

  • I found that reading John Bingham's books REALLY helped me accept the fact I will never ever ever ever be a quick runner. He calls himself The Penguin. Helped me recognize the fact at least I am up on my feet and off my butt and couch. He has several books. Read them all and love them. His humor is something any of us can…
  • Hi, I'm Di...I joined in January of this year. Every pound is a battle but a battle well worth the fight. I'm 46 (OUCH), but have a desk job during the day and almost an hour commute to get to and from work. I have started walking during my lunch break and am revisiting Jillian Michael's workout DVDs. I too, and always…
  • My husband is my best friend in the entire world. He makes me breakfast every single day. I live for our weekends together. He is my biggest champion and supports me no matter how crazy my ideas can be sometimes. We got married October '09. I am thankful every single day that I have him in my life.
  • Hello, I am 46....and always love to have new friends around my age! I agree with the level of energy!
  • Hi, I joined in January, and have lost 15 so far....have about 85 more to go to get to what my dr says is healthy....I am thinking he is nuts, so I am hoping for 40-50 pounds. If you need a friend, or f anyone else does, add me! Di
  • Hello! If anyone needs a friend feel free to add me. I'm on here every day!
  • Rhoadesville, VA which is west of Fredericksburg, VA!:bigsmile:
  • Hi, I joined MFP in January...was going along great and lost my willpower in the beginning of March (I found it hiding in the closet!) So i am back on track. I am walking every day at least 1 1/2 miles. All through this up and down seesaw called weight loss..I have logged on every day and counted every calorie. If you, or…
  • Thanks for responding! I'm getting her kettle bell set next weekend and plan to start the same day. So true, with Jillian every inch of your body gets a workout! I hope others respond too!
  • Hi, If anyone needs a friend...friend me...I enjoy watching everyone's progress and feel accountable if I slip up! Helps me tremendously to tow the line!
  • Hi!! I've been on here since January. Add me if you'd like!! Or anyone else who needs a friend!! Di
  • My DH is super supportive, but on the other hand makes me want to drop kick him onto Mars! We agreed for a New Years resolution we'd work out, watch what we eat, etc. He lasted A FREAKING DAY on the working out. THEN after it was so apparently obvious he bailed, he was going to sit and "give me advice" on my Jiliian…
  • Hello, Ive been on since the first week of January. If anyone wants a new friend please add me! It makes a world of difference! Di
  • I am the patient account rep as well as the collections person for a urology office.
  • Hello! I've been on here since January. Friends are a huge help! If anyone wants a new friend, just add me!! Di
  • Hello, I joined in January of this year. I wont blow smoke and say it's been easy, it isnt...If anyone needs a friend add me. The more friends to help motivate me and vice versa, the better it is! Di
  • I read it...A lot of what she said was somewhat not possible. And the processed food names she listed as OK if you need to do it are way too expensive. I pretty much spent money for a book that I could use, if I had a lot of money to spend. I am sticking with my going to the local farmers market, and next to no red meat,…
  • Hi! I joined in January, and friends DO help, so if anyone wants to be friends bring it on! Di
  • Hello, I am 46 and on the same journey. And yes, it IS harder once you pass 40 but that's where the life lessons kick in and determination wins! If you need a friend let me know! Di
  • I live in Virginia, and we have well water. As far as taste it is incredible. So fresh tasting and nothing has compared to it....The mineral are hard on the hair though!
  • I am doing the 30 day shred too as well as watching hubby SWEARS he sees a difference........he seems to be in mourning over the loss of boobs..........WHATEVER! I am loving it!
  • I am the same way! I worked all day, got home and baked a cake (for Granddaughter's 2nd birthday party) made 3 batches of homemade icing, colored part of them primary yellow and orange, cleaned the kitchen, swept, cleaned a bathroom, did wash, folded and put away........I wore my hubby out......he went to bed at 8:15!!!…
  • MY hubby was all LETS DO IT!!!! on 1/3/ I am facing 1/25/12...........WITHOUT HIM and his promises. I started Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. I eat right, I get up at 5 am to workout..........alllllllllll the while wanting to sucker punch him! BUT, to give credit, he admitted tonight he aint doing nothing without me…
  • I'm on day 11...took 2 days off because I seemed to of pulled a muscle and wanted to give it time to heal Was back at it today. Getting ready to start level 2! I have lost a bunch of inches off my waist and hips doing this DVD! Love it, would love to sucker punch Jillian @ 5:00am each morning!
  • Meridith.....I used it for my daughter's middle name but changed the spelling to Meredith for hers. I like it ok I guess.
  • Hello, I upped my water intake this week......the past 3 weeks the scale was STUCK!......the past two days almost 4 pounds....due to a freaking huge amount of water! Just my take! Di
  • I hate my shelf that is above my butt, (FATFATFAT!) but love the fact my hips are shrinking I hate the fact my husband bailed so early on this weight loss journey, but LOVE the fact he will regret it (as I think he is already) as I get smaller!
  • I live in Rhoadesville, VA, which is west of Fredericksburg...anyone close by?
  • I too am losing slowly..but this week added my sodium tab. All I can say was WOW what an eye opener! So now I am watching that as well as my cholesterol intake. The scale budged a bit this morning (not a pound but part of one) so it's helping!
  • Hello, I too, am in the same boat. I am 46 and the pounds just seem to think they have not received their walking papers, so they are still hanging around. Its been almost a month and Ive dropped 6 pounds, most of that week 1. So I am just pushing on and try to be patient!