

  • Holy transformation!!!!!! I couldn't just pick one to reply to because they were all amazing!!!! thanks for the inspirations!!!!
  • eat more! but smaller healthy portions! this is key...I myself HATE breakfest so I have gotten to where I'll at least have a slimfast drink with some fruit, handful of healthy cereral (dry) or a hard boiled egg. Try taking your meals and eating every 4-5 hours but NOTHING after 7:00
  • I think the site is already to low on the cals....it apparently is giving us all 1,200 and we are all different and all have different goals....but I also seem to be under and will make myself include more heathly snakes inbetween meals to help keep my metabolism going. I can be hard sometimes when I'm just not hungry.…
  • My situation is a little different and can be trying at times...my man is over weight, more so than me but doesn't or isn't ready to jump on board. I know I can't just expect him to change because I am ready for a change.....our whole relationship was based on food so it can be hard to change overnight. I'm lucky and work…
  • and another thing........the scale is NOT your friend......I decided to not even go by scale so much as inches with measurements. Like someone else stated, muscle weighs more than fat so it won't be accurate. If you go to the gym or doctor see if they can measure you body fat. That will tell the tell in the long haul. xoxo
  • Sometimes you will hit a wall and you don't feel like your losing anything, you will need to change it up and bit because your bodies is getting use to the routin. I found a site that has allot of helpful information, there people like us there and even body builders there. Ellite fitness is the name of it...check it out,…
  • Come add me as a friend....I can't find any other way to find you.
  • I have done this before on another site and got so aggravated with it because the foods where so hard to find. This site seems much nicer and I hoping it will keep me focused on the big prize! Hello all!!