Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @lin--don't be silly! :smile: I just wanted to let you know I appreciated the advice and didn't want people confused about why I was responding instead of nichols. There are so many of us "regulars" in the group, we are bound to mix each other up now and then!

    Saturday Success:
    Got through my smaller AP class's quizzes. Plan to do the screeners next and then tackle the other AP class. Don't know how much more I'll get through today b/c I'm going to another festival tonight. Probably one of the last of the season, so I plan to dance my butt off. :laugh:

    1. 21/48 AP quizzes
    2. x/58 universal screeners for writing for my juniors
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I am building a new computer. The good news is all my hardware is working and real fast :happy: The bad news is now I have a ton of software to load:sad:

    I will try to catch up with this thread when I get everything working and tweaked.

    Hope you are all getting healthy!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @vickie--thanks! she really is a gorgeous little girl--has her mother's dark hair and eyes and a lovely blend of her mom's very dark and dad's very fair complexions. School year has gotten off to an "ok" start. :smile:

    @christine--I track sugar and am always over on that and sodium. :ohwell:

    So I just tried my first bag of shiritaki noodles--the bag says it contains 5 servings, but I would guess it's more like 2 small servings or one large. I ate the whole bag b/c I was pretty hungry. Also, if I didn't use the whole bag, it would have been swimming in the one serving of cheese sauce (which I weighed for accuracy).

    @lin--Thanks for the tip to rinse them well. Any other tips or tricks? I found them to be fine as far as taste, but they were kind of, IDK, slippery in texture. Mine didn't hold the sauce very well and also seemed to water it down quite a bit. Do you dry them off before adding other foods to them? Or have you ever tried baking them in a sauce? I was thinking that maybe the sauce would stick better if they weren't so wet.
  • californiagirl10
    So what exactly is this thread for? I have about 90lbs to lose. I could definitely use the support and I love to encourage others. Someone maybe could clue me in on the purpose of this thread :) xoxo from Cali :)
  • allyjoy83
    allyjoy83 Posts: 176 Member
    I started a new job this week so I haven't been able to keep up this week. Success for the week was that the company provided lunch for us trainees on Thursday and Friday (which was super nice of them), but I was certain that it would not be within my eating restrictions, so I made sure to pack a lunch just in case for each day. First day they gave us sandwiches and chips, and the second day was pizza. I, instead, had meat roll-ups and salad and blueberries. I stayed strong. The pizza was tough, though ... it looked like really good pizza. Either way, I enjoyed my meals.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @Nichols - How is the width on Ryka shoes? I usually only go for New Balance, because I have feet like flippers and they are usually the only comfortable shoe for me.

    I'm the same way. Actually, the last pair I bought were men's because they fit the best. Finding sneakers has always been a challenge, but this last pair was the best fit. I actually need to buy another pair. This was is getting a little hole on the top by my toe. I'll probably try to find the same pair.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    i am dog sick. got a random summer cold. but i finished my adoption training today! then it could take 90 days for them to process our stuff and get us our license. which they're going to have to suspend while we're living in san antonio, but that just means they can't place with us during that time, which is fine. anyway, we're happy to be done for sure. there was a couple in there to talk to us today who have been waiting for a placement for FOUR YEARS! yikes.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: Great week! I exercised 6 out of 7 days. Stayed at or under my calories all week. Woo Hoo!! Nice 4 lb loss this week so excited to be starting week 4 using MFP. I've really enjoyed reading everyone's posts, successes, struggles, advice, etc. . . I truly am learning so much and it's good to know I'm not alone. I can't wait to keep learning more from you and continue to participate too. Let's have a GREAT week ahead!!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    So what exactly is this thread for? I have about 90lbs to lose. I could definitely use the support and I love to encourage others. Someone maybe could clue me in on the purpose of this thread :) xoxo from Cali :)

    @californiagr: Like any board, you find one that interests you. I started MFP 3 weeks ago and I was pulled in by the title because I have 100+ lbs to lose and I wanted to hear from others who truly understand some of my same battles. I started just reading, then slowly posting and now have found some friends. The folks on this thread are very insightful, caring, and really support each other. No negativity for the most part on this thread, which is refreshing. Many have been on here awhile and they've seen many come and go. It's just a way to stay in touch and support each other through this journey. Welcome!!
  • vidvox
    vidvox Posts: 62 Member
    Hey folks!

    Naceto and Susan, thank you for the encouragement. And yes, it's great to have my 11 year-old "cheerleader" motivating me to exercise. He times my run/walk intervals for me, and runs circles around me while I do my super-slow jogging!

    Lamypie - hey I just jogged for the first time in a very long time too!! I've just been reading up on C25K and I hope to start Day 1 tomorrow. You should definitely do it too!!

    Saturday Success - we went to Subway for dinner (too hot to cook) and for the first time I had a salad rather than a sandwich. I had the tuna salad with lots of veggies and it was really yummy! I actually enjoyed it better without the bun.

    Have a great evening everyone!!:drinker:
  • Annie219
    Annie219 Posts: 110
    Saturday Success: I ran my 5k today...well...I walked up the inanely steep hills, but I ran the majority of the race. I beat my goal time of 45 minutes (by not a whole lot) so I'm quite please with myself.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member

    @lin--Thanks for the tip to rinse them well. Any other tips or tricks? I found them to be fine as far as taste, but they were kind of, IDK, slippery in texture. Mine didn't hold the sauce very well and also seemed to water it down quite a bit. Do you dry them off before adding other foods to them? Or have you ever tried baking them in a sauce? I was thinking that maybe the sauce would stick better if they weren't so wet.

    After the thorough rinsing, I do go ahead and do the *dry fry* over medium heat until all the excess liquid is gone and then I add the sauce and cook until the red sauce is really thick. Or I make a pan of stir fry (onions, mushrooms etc) and add it to the noodles with low sodium soy sauce and again cook the mixture for a while. It seems to be ok. But then I do have quite low standards when it comes to cooking. As long as it's low sodium and few calories, I'm pretty much happy.

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Love the new pictures.

    Skinny- Good job on starting the grading already. I started preparing my first assignment today for my 8th graders so it should be fun one to grade. This year we are encouraged to only have 9 grades for each marking period. So I will really need to pick and choose what I grade and this is requiring me to rethink how I do some of the weekly assignments (warm ups and homework). Hope you enjoyed the festival tonight. Great pic.:laugh:

    CathEst- Congrats on making it threw the first week of school. :bigsmile: I will also start packing my lunch this week. Like Karen, I also do better with eating regularly at school. I just need to get myself to the gym.

    Robin- proteins are the building blocks of our bodies. They can help build and repair muscles. I will look for some articles later about this topic. You can also try some slices of turkey lunch meat with cream cheese on them as an after exercise snack. I hoped the almonds helped with your sore muscles. I love to see your new attitude and determination in this process. You are doing a great job with the exercise---Keep it up.:heart:

    California girl- The reason of this thread is to support each other while we are trying to lose 100 pounds. As Susan mentioned some of us have been on here for a year or longer and others have just joined us. We have a wonderful facilitator in Robin who has daily topics for us to discuss. We share our successes, challenges, hopes, fears and frustration in return we get support from others, advice regarding the situations and have established some great friendships. We are a very supportive and friendly group that enjoys welcoming new members that are encouraging and positive. This is a great group for those of us who have a long journey ahead of us. Welcome to the thread.

    Toots- Congrats on finishing the next step in the adaption process. WAY To GO!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Successes- I managed to get myself to the gym today even through I was exhausted. I only worked out for 30 minutes I did run some and managed to ride the spin bike for 5 miles. I needed to workout because I was so tired and I started making excuses for skipping today. I am looking forward to getting a good night sleep tonight as well.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Thank you public library for the pre-release loan of Louise Penny's new book---"The Beautiful Mystery." Loved it!! Also borrowed the DVD "Joyful Noise" and watched it today. The success portion of this story (at least as far as MFP would be concerned) is that I did get in my 10,000 steps today, ate within calorie limits, drank my water and kept my sodium under 600 mg. Taped both of my feet today with the Kinesio tape, my tootsies are happier.

    Time to watch the old Bob Hope movie now---"The Ghost Breakers."

  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    Saturday Sucess: Well, I have to be honest. My taste buds are starting to change a bit finally and I've noticed the couple of days I ate a bit of junk food it still TASTED ok, but it really tore up my stomach. I've also started trying to incorporate healthier things into my diet as opposed to just trying to meet my calorie goal now: IE my snack today was some yoplait strawberry yogurt. That's a major success for me.

    I also did some research of my own into some exercises that could help me build a little bit of muscle, and tone as well as burn calories. I've been, recently, trying to work in some calisthenics like sit ups and push ups into my routine as well as cardio. I learned that muscle burns more calories than fat. I suppose it makes sense.

    I've had a few bumps this week though which kind of had me a bit down. I binged yesterday (guess I'm a bit of an emotional eater sometimes :/) and was kicking myself all last night because it had me not feeling well enough to work it off. I tried to balance it out today.

    I also learned that lemon juice helps to detox the body (I had no idea) and it makes plain water more tolerable for me.

    All in all I feel today has been a major success in and of itself! I'm feeling really proud of myself and I'm gonna make sure I achieve my goal in a healthy way.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin Here is a link to an article in Mens Health magazine about the 5 food you should eat after a workout. Check out the truths that are found on the first page.

    Here is an article from WEB MD about protein and workouts as well.

    The bottom line is that proteins help to build and repair your muscles. They contain the amino acids that help our bodies to function correctly. Many articles will talk about the Whey Protein powders and the info is good but don't let it overwhelm you. Proteins and a few carbs will help your muscles recover after exercise.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    @Lin that is great success. I have been wanting to rent "Joyful Noise" and love the old Bob Hope movies..And you got all of your movement in that's great.
    @Robin thanks for the encouragement
    @Christine happy you are feeling better. I do get seasonal so need to be on guard for that.

    Love the new profile pictures that I am seeing. I will maybe see if I can get one of myself up!!
    @Annie Yay on finishing your race can't wait to hear all about it.
    @Cath yay on the 2lbs
    @Skinny I also want to try those noodes

    Today was just what I needed I was able to get a really good night's sleep. The house is clean up and went with my daughter to do some of her errands. It was good.
    Saturday Success was being able to go swimming a (water jogging) and walking my dog. Also I loss 1.5lbs that makes 30lbs so far. I have been so encourage by that, I felt so much better physically and mentally. I just need to up this and start making sure I am getting enough sleep. also rereading the boundaries book. I am not very good at that. . They are building a whole foods in Boise really excited about that I have never been to one before.

    Well that is it, Wishing everyone a goodnight!!
  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    @Nichols - How is the width on Ryka shoes? I usually only go for New Balance, because I have feet like flippers and they are usually the only comfortable shoe for me.

    I'm the same way. Actually, the last pair I bought were men's because they fit the best. Finding sneakers has always been a challenge, but this last pair was the best fit. I actually need to buy another pair. This was is getting a little hole on the top by my toe. I'll probably try to find the same pair.

    I used to wear men's sneakers - in high school I wanted to wear men's shoes. Thought I would fit in with the jocks better. Then that was what I got used to. I am actually surprised at the fact there there is such a noticeable difference so soon into wearing them.

    Picnic update - well, I entered everything I ate...which was pretty decent. I was under for the day...then I remembered that I had almost 3 glasses of home made Sangria that didn't even taste like alcohol. Wow that put me over. Oh well. It's recorded and can't go back now. But hey, hard to say when I'll ever have that wonderful elixir again!

    OH and not to put the idea of ice cream in your heads...but today I discovered Magnum Mini Bars. Only 150 cals for a little bit of heaven. It's the perfect amount of ice cream and chocolate for a once a week treat!

    Ok, so I am putting it up here so y'all have my permission to hold me accountable. I want to go on a long bike ride tomorrow. So no excuses, I'm going. There, yell at me if I don't!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    saturday success- I got to the gym for the first time since my back surgery 5 weeks ago. No problem with my back or legs on the treadmill but having trouble with my heart the last little while. So annoying. Saw the cardiologist yesterday and have some more tests booked.
    then i got to go outside and do a bit of weeding in the late afternoon sun. Can't do as much gardening as i would like but i sure enjoyed doing a bit!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. It was great reading about everyones successes this week. I think the most successful thing I did was not blowing myself out of the water at the fair on friday. I just didnt order anything for myself. Everything I ate was something I was sharing with someone and that seemed to work pretty good for the most part. I might have a new food addiction but need to figure out how to make it at home. My son took me out for lunch/dinner around 3:30 to mongolian bbq and it was great. I got just a little bit of noodles and chicken and lots and lots of veggies and ended up with this huge platter of food. No idea how to record it so there was one llisting for mongolian bbq in the database and I recorded two helpings of that and it was just over 1000 calories.That sounds like a lot but it was a huge ton of food. I actually havent finished it yet but will when I get off. If I can figure out the noodles they use I know I could reproduce it. I have seen you all talking about some kind of noodles on here. What are they would they work for something like this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.