suz_ers Member


  • Welcome! We all gotta start somewhere!
  • Add me! Also looking for more friends! :)
  • Hi there! I'm 5'3'' and now at 235 pounds. I eat 1800 calories a day, and go to the gym about 4 times a week (more if I actually make it on the weekend lol). I've heard a lot of people say that more calories helps them lose rather than less. I generally lose at least a pound a week, but it varies. Good luck! Friend request…
  • Hi there! I started at 248 pounds, and am 5'3''. I eat 1800 calories a day, (which I was informed I should be eating by a nutritionist), and I hit the gym usually about 4 days a week after work doing cardio exercises. My cardio varies from 30-45 mins, although I started slow with 20 mins as to not overdo it and injure…
  • Thanks dancing, that sounds like a good idea! I didn't even think to look on Pinterest. And never would have thought to do 15 min intervals throughout the day. Thanks again!
  • Thanks ladies, I will check out some videos online. I'm also looking for specific exercises, eg. jumping jacks, burpees, those type of things that I can do without having to follow a video. I like to switch it up!
  • Hi Wendy! Welcome to MFP! I am not new here, but have started over, trying to get healthy again. It's a process, but we can do it :) Friend request on the way!
    in Newbie!! Comment by suz_ers April 2013
  • Friend request on the way! Congrats on joining, this is such a great place to find support and motivation! :)
  • Feel free to add me! We all need motivation and support, I also am not new to MFP, but am now back at it on a daily basis. We CAN do this! :)
  • Hey Amanda! Feel free to add me, I love motivation and support, this is a great place to get it! We can do it! :)
  • Hey MizzSalty! Congrats on your MBA! I am about to graduate with my BBA in a few weeks, MBA to come in the future! I just started a 5k training program, I have never been a runner, but am ready to begin! Feel free to add, I'm pretty awesome too!
  • I am at 1800 right now, but am often under by quite a few hundred. Feel free to add me! My diary is open as well.
  • Hi Sugar! Sorry to hear about your past, but at least you stood up and said this is enough! I am proud of you for getting you and your family out of the situation, unfortunately it isn't always the case. I am also an emotional eater, it's a hard habit to break, but we CAN do it! I've tried to lose weight quite a few times,…
  • That is the positive way to look at it! Each time is a new experience, and we learn from the past. Thanks for the add, I look forward to helping each other along the way! Good luck! :)
  • I am in the same boat! I started January 4th this year, was into my routine for months, but with a stressful semester, and then the summer, I gained back the 25 I lost! We can do it though! :)
  • Welcome! This is def the place to be for support and motivation! I'm 26 with 80 pounds left to lose, so we have similar goals. Feel free to add me :)
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me, I'm on my second week and have found MFP to be a great. You have definitely come to the right place for motivation and support!! Good luck, we can do it girl! :)
  • My daughter actually has Dance Central, but I've never really looked into it lol. Thanks! I'll check it out!
  • Hi there! I'm also new on here, with 90 pounds to lose. Feel free to add me, we all need support and motivation!! :)
  • I think I'll get YSE, it sounds like something I would stick to lol. I like that it has all the different options as well. Thanks, this was really helpful :)
  • Thanks for the add! It's great to meet people in the same boat as I am, we can do this girl! Good luck! :)
  • Thank you all so much! I checked a few sites and I am definitely eating too few calories a day. I am going for 1800 a day now and will gradually decrease from there, and will add more protein. I appreciate all the support, and good luck to all with your progress! :)
  • That is what the calorie tracker set it as on here. Is that too low?
  • I am eating about three meals a day, with a snack in between, and drinking water constantly. I have also cut out bread which I'm thinking I may need to just cut down the intake and eat it in moderation. I think I will try the 200 calories about every two hours, that seems as though it may help. I know they also say that…