nicholsvj Member


  • I used to wear men's sneakers - in high school I wanted to wear men's shoes. Thought I would fit in with the jocks better. Then that was what I got used to. I am actually surprised at the fact there there is such a noticeable difference so soon into wearing them. Picnic update - well, I entered everything I ate...which was…
  • @Skinnyjeanz - Congrat's on the Cholesterol! I'm so glad it's coming down for you! If you're ok sharing, I'm curious what your sodium levels are. I don't think your interpretation of them coming down means what you are thinking it means. Our bodies have a narrow level of normal, and anywhere in that range is good. But if…
  • Fitness Friday - Hit the gym again today! That's 3 days this week! Woot! And I did 1.86 miles in 30 minutes - 6 of those minutes at 5mph! Then I did hit the free weight section again today. It was a lot quieter there today...seeing as it was 330pm :) Although the creeper trainer was there, so I had to keep avoiding him.…
  • @Robin - congrat's on the 2 lbs! Well done! Well, I got up and was driving to work when I realized I needed to check my pager. Good thing I did, b/c my clinic was cancelled for the day! At least I was only a couple minutes down the road! So, for my free day I am going to clean and hit the gym! SInce I didn't post last…
  • It's not that bad. I live less than 5 minutes from the gym. So driving from work to the gym is the same as driving from work to home. I end up working out around 45-50 minutes at a time (again, 5 minutes from the gym). So not as bad as you think! Plus, if I come home after a 12 hour day at work...there is no way in heck I…
  • Aug - so sorry you guys had to deal with that. I know it doesn't make any sense but there is actually a fair amount of research showing this to be true. I think any WLS can be useful if you are 100% sure you are the right person for it. I just think that surgeons tend to prey on people when they are vulnerable just to make…
  • I think it's Tuesday still, right? Jeez - I just can't imagine what a "real" internship would be like on days like today! Ha! So my goals for this week are "simple." Make a menu plan for next week and stick to it. As I mentioned earlier, I am staring my month of inpatient medicine, therefore will be working 6 - 12 hour…
  • Monday Check In: Made it to the Y tonight and did 17 minutes on the treadmill - 1 mile! So happy at that pace for this point. I have one month to shave 2 minutes off my mile to make 45 minutes for a 5k. I think I can do it. I didn't push it at all tonight b/c I was having a crummy knee day and have a LONG day in the OR…
  • Yeah - sadly, none of this phases me at this point in my career. Now if y'all knew what we normally talked about over of you would eat again!
  • @Shrinkrapt, Tungsten and Linder - my current fav smoothie obsession is some ice cubes, a banana, and dark chocolate almond milk! I've been adding oatmeal for extra fiber. And every time I go shopping I look at the protein powders. There are just so many and I am scared to buy a big thing and not like the taste. I almost…
  • @shrinkrapt - thanks for the boiled egg tip. I was a microbiologist and then did public health epi prior to med school...therefore I tend to live by the "no more than 4 days in the fridge rule" when it comes to cooked food. I do love the Chobani Champions - can get a case of them at Costco pretty cheap! Other than the size…
  • Thanks for the breakfast ideas! I think I'll have to try the mini quiches! That just sounds like a perfect, healthy road breakfast! I've been thinking hard boiled eggs would be good too. But I don't know how long ahead I can pre make the eggs. My other option might just be making oatmeal ahead of time, taking it to work…
  • Hey all - I found you! Hopefully the moderators will be able to make a link. Sorry I wasn't around earlier to help send out messages. I had a no fitness Friday. Today was my day to go run and lift. I also got Mirena today (for those of you that don't know, it's a IUD that will hopefully stop my periods in a few months).…
  • @skinnyjeanz: I have to admit. I had no desire to read 50 Shades of Grey - until I found out libraries and such were banning it. Then I was like, that's it I have to read it now. So I did. It was horrible - but for the reasons that you would think. Then about a month later my 19 year old niece messages me asking if I read…
  • I'm gonna have to agree with Robin on this one. Especially since you have fibro. You need to start slow. Jumping from a few steps to 10,000 to fast will cause more pain that good. You need to increase your steps very slowly...i'm talking 500-1000 a week. Most Rheumatologists I know will tell you that exercise is the best…
  • It is so sad that our society thinks that it is media that causes children to grow up thinking violence is ok - or whatever it may be. Especially when you look at the history of the world and realize how prudish America is compared to all societies in all time periods in the whole world! It's crazy!
  • that is a great idea. Sadly the groceries stores in my area don't do that :( Whole Foods has a great healthy salad bar, but it is 45 minutes way out of the way from where I live and work. I miss having a Hy-Vee to shop at! Who would have thought I would say that!
  • Made it to the Y again tonight! It felt way better than Monday. Just a little piece of wisdom that hit home today while talking to a patient about her knees. The force our knees feel with each step is 4x our total body weight. 4x! That's just nuts! The patient actually bent down and apologized to her knees. While the…
  • Happy Monday! I made it to the gym tonight. I ran for a total of 3.5 minutes and walked for 21.5 plus a 10 minute cool down on the stationary bike. It felt so good to run again. I've been going slow b/c I'm scare of my knee. I feel like from a cardiovascular point of view I could have gone longer running, but I have…
  • Hi Evan - I read on a previous post of yours that you just got a new bike seat - so i assume you're a biker (like me). A reward I set for myself when i hit 225lbs is a bike jersey. They're pretty expensive, but worth it. I just wanted to make sure I get down to a size that I could get a good long use out of that size. I…
  • @Linder - what do you mean "you wonder how many of us are authorized?" Did I miss something in skimming the 6+ pages I missed being gone over the weekend! TO join the taste bud change conversation. It is so true that things that taste gross or flavorless at this point will begin to taste great and your old favorites will…
  • sounds like my favorite breakfast! Oats with bananas, PB and some plain greek yogurt. I find the sugar in the PB is plenty for the yogurt. You can also use agave syrup or honey. Good stuff! Oh, now I really hope I get up early enough tomorrow to make some for breakfast!
  • Steel Cut Oatmeal is amazing! LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Only thing I don't like is how long it takes to cook. But a great little trick is you can use small mason jars to premake your breakfast. Then you can finish it off with the microwave. Or you can eat it cold. I found a recipe called Almond Joy Oats. You use almond milk and…
  • So, I talked to a few of my coworkers today and we are all signing up for the 5K fun run/walk on Sept 22! So excited! My goal is 45 minutues! That sounds perfectly reasonable to me at this point! I also just got an iPad at work today! Not really weight related, but am darn excited about it! Hopefully I can force myself…
  • so I guess I should have read the end of the last thread before posting there :) Oh well, I found y'all which is all that matters! @Skinnyjeanz: You need to check out men's water polo then ;) And I think I will sign up for that 5K. I really want to do it, and I think it will be a good motivation to get to training instead…
  • A lot of doctors I know that do a lot with weight loss - serious, life style type, not the gimmicky pill crap - actually want their patients to have one "cheat meal" a week. It actually will help with maintaining loss and preventing plateaus. The science behind it basically says that you have to trick your body out of…
  • klfazio - the reason why you feel so sick after each increase of dosing is because you are on Armour thyroid not on synthroid. I can tell by your post that you would rather be on natural medicines that synthetic and that you understand the controversy, but let me explain a little bit about what the difference in the two…