

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--I had that same 10 lb goal and also didn't even come close! :grumble: I think I've lost 2 lbs all summer and like you I really have been trying. I agree--our bodies are trying to adjust and tone and we just need to be patient and keep going. I'm trying to focus on my accomplishments (I can run faster, do "real" planks on my forearms rather than my hands, I've started cycling, I've increased weights on some machines at the gym) and let that be enough for now. I know you've made a lot of strides with your rock climbing and general fitness as well. :flowerforyou:

    @morgori--WOW! I've never been much of a fast food junkie, but that is truly eye opening. Oh, and I KNEW you would oblige naceto's wish for a special emoticon!

    @abby--I also love NFL season--it's one positive I look forward to in the fall when I have to head back to the classroom. I also :heart: Hello Kitty.

    @tungsten--don't get me wrong, I still like a good donut now and then, but that one was just super-greasy. I also love a good gourmet burger, but I find when I order one I can only eat half. I think part of it is my palate and part of it is not being willing to waste calories on food that just doesn't taste good. Honestly, I've never thought McD's burgers were delicious, but I would eat them for convenience. Now, if I'm gonna have a burger, it better be a really good quality burger for me to use all of those calories.

    @mom2cubs--I also saw your 1st post and the reason I remember is Liz and I were talking about Chicago sports teams and your username caught my eye. I quickly realized from reading your post that it wasn't a baseball reference. :laugh:

    @tessdel--what chandra said (she's the other newbie whose post is right before yours). Welcome to both of you! :flowerforyou:

    @helen--one of my favorite poems (to read and teach!).

    @naceto--glad you are feeling good today! :drinker:

    @sani--I don't really care if I jiggle--I just love to dance! My friends and I get really silly when we dance together too, so at least I know I'm not the only one making a fool of myself. :tongue: Oh, and guys can absolutely be interested in fashion--I have several (both straight and gay) who love to shop and are very fashion forward.

    Welcome to any other newlings and "hello" to anyone I missed on this round!

    Sunday Share:
    I am a terrible cook--not b/c I can't do it, but b/c I don't really enjoy it. However, now that I am eating healthier I've had to learn to cook a lot more of my meals. My husband still does the majority of the cooking, but he would bacon-wrap and deep-fry everything if I let him (and of course he's not overweight at all :grumble: ). Tonight I am making pasta with turkey marinara sauce. Will also be adding a lot of veggies (red bell peppers, zucchini, onion, and mushrooms) to the sauce. It's making me hungry just writing about it so I'd better get to cooking! :wink:
  • terra32903
    terra32903 Posts: 185 Member
    Share....I'm a single mom of a 15 year old living on the east coast of Florida. My son is 5'10 and weighs 107 as of last Friday. This makes meal time in my house extremely challenging. The doctor is consistently pushing me to feed my son more and to bulk him up some. Unfortunately, that doesn't always work well, especially at dinner when I like to make a nice healthy meal. He gets banana, peanut butter, wheat germ smoothies for breakfast. I get the banana LOL.
  • arbrewst
    arbrewst Posts: 18
    My name is Rose and I am 25 yrs old. I am 5'-3" tall and my start weight was 295 lbs. So far I have lost about 12 lbs. I originally started doing MFP on my cell phone about a month ago and I realized recently that I could get online and talk with others doing the same thing. I am in school (almost done) for video production right now. That kind of job can require a lot of physical activity so I would like to lose weight and get more in shape.
  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    @Linder - what do you mean "you wonder how many of us are authorized?" Did I miss something in skimming the 6+ pages I missed being gone over the weekend!

    TO join the taste bud change conversation. It is so true that things that taste gross or flavorless at this point will begin to taste great and your old favorites will start to be too sweet, greasy etc. One thing I have noticed about chocolate. The more healthy I eat the darker the chocolate I like. Which is a good thing. An oz of dark chocolate a day is good for the body and soul!

    Sad the olympics are over. Seriously, watching water polo really makes me want to exercise all day every day!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @Linder - what do you mean "you wonder how many of us are authorized?" Did I miss something in skimming the 6+ pages I missed being gone over the weekend!

    I didn't understand what she meant either.......:ohwell:
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    @Linder - what do you mean "you wonder how many of us are authorized?" Did I miss something in skimming the 6+ pages I missed being gone over the weekend!

    I didn't understand what she meant either.......:ohwell:

    Ok, at least I'm not alone in confusion :huh:

    @naceto - way to go girl! I'm all over the no pain thing - that's awesome! Hmmm... a Ren? Hope you get Twig the Fairy there :)

    As for the turkey legs at the rens - STAY AWAY FROM THE TURKEY LEGS! OMG they are like an entire day's calories, greasy & salty to boot. And the soft pretzels are another big NO.
    At the AZ Ren, they've started up having some healthier options, even grilled veggie things. So there is hope for us Renfair junkies!

    Sunday share - just can't pull it together today - first panic attack this morning for no good reason, then the edges of a migraine. *So*, my activity counter is low & I'm over my numbers so-far today. Bah. Will go for a walk after sundown with the husband, so hoping that helps a bit.

    Many hugs to all you wonderful people - you are each a huge inspiration :heart:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @Linder - what do you mean "you wonder how many of us are authorized?" Did I miss something in skimming the 6+ pages I missed being gone over the weekend!

    I didn't understand what she meant either.......:ohwell:

    Ok, at least I'm not alone in confusion :huh:

    I assumed Lin meant how many people have ever posted even once in the entire time the thread has been running (thus, they are "authorized users") but maybe I'm wrong.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    @Linder - what do you mean "you wonder how many of us are authorized?" Did I miss something in skimming the 6+ pages I missed being gone over the weekend!

    I didn't understand what she meant either.......:ohwell:

    Ok, at least I'm not alone in confusion :huh:

    I assumed Lin meant how many people have ever posted even once in the entire time the thread has been running (thus, they are "authorized users") but maybe I'm wrong.

    Just wondering how many people will be allowed to post on the new closed thread when we roll.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @Linder - what do you mean "you wonder how many of us are authorized?" Did I miss something in skimming the 6+ pages I missed being gone over the weekend!

    I didn't understand what she meant either.......:ohwell:

    Ok, at least I'm not alone in confusion :huh:

    I assumed Lin meant how many people have ever posted even once in the entire time the thread has been running (thus, they are "authorized users") but maybe I'm wrong.

    Just wondering how many people will be allowed to post on the new closed thread when we roll.

    All the people who are contained here in these 20 pages can post in the new closed thread when we roll & people such as Believeth64 who used to post in the prior thread are also welcome to post in the new closed thread. (I have sent her a PM, btw) :heart:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    @morgori- Thanks for the emoticons!!! :bigsmile: You are a scholar and a gentleman! I was tempted by the turkey legs.. but they were $9!!! (probably better for my girlish figure that I stuck with the sandwich I brought) :laugh: Your farmer's market haul looks terrifically tasty! (did I just make up a word?)

    @jtconst- great choice with the smoothie! I hope your bbq went well.

    @Helenatrandom- LOVE the poem. Thank you so much for sharing. I have seen some wonderful quotes tattooed on people- but imagine if you got the one tattoo artist who didn't know how to spell?? Not a chance I am willing to take. :laugh:

    @Christine - I may have to check out Dr. Daniel Amen's book... "Change Your Brain, Change Your Body" sounds like my kind of book. Right now I'm reading Michelle Schoffro Cook's "The Brain Wash". (Powerful, All-Natural Program to Protect Your Brain Against Alzheimer's, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression, Parkinson's, and Other Diseases).

    @Skinnyjeanz- dinner sounds tasty! What time should I be there? (Please keep in mind the time zone change, when you send the invitation) :wink: Enjoy!

    @vickimieth- Thanks for the warning! I believe I made some accurate assumptions regarding the turkey legs.. so I passed them by. Had they been free, however, I likely would have had a rough time. This was actually my first Renaissance Festival as an adult! It was great fun. I love the costumes and stage shows. The two treats I did have- shaved empty calories.. um I mean shaved ice and a couple bites of a pickle. We brought sandwiches and fruit that we picked up at the grocery.....definitely better than the turkey leg... Just looked it up on webmd- Giant turkey leg: 1,136 calories/54 g fat OMIGOSH!!! Separately - HUGS!! Doesn't sound like a nice way to start your day. I hope you are feeling better. :flowerforyou:

    Regarding fast food - I have no taste for it anymore. It's weird because I have always been a fast food addict. The easier it is, the better. Now, I will go hungry rather than eat McD's fries, which I used to love. Who said the thing about imagining the teenagers prepping my food? Excellent point- my 14 year old cooks for me (and does great), but would not remember to wash his hands if I didn't get on him about it. EWWWW :sick: BUT I will never lose the taste for chocolate MyM0wM0w.... you have me beat! :smile: I have, however, noticed I enjoy more fruits and veggies I didn't previously like... beets, raw onion, asparagus sometimes.

    Thanks everyone for the support. It was so amazing to be able to go the Renaissance Festival today. I was sure my hip wouldn't let me partake in the fun... I am forever the optimist when it comes to others, but for myself, it's another story. :tongue: We had a great time, and though I am a bit stiff- I am not hurting, which is an amazing thing.

    Sunday share- I love this group... you are all so supportive and non-judgmental. Each of you provides me inspiration throughout my week, to be just a little better than I was yesterday. Who am I, you new folks ask? I am a 29 oh woops! I mean 39 year old mother of one charming and handsome 14 year old son. I have tried and failed to maintain a healthy lifestyle several times in my life. At the end of June (this year), I committed not to "change" my life, but to make it better. I want to make healthier choices today, so that tomorrow will be more fun. There are a gazillion reasons why I want to be healthy; I am my child's only parent and primary role model, I am in some type of pain more often than not, and I want to climb mountains, run marathons, and skydive. I want to push beyond my self imposed limits to become the best I can be. Do you think that's a lot to want? I don't. I believe I will do it. I may have setbacks and obstacles to overcome, but I will learn from them and move forward. A friend of mine did the Color Run, in Colorado, this weekend. As I looked through her pictures, I thought, "I could have some serious fun with that", instead of, "Oh, that looks fun for everyone else". That's a big step in the right direction for me.

    WOW again, Nicole takes up a ton of space!! Tomorrow, I will be less chatty. :flowerforyou: Have a fabulous day! YOU are worth it!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Yes I understand all who have posted will be allowed to post. I was just mulling it over, is that 1,000 people, 2,000 people, more. Just my mind idling along into numbers. Gosh everybody, it was just a little tiny thought............
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Morgori - I loved the picture of the results of your shopping trip to the Farmer's Market. Delectable!! Plenty 'o good eatin' there for sure. Also thanks for a reminder of what's in fast food. Ugh.

    Happy evening to all.

    Tomorrow's another day to drink the water!! :drinker: :drinker:

  • vidvox
    vidvox Posts: 62 Member
    Morgori - what are the pink and green things in your farmer's market photo? I don't recognize them, maybe they're not a Canadian thing?

    Sunday share - I'm 41 (and a half). I gained all my excess weight after my son was born, so around age 31. I had really, really hoped I would get back to my previous weight by the time I turned 40, but I didn't. So for the past year I've just been in "give up" mode and not really cared about my weight or about my health in general. Just turned a mental corner a couple of months ago so I'm trying again and feel quite motivated at the moment. Hope that my good friends depression and anxiety don't reappear and mess up all my hard work!! Happy to have found you all!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Yes I understand all who have posted will be allowed to post. I was just mulling it over, is that 1,000 people, 2,000 people, more. Just my mind idling along into numbers. Gosh everybody, it was just a little tiny thought............

    :wink: I completely understood that you were just "thinking aloud" and I believe it's an interesting question--I've been on this thread for a little over a year (I joined in early July 2011) and have seen many folks come and go and sometimes come back again. I would bet I've seen 1000 people post at least once in that time.

    @robin--Speaking of people coming and going--do you think we will lose CoryIda's motivational visits? I sure hope not!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member

    @Susan I love portobellos too, the pizza sounded wonderful, how did you fix it?

    I keep it pretty simple. Portobello base (tear stem off). In cap, place 1/4 c. pizza sauce (I try to find a fat free or low sodium version), 1/4 turkey sausage crumbles, 2 T. skim mozzarella, and 1 basil leaf. Sometimes I'll add other things like black olives, jalapenos, red peppers, turkey pepperoni, shrimp, ham & pineapple, etc. . . I keep the base stuff pretty simple and try different toppings. It's super low calories depending on the toppings you add and just like having pizza with all the toppings. You save big not having the crust.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I know just keeping up with the thread can use up all of our reading time, but here's an article that's worth a glance:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    wow, i missed a day and now i'm four pages behind :laugh:

    i put on a pair of (freshly laundered!) size 18 jeans yesterday. and they fit. i had no trouble getting them up and not a ton of trouble buttoning them. i didn't like the way they looked though so i won't be wearing them yet, but they definitely fit. so that was interesting.

    also, i'm not sure what this means. it could be a fluke in that he signed everyone up for the newsletter, or it could be a sign that he chose me. but i got an email today from the fitness challenge place that i talked about entering to win from the radio station? it was the newsletter telling the participants where to go to have their before pictures taken. so i'm hopeful, even though i haven't heard from the DJ in charge. though, like i said, it's entirely possible that he just signed everyone up for the newsletter who emailed him about possibly joining.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    @morgori- Thanks for the emoticons!!! :bigsmile: You are a scholar and a gentleman! I was tempted by the turkey legs.. but they were $9!!! (probably better for my girlish figure that I stuck with the sandwich I brought) :laugh: Your farmer's market haul looks terrifically tasty! (did I just make up a word?)

    @Christine - I may have to check out Dr. Daniel Amen's book... "Change Your Brain, Change Your Body" sounds like my kind of book. Right now I'm reading Michelle Schoffro Cook's "The Brain Wash". (Powerful, All-Natural Program to Protect Your Brain Against Alzheimer's, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression, Parkinson's, and Other Diseases).
    I was not even thinking of how bad that turkey leg might be for you:blushing: I was just thinking of the image of an old King chomping on a leg. I think from the pictures my Sister sent me of her doing the "Warrior Dash" they have turkey legs for after the race. Turkey legs and Renaissance Fairs just seem to go together.
    Christine- thanks for the "Change Your Brain, Change Your Body" book info. I read "The Brain Wash" and now I'm addicted to berries, blue, black, rasp, straw, and huckle when I get up to Montana. I love them all. I also try to eat some of the good fat for my brain.

    @vidvox- "Morgori - what are the pink and green things in your farmer's market photo? I don't recognize them, maybe they're not a Canadian thing?" Those are Dragon fruit they are a little strange looking. You should see the insides they are purple and look like purple kiwi. I guess some have white insides, but the ones I get here at the Farmer's Market are purple. I read online that they are good for you:
    "Dragon Fruit is very high in antioxidants, and thus help boost the immune system. The fruit is beautiful also full of vitamin C, essential nutrients that also boost the immune system, among many other things. Dragon fruit also provides a rich source of vitamins B1, B2, and B3. This vitamin increases the body's cholesterol levels, increase energy levels, help metabolize food, and even improve the quality of your skin. Dragon fruit seeds are also very good for you, they provide a source of essential fatty acids.

    Overall health benefits of dragon fruit rather impressive. The combination of nutrients present in the dragon fruit means that they help regulate blood pressure and blood sugar. Dragon fruit is also very good for asthma and a bad cough, and also contain vitamins that improve eye sight. The minerals contained in fruits helps promote bone density and dental health. What's more, the fruits are very low in calories and high in fiber. They therefore made for dietary supplements are great, they give a boost to your digestive system and thereby reduce the fat. If you can not find the dragon fruit at your local supermarket, they are more common in the Chinese market, among other places."
    I'm not sure how much of that is or is not true, but I'm keeping an open mind, my bG (blood glucose) has been good on days that I eat them. I'm type 2 diabetic and have high blood pressure.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone, Hope everyone is having a wonderful day.
    @Morgari thought it was interesting what you share about fast food.
    @Monarchris. Yeah

    Sunday share cooler today but air quality extremely poor due to forest fires workout consisted of taking the dog for walks.

    I use to eat so much no control or stop till I couldn't than wait a bit l
    to put more in. My day was consume with what's next. It how I handle emotions hurt I didn't allow them in I ate. My exercise was going to the fridge or buffet lines.. even than if I could rope someone into bringing it to me I would.
    Hurtburn back ankle pains bitterness. Today a lot of junk coming up. My caustic daughter had meltdown 1 after the other. It puts so much stress in the household my DH and I need to reminding each other same team. I love my daughter I give my life for gets so don't get me wrong she normally good I just miss her triggers. Sorry for this dump normally I go eat. ™and I am not and u won't tell anyone I feel so overwhelmed I just want to shut it down.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    What I get for using my phone. My19 yr old with autism