ronninator Member


  • Dammit. Toasted Berry Crumble is the only cold cereal I eat.
  • Premium Creamies brand Yogurt Creamies - Chocolate 105 calories 1.5 grams fat. Glorious. Weight Watchers Strawberry Smoothie bars - 60 calories and 1g fat per bar Yoplait fruit smoothie mix - 60 or 70 calories per serving if you make it with water, 110 calories with milk. Amazing. I have one on my desk right now. They are…
  • Get some photos done to put on my book covers and my author bio page on Amazon.
  • The internet is populated with disassociated creatures who lack empathy. This place is no exception. You have to look through a lot of rubbish to find the good. As long as you know that, it's manageable. Present company will understand, but some of the people on this site are here not because they want to get healthy, but…
  • Name: Ronnie Age: 38 From: Western Kentucky, originally. Many places, now Salt Lake City area. About me: I live in northern Utah with my husband, 5 dogs, 2 cats, and 2 lizards. No kids. I'm not Mormon (which most people ask). I work with enterprise systems for my day job and write books for my sanity. I'm a huge comedy…
  • The gentleman is clearly new to the world of the internet. The .com extension was the only and therefore the default site address extension for years. My two sites are on a .com domain and have neither advertising, nor products/services for sale. In fact, that claim is so preposterous that I find it hard to place any…
  • I have 100 lbs to lose. I started on Jan 1 so I have 80 left, but it's that harder part of the 100. I welcome any friends that want join in. Strength in numbers! As long as it's healthy and positive, I'm happy to cheer along with you!
  • Beat me to it. Agreed.
  • There is a difference between being anorexic and promoting ED behavior. The first one is tragic, but the second is damaging to other people. People who have worked hard to recover from an ED can relapse or be triggered by ED rhetoric. It's a real, harmful thing. There are organizations dedicated to curbing that kind of…