Friends with or without pcos? :)

Hey all,
I joined a while ago but never introduced my self or got into it until notw. I am def ready to make a change I want to lose atleast 80lbs. I also have pcos and would love to be friends with others that do too, but even if you dont thats fine with me! I mean who doesnt want friends lol.. :)


  • suz_ers
    suz_ers Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks for the add! It's great to meet people in the same boat as I am, we can do this girl! Good luck! :)
  • ReedMyLips
    Hey ladies! I also have PCOS. I think I was diagnosed in 2004...around that time anyway. I've struggled with my weight all my life, but especially after 2001 when I was diagnosed with an eye disorder and had to be put on steriods. I gained a lot of weight from those stupid meds. I've never been able since that time to get my weight below 180 no matter how hard I try. It's very frustrating.

    I could honestly stand to lose 80 pounds, but 50 is my goal right now. I'm currently trying out the PINK Method and have heard from other PCOSers that it works well for us. Even though I'm in that program I'm monitoring my progress on MFP because I've been here a while and the support seems better here than on the PINK Method website.

    I'm glad to meet some fellow PCOS Cysters and I know that together we CAN shed this weight! I just got engaged over Christmas and so my reason for shedding is two fold: I would like to look good in my wedding photos and I would like to start a family after we are married. I am already 28 and I know I should not wait too much longer to try to start a family.

    Sorry to write so much...just looking forward to having some ladies to share the journey with!

    Jamie :)
  • brideofsuperman
    brideofsuperman Posts: 31 Member
    Feel free to add me. I also have PCOS and am needing to lose ALOT of weight (over 100 lbs). After two pregnancies, my weight is at an all time high. Really hoping to make some life long chances this time around.