

  • No to taking the bus - I walked No to the hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream in starbucks No to that extra slice of bread for breakfast Now that felt good!
  • Hi I'm Rosamund from Bristol, feel free to add me, we all need a bit of UK support!!! even if its just to realise that zucchini and courgette are the same thing!!!!
  • To wear a bikini this summer and not have to worry about love handles ruining any holiday snaps!!
  • Every day you need to look in the mirror and remind yourself that you've come a long way from that shy, awkward plump teen and that you're ready to seize every opportunity (be it social or otherwise) the day throws at you. Try doing something you love, we're all more confident when we know we're doing something well!
  • Summers coming though!!! I love being single during the summer, you get to meet so many new people in parties and bbqs. Plus you're bound to attract somebody's eye in a new summer dress you've bought yourself as a reward for gaining a new svelte figure!
  • I take: Ferrous Sulphate for my anaemia Omega 3 B complex with B12 I'm a vegetarian and so I don't really get much iron or b12 otherwise, especially since cutting down on cheese (I've banned myself from it...otherwise the whole block is gone!!!)
  • You look so much younger!!! Even your skin looks better!! Good luck with the last 10lb, you're doing so well!!!!