mcfake Member


  • legs and face by far.
  • its a tuff one, as well im hungry all the time :P even after dinner. not sure thats a good thing. but early in any diet i expect as i ate so much b4 my stomach shrinking will take time. on the other hand , forcing down more good carbs is hard to just keep eating fruit.
  • i did not know u could open up your diet/ and i have been kinda bad at entering in this week as its the same everyday prettymuch. anyway i have opened it to public as i have nothing to hide.
  • well i did way total of about 18.7 stone. Im quite tall 6'4 so its not like im huge :). Im not a fan on snacking its like cheating :). the only negative ive noticed is my stomach is very "noisy". :P its constatly growling. especialy after food. and well its never been that constant b4. no pains just noise .
  • yeah im trying not to do "NO CARBS" as i think id struggle so its just no "fatty" carbs. i stil have me weatabix in the morning to keep me going. and im not lihgt headed just hungry :P i have actully been training and dieating for 3 months now but nothing worked so i tried no carbs. and wow what a massive change from…
  • that helps alot, makes more sence to me now. 1 thing tho i do refuse to snack. no matter what . as a couple of years ago i was 25 stone. when i did my 1st diet years ago i said to my self to never snack :) eat an amount u want and thats it. so for now ill stick to it. i think i was just trying to find an escuse to eat…
  • i think i Do drink enough i have at least 1 litre during the day but have about 4 pints of water when i get in from 5-12 at night. not sure if drinking masses of water just in the night is a good plan tho.
  • thanks for your responces. atm i record everything i eat into my fitnesspal. but somedays i do forget :)./ overall my daily intake is the same/. the problem i have is recording dinners as everything i eat is made from scratch. so for example yesterday i had home made chicken wraps. constited of 2 diced peppers. chillies 2…