
  • terra32903
    terra32903 Posts: 185 Member
    @trhjrh06 - not being able to fit a ride happened to me at Legoland in January of this year. The rides at Legoland are made a bit smaller to accommodate kids. One ride had the shoulder restraints, and they couldn't get me buckled in no matter how hard they tried. The walk of shame was mortifying, but oh well, it is what it is. Since I was so far in denial, it didn't bother me as much as it should have. I hope to return to Legoland one day and ride the ride that I was once too fat to ride. We go to Disney yearly, and I have never had a problem there yet. However, it will be nice to go to any amusement park one day and not have to worry about fitting.

    Tip: if the ride has a seat belt, pull it all of the way out *before* you sit down.

    I hope you have a great trip.

    I had the same problem at the same park! It was the suspended roller coaster. I was unable to pull the restraint down over my chest and my bf was trying to help. The attendant saw and came over. He tried to push but it wouldn't lock. So he asked me if I could "push them out of the way". Ummm hello!?! These are my breasts! So he counted to 3. I exhaled...he pushed. Worst ride EVER but I had promised the kids so.... Needless to say I declined the "lets go again!". That was the day I decided to take control of my body/diet.
  • tikafly
    tikafly Posts: 184 Member

    I had the same problem at the same park! It was the suspended roller coaster. I was unable to pull the restraint down over my chest and my bf was trying to help. The attendant saw and came over. He tried to push but it wouldn't lock. So he asked me if I could "push them out of the way". Ummm hello!?! These are my breasts! So he counted to 3. I exhaled...he pushed. Worst ride EVER but I had promised the kids so.... Needless to say I declined the "lets go again!". That was the day I decided to take control of my body/diet.

    Yes! That's the one I couldn't fit on! The "Flight School" ride. My problem wasn't my boobs, but my belly/ribs. The worst part was not the walk of shame, but rather explaining to my children why mommy couldn't go on the ride. Thankfully, my husband was able to ride with them.
  • JayLee5005
    JayLee5005 Posts: 12 Member
    Whew! That's what I get for missing yesterday. Speedy thread. :) I work long days Wednesdays (9-8) usually without a no time to check in here...but I just got caught up.

    @kicking, @Val, @aubbie, @jewels - WELCOME! I'm relatively new, too...and so far it's been a great help in the motivation department to be on here.

    @datenshi - So sorry for your recent loss.

    @coming4u - Love the quote!

    @trhjrh - the quote from your dad is awesome - what a good lesson that is to me as a parent. :)

    @evanp - Welcome! And I think about the "if I could just go back" thing all the time. (sigh)

    @VaVa - Welcome! and I love the quote!

    @mymowmow - Yay!! Congrats on the under 100!! And also, re: cats, I used to think the same things about my kids...geez, if I took this much time and energy to make sure I was eating so well, I'd be in a much better place. It's nice to finally be taking almost as good of care of myself as I do my boys.

    @sassy - I'm with you - it does seem daunting to look at the whole big goals seem to help me be less overwhelmed at times. Like, today I'll just make sure I get in all my water or today I'll definitely exercise or just focus on the next 3 pounds. Even the journey of 1000 miles starts with one small step.

    @alleykat - What SweetP, Skinnyjeanz, Heather and Mymowmow said!!! :)

    @reva - oh so frustrating...sending some scale victory vibes your way!

    @isis ((hug)) to you...and grace....everyday is a chance to do it differently.

    @tungsten - I feel the same way about good red wine. :)

    Thursday Truth - if there were a pill that was a substitute for all the vitamins and minerals and fuel and goodness that comes to our bodies through food...I would love that. To never have to think about food again, to never plan meals, to never make the time, to never have to stop doing something because it's time to eat something....heaven.

    “Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow.”
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @MyMowmow - I think your epiphany is truly amazing - I love cats and would dote on them like you except I have severe asthma. I love your new picture as well as the old by the way, are you showing off family? We must accept the painful lessons in our life with gratitude and yours is a perfect example. I have no doubt that you will love yourself as much as you love your fur babies and you will do wonderfully at your lifestyle change :flowerforyou:

    @Genesis - people sometimes are hesitant to ask, especially until you change the clothes you are wearing to a different wardrobe or maybe your posture improves from increased exercise. Then you'll get some comments. On the whole, people are timid about comments about other people's weight until it is really, really obvious.

    @Joe - I second Skinnyjean's suggestions. I think of it this way: " Count Calories and Compensate" . If you go over that night, sacrifice calories the next 2 days to make up for it, so it averages out over 3 days.

    @Andrea (Lauren? I am s-o-o-o confused!) Ooooh, I feel like scolding you for not eating til 4 pm and then you go on to say that's how you've been eating that way for quite a while? Oh, my goodness :ohwell: I hope this doctor's appt. is nothing serious, and you, my friend, can somehow wrest control over your busy, busy life! :heart: p.s. I say go for the run, and buy a T-shirt to commemorate the event!

    @ Helen - you're so funny - but your Thursday Truth really is the truth! I wondered the other day how many of us women (and men) have noticed,since we've changed to a healthier diet, how much "glowier" our faces are. I know my facial skin is much nicer since I've changed me diet. Any thoughts?

    @Tina - I went to a Worlds of Fun water park last summer when I weighed 242 and hips were 52 inches at that point, and I fit in all the rides even the roller coaster. Hope that info will help you. It sounds like you get anxious before events just like I do. Hugs.:flowerforyou:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    We must accept the painful lessons in our life with gratitude and yours is a perfect example. I have no doubt that you will love yourself as much as you love your fur babies and you will do wonderfully at your lifestyle change :flowerforyou:

    Thanks all for the support. I can say without question that the stroke was one of the best things that ever happened to me. It gave me 4 full days in ICU to think about what I did. It was the ULTIMATE time out.

    I am absolutely showing off my two beautiful boys. :blushing:
  • SweetP27
    SweetP27 Posts: 218 Member
    Hello all =)

    Thursday - Truth
    I am dissapointed no one can tell I've lost almost 40lbs. I suspect it's actually more. It's ok. I have a long long way to go and I'm prepared for this journey.

    have a womderful day MFPals

    I think sometimes people notice they just don't say anything. I had a friend one time who said that a co-worker said they didn't say anything because she didn't want them to feel they weren't 'good enough' just the way she was.
  • country_blood14
    country_blood14 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, Im new to this thread. I have been on MFP for a few months, and really worked on learning how to count calories, and watch what I eat, and really worked on my diet! Now that I feel healthier with what I am eating, I am moving on to the next step. Excerise! I am really excited to start the next stage in my long road trip! I started 30DS this week and my short term goal is to finish it with minimal days off! My longer term goal is to hit 199lbs by my 25 bday on Nov 14!!
  • OperationNormal
    OperationNormal Posts: 10 Member
    Thursday Truth - Tonight is family game night. We will pick something active to play on the Wii or Kinnect. Part of me is very happy that my husband and son will be there to motivate and have fun with me while we all get in some exercise. I really am looking forward to spending time with them just having fun. But that lazy part of me is already whinning about being tired and already entertaining the idea of letting one of them take my turn. I'm fighting that voice today. My son gets such a kick out of it when I play "get up and move" type games with him, so I do not want to disappoint him tonight! And truthfully, I'm really tired of disappointing myself by giving in to that lazy voice.
  • HeatheraRyan
    HeatheraRyan Posts: 55 Member

    I had the same problem at the same park! It was the suspended roller coaster. I was unable to pull the restraint down over my chest and my bf was trying to help. The attendant saw and came over. He tried to push but it wouldn't lock. So he asked me if I could "push them out of the way". Ummm hello!?! These are my breasts! So he counted to 3. I exhaled...he pushed. Worst ride EVER but I had promised the kids so.... Needless to say I declined the "lets go again!". That was the day I decided to take control of my body/diet.

    Yes! That's the one I couldn't fit on! The "Flight School" ride. My problem wasn't my boobs, but my belly/ribs. The worst part was not the walk of shame, but rather explaining to my children why mommy couldn't go on the ride. Thankfully, my husband was able to ride with them.

    This is one of the reasons why I want to lose weight too. I love theme parks but have a hard time fitting into the rides. This is also why my Wed Wish was for my bf to lose weight with me, because he already can't fit in the rides and I know he misses out. (His issue is a gut, mine is the boobies.)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Okay folks, I just totally went ballistic. No, really, I went nuts. I called again about my internet service problem which has been happening since mid-July and found out for the second time they close my ticket with no action. I thought I was going to have a stroke on the phone with the person telling me why there had been no service.

    I now have a service call scheduled for next Wednesday.

    Apparently they know my speeds are throttling down to virtually NADA, but they don't know why.

    I feel like such a B****.

    Oh and no $$ adjustment was offered.

    An angry.....

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    And yes I know my prior post has nothing to do with this thread other than I have had problems posting and reading this thread and man I NEED IT!!

  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    @raven--I tried to look at your food diary to give more specific advice, but it's private. So my general advice is that as long as your net intake is above around 1200/day, don't worry too much about always meeting that calorie goal. Also, someone asked this before, but do you log all of your daily activity (like shopping) as exercise? If so, check your "goals" to make sure you have your activity level set at "sedentary."

    Well, to be honest, they're not really daily activities. It's rare that I cook or shop (I live with mom and dad) though I do clean frequently. I track everything though. Walking, cleaning, dancing, etc. I usually do meet at least 1200 cals a day though... but that's before I exercise... last night I came in closer to 1800 (the goal is like 2100 some odd, I'd have to look for the exact number) but after I was done exercising I had a net gain of like... 400.

    No lie- this all confuses me sometimes. :/

    Edit: I changed it to sedentary- worked at a gas station when I FIRST joined lol... was on my feet a lot. Not so much now
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    thursday truth- i have no motivation to do anything and even if i did, i am not allowed....and i wonder why i am depressed
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    @ndetmer - You don't seem offensive... hehe football humor.

    @alleykat69 - I have a mother that 'helps' me in my journey with you're too fat statements, actually I have a few helpers around. When she starts I can usually derail her with a heart felt "Bite me you old bat!" If she persists I go to the old cliche's, "If you can't say something nice, then shut the hell up." "It's all fun and games until I hold you down and poke your eye out." Someone else mentioned setting some boundaries with her, I completely agree.

    Steel cut oatmeal - I posted a recipe a while back for crockpot whole oat groats oatmeal, the same recipe works for steel cut oatmeal. 4:1 ratio of water to oatmeal. I add an extra 1/2 cup of water 4.5 to 1 ratio cuz I like oatmeal a little loose), a pat of butter, and a pinch of salt. Sometimes I do it plain, sometimes I add sweetener. I have a huge crockpot so I use a water bath setup, it saves time cleaning up too. Put 2 or 3 cups of water in the crock, I use a small stainless mixing bowl, it doesn't matter what kind of bowl so long as it won't melt, put the bowl in the water. Wake up to warm wonderful oatmeal. Refrigerate the leftover and reheat in the microwave as needed.

  • clynch1968
    clynch1968 Posts: 45 Member
    Thursday Truth...I've lost a little over the weight of an elephants penis & I feel pretty good about it. hehehe
  • vinsonh42
    vinsonh42 Posts: 125
    Thursday truth...I did bad yesterday and I did not log it because I know exactly how bad I did and I am taking today as a new day.. I will log it when I get home today because I wrote down what I ate. My chaffing is getting better but is not looking better. Might attempt to do some time on the bike tonight. I know the treadmill is still out of the question for now. And I will do my ab/strengthening work out tonight. No matter if I have to do it in my moms room or not!

    On the matter of it an acquired taste? I'm not sure if I like it or not... Just the texture and the look of it turns me off of it. i guess I'll have to take more than a tiny bite to see if I like it or not.

    Ok so I am sooo confused on the whole net calories thing. Should I shoot for a net of at least 1200 a day? I have read so many things and they are all different... Eat 1200 and work out and don't eat your exercise cals back... Eat a net of 1200. I just don't know....
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @aug--I read "offensive" the same way and had to re-read that line for it to make sense to me. Oh, and thanks for posting the oats recipe--I really do want to try it once the weather turns chilly.

    @karenleona--hang in there! I'm sure it's tough not being able to do anything, but you need to heal. Did the doc give you any estimate about when you could get back to being fully active again?

    @raven--I hope the switch in activity level helps a bit. I change mine to "sedentary" when I'm home for the summer and switch back to "lightly active" when I go back to the classroom b/c I'm on my feet all day.

    @lin--arghhh! that's so frustrating! I think ISP's are THE WORST when it comes to customer service. I once called ATT b/c my internet was down. After making me go through a zillion "checks" (including crawling under my desk to unplug and plug in multiple cords & changing multiple passwords) the tech guy determined that it was due to service being done in my area. REALLY!?! You couldn't have checked on that before you wasted over an hour of my life?!? :explode: Needless to say, I hope they get your problem figured out and fixed.

    @needamulligan--Wlecome! I'm also from Chitown. Guess what? It's going to be in the 70's for the next few days, so no excuses!! :wink: Just teasing--it HAS been way too hot to exercise outside for most of the summer.

    @doug--I wish it were that easy, but I know you aren't being mean and malicious, so your insult fails to trigger my "I'll show you!" switch. :tongue: Honestly, what I really need to do is work on changing my mindset--it's terrible that compliments can't motivate me the way insults can. I'm going to work on that--instead of responding to a compliment with "if I look so good, then why bother to keep losing?" I'm going to retrain my inner voice. Something like "wow, if I keep working hard I'll hear those types of compliments more often."

    @andrea--DO the 5k!! They are so much fun--complete strangers stand along the course and cheer you on, and you feel such a sense of accomplishment when yo finish. If I could afford the registration fees, I would do one every week.

    @tina--I understand your anxiety, but I bet you will fit in the rides with no problem. If I recall, you are in the 2-teens, right? Plenty of healthy adults (granted they are usually men who are a bit taller than us) fall into that weight range and ride makers want to accomodate most adults. Does the park have a website? If so, they may have something on the site that gives size restrictions for their rides--it may help alleviate your fears ahead of time and make the car ride more pleasant.

    @helen--you are not wrong about the hard g thing. In Middle English (or earlier) there is no such thing as a soft g or c--that's why it drives me crazy when people pronounce Celtic with an 's' at the beginning; unless you are talking about the basketball team, it's 'K'eltic. Now, I'm really not sure how his name is spelled in Middle English, but if it was truly spelled "Geoffrey" then I agree with you that the g would have been a hard g; however, it's very likely that we have modernized the spelling along with translating the Tales into Modern English.

    Welcome to all of the new folks! :flowerforyou:

    Has anyone heard from Lauren? Robin mentioned her--was it Andrea who was going to message her? I'm not "friends" with her and can't remember her new username (the old lhawkins is stuck in my brain).

    Well, I walked my dog in the rain (just a light drizzle) and then I went to the gym. I also decided to start keeping track of how often I go. I renewed my yearly membership in June for $300. However, I just realized that the daily rate is $3 for residents (it's a park district gym) which means I need to average twice a week for it to be worth paying the yearly fee. I went back through my exercise diary and started noting the days I've visited the gym since June 1st. I plan to do this all year so I will know whether to do the yearly fee next June.
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    Tuesday I weighed and measured lost 7 lbs. So far I lost 26lbs and 18.5inches. This has been a life long struggle. Sick of hearing you have such a pretty face now lose some weight. WTH. But after the final break up of a three year relationship. I decided hey you need to get this weight off. Just to show him what a fool he is. So my first goal is a just 32lbs away. To be under 200 by end of the year. That will be 199 that was 29 years ago right after high school. Come to think of it my 30th class reunion is next year. Plus my daughter is getting married next August. So I have plenty of reasons to lose. But mostly it is for me. Because I deserve to be happy. Amen
  • trmjnnmln
    trmjnnmln Posts: 4 Member
    So I'm new here and this is my third day using MFP and so far so good. I have been keeping track of foods and exercise. My goal is to lose 30lbs. I want to go back in the service and I am out of standards. So.... I need help

    So for the next week here is what i would like:
    1. drink water at least 64 oz a day (I hate water :()
    2. Watch my portion size. I tend to either eat to little or to much. I can't seem to just eat what I'm supposed to.
    3. Not give in to my cravings. I don't usually eat b/c i'm hungry I eat b/c I feel like I need to be chewing on something. (no gum doesn't work) I don't know its a wierd thing.
    4. Not eat after 7 pm
    5. No fast food
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Thursday truth...I did bad yesterday and I did not log it because I know exactly how bad I did and I am taking today as a new day.. I will log it when I get home today because I wrote down what I ate. My chaffing is getting better but is not looking better. Might attempt to do some time on the bike tonight. I know the treadmill is still out of the question for now. And I will do my ab/strengthening work out tonight. No matter if I have to do it in my moms room or not!

    On the matter of it an acquired taste? I'm not sure if I like it or not... Just the texture and the look of it turns me off of it. i guess I'll have to take more than a tiny bite to see if I like it or not.

    Ok so I am sooo confused on the whole net calories thing. Should I shoot for a net of at least 1200 a day? I have read so many things and they are all different... Eat 1200 and work out and don't eat your exercise cals back... Eat a net of 1200. I just don't know....

    You will get a lot of different advice about this, but I don't see how most people can heathily sustain a net intake below 1200 (without getting hungry or ill or both). Assuming you set up your MFP goals to lose weight, you are already at a calorie deficit before you work out, so why wouldn't you eat back at least some of your exercise calories? You need calories to fuel your metabolism so you can continue to work out. If I burn 1000 calories running, I may not eat them all back today, but I will probably eat them back throughout the next few days. Also, if I don't have enough calories it hinders my ability to run.

    Calories are not the enemy and from what I've seen in over a year on the threads, people who embrace the "fewer is better" mentality tend to be looking for the "quick fix" as opposed to a healthy lifestyle. That doesn't mean 1200 is a magic number. You may find that you function really well and continue to lose weight at 1100 or even 1000 calories net. Or you may find that your net needs to be 1400/day to keep your metabolism kicking. One of the hardest parts about this process is figuring out your own personal magic number and realizing that once you get it figured out, it will likely change as you lose more weight. :ohwell: