell others that they're not losing weight because they are eating too many carbs (just because they eat bread, basically).

    This. Every office suddenly has its army of carb police.

    I also hate the "good" and "naughty" terminology that too many women use with dieting (sadly it is usually women). You are grown adults FFS, not five year olds.
  • Ortax
    Ortax Posts: 98
    My biggest pet peeve is when people say starvation mode is real, or when people over-exaggerate the "dangers" of very low calorie diets
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    My pet peeve in relation to MFP is that whenever someone asks for assistance on diary/logging, it's automatically assumed that they're not logging correctly. I have been accused of using "generic homemade recipes from the database" when the reality is every single recipe I use, I have entered into the builder and portioned out and I actually know the calories in what I've eaten. I also weigh virtually everything I eat, even if it ends up recorded as "1/3 cup cheese" I know that that 1/3 cup recorded in my diary is 28g. I just don't make a new database entry for every damn thing that I eat. I know I know... I'm not the typical MFP user in this regard. It still bugs me :laugh:

    Oh I HATE that one..... I get told that all the time..... I'm like I have a scale AND made my husband buy my FOUR sets of meshing cups... And I weigh all solids and measure all liquids and I agree.... If a package says how much if something I cups and grams and it shows on MFP in cups I STILL weigh it and them convert grams or lbs to cups..... Because MFP has it listed as cups!
    The oh your not really eating that or you just be wrong ... Drives me insane.... This isn't my first rodeo.... I never guess at how much I am eating and I track EVERY thing I eat...... So to be told no I don't drives me insane!!
  • jdb3388
    jdb3388 Posts: 239 Member
    Dear God how could I have forgotten my biggest pet peeve of all of them.

    People who seem to believe that they won't effectively gain weight unless they supplement their workout by tagging themselves at the gym on Facebook and posting a picture while they are there, and also believe that their meal is unhealthy unless they take a picture of it first and then list all of the ingredients to their status.

    You don't need to flood my news feed to be healthy. I have lost 50 lbs and never have I ever, even once, mentioned weight loss, health, nutrition, working out, or anything of the sort. STOP IT!
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member
    I, for one, hate the word "skinny." I hate when girls on here say, "I just want to be skinny!" Why? There's nothing sexy about being skinny. There's nothing hot about a thigh gap. Fit is the new skinny! Being healthy is more important than looking like Jessica Alba.

    This is a pet peeve of mine. Who are you say what is sexy and hot? You state your opinion like it is fact and really you are just judging a specific body type.

    Fit is the new skinny doesn't really mean anything because you can be skinny and fit at the same time..Of course you seem to have a problem with people who want to be or who are skinny.

    I quit reading after the first paragraph...
  • thinklivebefree
    thinklivebefree Posts: 328 Member
    My biggest pet peeve is MFPers with 2,700+ friends, 10,000+ post and 3 pounds total lost!
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    My biggest pet peeve is when people say starvation mode is real, or when people over-exaggerate the "dangers" of very low calorie diets

    The danger of a very low calorie diet is malnutrition, gallstones, and, if continued, death. How can that be "over-exaggerate[d]"?
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    wow, so many great responses! I agree with almost everything, don't think there is anything else that I could add.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    One of my pet peeves is well-meaning MFPers giving medical advice.

    OP: I have sudden blinding headaches when I ______________.
    Answer: Start drinking more water. You need to hydrate.
    NO YOU DON'T! Sudden, blinding headaches can be life-threatening! The OP needs to stop what he/she is doing and SEE A DOCTOR!!! I doubt any physicians would answer this question this way, doctors know better than to diagnose over an internet message board.

    The other pet peeve: Every now and then (less than when I started on MFP) someone will start a thread "All Food Diaries should be public." For some, the knee-jerk reaction (regardless of the question) seems to be: Open your diary so I can see.

    Who are you and why should I open something I consider private?

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    My pet peeve in relation to MFP is that whenever someone asks for assistance on diary/logging, it's automatically assumed that they're not logging correctly. I have been accused of using "generic homemade recipes from the database" when the reality is every single recipe I use, I have entered into the builder and portioned out and I actually know the calories in what I've eaten. I also weigh virtually everything I eat, even if it ends up recorded as "1/3 cup cheese" I know that that 1/3 cup recorded in my diary is 28g. I just don't make a new database entry for every damn thing that I eat. I know I know... I'm not the typical MFP user in this regard. It still bugs me :laugh:

    Oh I HATE that one..... I get told that all the time..... I'm like I have a scale AND made my husband buy my FOUR sets of meshing cups... And I weigh all solids and measure all liquids and I agree.... If a package says how much if something I cups and grams and it shows on MFP in cups I STILL weigh it and them convert grams or lbs to cups..... Because MFP has it listed as cups!
    The oh your not really eating that or you just be wrong ... Drives me insane.... This isn't my first rodeo.... I never guess at how much I am eating and I track EVERY thing I eat...... So to be told no I don't drives me insane!!

    then start creating entries based on the can't convert food from cups to grams back to cups and be accurate.

    If your diary shows the words "generic", "homemade" or cups etc it appears as tho you aren't might be but you still aren't logging accurately.

    Because to be frank this one of my pet peeves...saying you weigh everything but when you look at the diary the entries don't reflect it...
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    I, for one, hate the word "skinny." I hate when girls on here say, "I just want to be skinny!" Why? There's nothing sexy about being skinny. There's nothing hot about a thigh gap. Fit is the new skinny! Being healthy is more important than looking like Jessica Alba.

    This is a pet peeve of mine. Who are you say what is sexy and hot? You state your opinion like it is fact and really you are just judging a specific body type.

    Fit is the new skinny doesn't really mean anything because you can be skinny and fit at the same time..Of course you seem to have a problem with people who want to be or who are skinny.

    I quit reading after the first paragraph...

    I agree... That is her perception of what is hot... I can appreciate a woman's body and I am drawn more to curvy but toned women (and that's what I hope to get to) but I'm never going to tell anyone else to alter their perception of beauty...... Plus.... Jessica Alba is pretty curvy.. Small but curvy... So I don't know that she made a good example
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    My pet peeve in relation to MFP is that whenever someone asks for assistance on diary/logging, it's automatically assumed that they're not logging correctly. I have been accused of using "generic homemade recipes from the database" when the reality is every single recipe I use, I have entered into the builder and portioned out and I actually know the calories in what I've eaten. I also weigh virtually everything I eat, even if it ends up recorded as "1/3 cup cheese" I know that that 1/3 cup recorded in my diary is 28g. I just don't make a new database entry for every damn thing that I eat. I know I know... I'm not the typical MFP user in this regard. It still bugs me :laugh:

    Oh I HATE that one..... I get told that all the time..... I'm like I have a scale AND made my husband buy my FOUR sets of meshing cups... And I weigh all solids and measure all liquids and I agree.... If a package says how much if something I cups and grams and it shows on MFP in cups I STILL weigh it and them convert grams or lbs to cups..... Because MFP has it listed as cups!
    The oh your not really eating that or you just be wrong ... Drives me insane.... This isn't my first rodeo.... I never guess at how much I am eating and I track EVERY thing I eat...... So to be told no I don't drives me insane!!

    then start creating entries based on the can't convert food from cups to grams back to cups and be accurate.

    If your diary shows the words "generic", "homemade" or cups etc it appears as tho you aren't might be but you still aren't logging accurately.

    Because to be frank this one of my pet peeves...saying you weigh everything but when you look at the diary the entries don't reflect it...
    I just had a HUGE HUGE HUGE fight with my husband the other day because he says I am being too obsessive because I won't eat ANY thing that doesn't go on the scale first... But yes, I must be wrong......
  • 6ftamazon
    6ftamazon Posts: 340 Member
    i will show my thigh gap when i see a penis that shoots out money, because THAT is hot to me

    Omg lol the image:laugh: