

  • Awesome job, keep it up and yes you can see the changes. Stories like this keep me motivated, I'm in my 2week with MFP, so this is a great inspiration.
  • All I can say to that is Yes Indeed! But I'm going to keep at it and eventually, I'll trick my body into dropping these unwanted pounds. At least that's what my mind has convinced me will happen. :laugh: Hang in there, you can do it! We are Forty & Fabulous!! ♥~Love & Blessings~♥
  • Hello iwannawearatutu (love that), Thank you for sharing as well. Holiday's are totally different. I pray you have the support and love of family and friends. Let them be your rock and hold you up, blessings to you. I'm so looking forward to making the best of what this site has to offer with all the information and…
  • Hi Susie, Thanks for the encouraging words. I'm looking forward to all the support and being supportive as well. This site is really cool. Vee.