40+ Harder to lose??

Hello All~
Boy that big 4-0 sure causes changes in metabolism, huh??
I never had to watch what I ate, just didn't gain.
Now that I am 42 years & 20 lbs older, I can no longer say that :sad:
But I am determined to maintain a healthy life & body so here i am.
Anyone else struggling??
Friend me :flowerforyou:

We need all the help we can get!



  • sorellabella
    sorellabella Posts: 133 Member
    Yep, I'm there with you...look for a buddy request!
  • Rachel1967
    Rachel1967 Posts: 10
    Looks like we are both in the same boat :wink: (well, same age, same amt of pounds lost, yet struggling:sad: but I've got a lot longer way to go than you) I can use the support too right now. It seemed like everything was going fine, now the past couple days I've been letting my guard down and the fight is getting harder. How's it going for you?
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    Mind if I climb on this boat too? Uhg...I thought I had all the time in the world to lose the extra pounds but seems now that I am over the big 40, the metabolism isn't what it used to be, neither are the joints!
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    I wish that issue waited until I was 40 to kick in...but I am only 37 and have the issues now. My metabolism slowed down after baby #2 which was 8 years ago and has never returned. Now I finally hit the mark that says I will do something about it. While it may be harder, if we stick to it and actually do the lifestyle change instead of a d#$@ (yes I consider it a four letter word), then we CAN DO IT!!! I just have to keep remembering that I didn't get overweight overnight and it will not be reversed overnight no matter how much I wish it to be. But with effort and drive, it will happened.

    Good luck to all of you
  • karen366
    karen366 Posts: 141
    I am barreling down on 40(in a couple of weeks). We can do this! I think about how quickly 40 years has gone, I want to face the next 40 years in a healthy body. The 29 pounds I lost have been challenging, but so was carrying around that extra 29 pounds during my 30's..no more, I will not allow myself to get back to where I was...it will take sweat and a few tears, but I will do this. We can all do this..count me in!
  • bluehorsesjp
    I am in the same boat, but I have been able to loose most of the weight and am almost to my goal weight. Oh and I am 44 (damn when did I get so old.)
    I did a lot of research when I stopped loosing weight. I have always led an active lifestyle, but my diet was never too stellar. I was defiantly a meal skipper, but if I ate lightly I could loose 2 lbs in a day no problem. By my late 30's that wasn't happening, and by 40 I had packed on 10 lbs. A serious wake up call for me.
    What I have read is that as we women age and produce less estrogen or bodies add more fat because fat produces estrogen. Well I am counteracting that for sure with MUCSLE. I think there is a more scientific explanation, but that is the jist of it.
    I am doing Chalene extreme and LOVE the program. I do need to add a bit more cardio in there, but I am so happy with the toning that is going on .

    So 40 year olds unite!
  • ladyvj
    ladyvj Posts: 5
    All I can say to that is Yes Indeed! But I'm going to keep at it and eventually, I'll trick my body into dropping these unwanted pounds. At least that's what my mind has convinced me will happen. :laugh: Hang in there, you can do it!

    We are Forty & Fabulous!!

    ♥~Love & Blessings~♥