Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Message Boards: So does anyone jump anywhere else? I've realized I really don't. I just go straight to this thread and that's it. I find it so much more fulfilling to follow your journeys than read through the other stuff. Plus, some of the others get hung up on trivial stuff in my opinion. I get all the tips, questions asked/answered, encouragement, etc. . . that I need right here. Just curious.

    I check out the Success Stories, especially the ones with before and after pictures. Often they are very inspiring !

    Definitely Success Stories too and that's it. Whenever I get a magazine in the mail, I normally go straight to the Success Stories too. I believe People's got one out with a couple really good stories. They look amazing!!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- You may find me in Chicago some day soon. I need more adventure in my life. The same is true if you every come to Maryland and Annapolis. There is plenty of adventures and things to see around here. It is horrible when admin decides they need to read everything to us during professional development. I guess they think no one will read it until it is too late. Sorry, your in-service days are being taken up with pointless meetings.

    Susan- This is my main forum as well. I will check out success stories and some other quick threads if they catch my attention but I don't really follow them. I find I don't have the time to read everything.

    Robin- Congrats on the loss and swimming and the wall push-ups. You are doing a wonderful job.

    Doug- Good job with the run. You really are making progress.

    Truth- I have been slacking in the exercise department especially this week. I mentioned that I have lost my motivation and it may be that school has started again so I am still adjusting to getting up early. It may be that I am bored with the normal routine of working out and need to spice it up. No matter the reason I need to change my thinking and turn it back into a positive experience such as me time or stress reduction time. As Robin points outs exercise is a pleasurable thing and our brain totally dictates how we handle it. Tonight I realized that I was really slacking since I barely broke a sweat, even through I was rowing I was concerned about how my feet were feeling instead of pushing it. I hope I can get it together this weekend and put my heart back into it.

    Here is the next new thing that I am going to try: TAP DANCING. A coworker is rounding up people to take lessons with her and depending on the class time and day I am going to try it. It will be fun and a different type of exercise. It is safer than rock climbing but I am worried that it my trigger my plantar fasicitsis (spelling sorry). I am looking forward to it and giving it try.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Here is a recipe for homemade No bake protein bars that are pretty good. I need to make a new batch.

    No Bake Oatmeal Peanut Butter Protein Bars
    No bake Oatmeal Peanutbutter protein bars.- Thought I would share, they are tasty. I did not use flax seed so that may affect the taste but I still liked them. I also used Chocolate protein powder.

    Ready in 45 minutes
    Makes 8 servings (I get 9 out of it)

    2 cups quick cooking oats
    ½ cup natural peanut butter (I like to use crunchy for added texture)
    4 scoops protein powder (recipe says vanilla or cookies & cream work best)
    1 tbsp ground flaxseeds
    ½ cup water

    1. Knead all ingredients in a large bowl.
    2. Line square baking pan with wax paper. Spread dough into pan using a spatula. (I find it easier to use my hands so I can press it in pretty good. Makes it like Cliff bar texture.) Optional: Spread a thin layer of peanut butter on top of dough.
    3. Freeze for 30 minutes.
    4. Remove from freezer. Cut into bars. (I store them in snack size Ziploc bags for an easy on-the-go snack. I like to eat them before the gym.)

    Nutrients per serving:
    Calories: 230, Total Fats: 10g, Saturated Fat: 2g, Trans Fat: 0g, Cholesterol: 15mg, Sodium: 20mg (depending on pb), Total Carbohydrates: 21g, Dietary Fiber: 4g, Sugars: 3g, Protein: 15g, Iron: 2mg
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Here is the next new thing that I am going to try: TAP DANCING. A coworker is rounding up people to take lessons with her and depending on the class time and day I am going to try it. It will be fun and a different type of exercise. It is safer than rock climbing but I am worried that it my trigger my plantar fasicitsis (spelling sorry). I am looking forward to it and giving it try.

    ohhh awesome. i llllllllloooooooovvvvvvveeee tap dancing. i took lessons forever and it's really hard work. i mean physically. in terms of dancing it's actually fairly basic. much easier than some of the other disciplines within dance. but it's super fun. later some of the moves, like wings, can be really hard, but mostly it's pretty low key.
  • Annie219
    Annie219 Posts: 110
    I managed a 45-minute run tonight. The humidity was a bit higher and it affected my breathing some. Needless to say, it was slow going, but I didn't stop. That makes me happy :happy:

    Thursday Light-hearted Truth: I am looking forward to the day when I can wear a skirt without having to wear the bicycle short-type undergarments I have to wear now to prevent my thighs from rubbing together. I would really like my thighs to stop doing that. Ouchie!!

    Hang in there...Friday's coming!! :flowerforyou:

    Annie :heart:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--I will def let you know the next time I head to the DC area--love, love, love it!! Have been there many times, most recently in 2009 with my yearbook staff. I always wanted to try tap dancing as a kid--never really considered doing it as an adult. However, I DID take belly dancing classes several years ago :laugh: --a friend got me to take the classes with her and it was a lot of fun.

    @nich--love the new profile pic! :heart:

    @jana--ditto on your wish--I feel the exact same way! I love being in the classroom and don't even mind the prep and grading except that I just to have enough time to do it all. Perhaps if my clone (yes, another reason to clone myself!) did all of the busy, administrative work it would free me up to grade and such.

    @kellylyn--to steal a line from Nike--Just Do It! (hope I don't get sued for copyright infringement :noway: )

    @sicoe & any other newlings I've neglected to address--Welcome!! :flowerforyou:

    @tina--if it makes you feel any better, I wasn't even slightly concerned that you might be giving up on this. No way, no how b/s YOU are a rockstar, my friend! You've just briefly lost your mojo--it happened to me for close to 6 months. Now mine's back. Wish I could tell you HOW I reclaimed it, but really, I think it was just sticking with it day after day. I also think acknowledging that it was OK that I was just going to maintain for awhile & not pressuring myself too much actually helped as well.

    @kris--glad you are on the mend after your surgery--I know you really loved your zumba, so I'm happy you will get back to it soon!

    @vinsonh & lamypie--sorry you guys aren't feeling well and hope you bounce back quickly.

    @andrea--"He's seriously my biggest barrier to maintaining any sort of regular eating routine int he summer. But if I say no, his feelings get hurt. He thinks if I turn down his food I am turning him down." I could have written this a year ago. My husband is not a pro, but he's a very good cook and loves to experiment with recipes and such. I used to always feel really guilty if I turned down his food (or more precisely, if I turned down second helpings of his food :blushing: ). However, the minute I started logging on MFP, I just used the line "I would love to taste the _____ you just cooked, but I really don't have enough calories left." That seemed to take the sting out of my rejection. He quickly learned to either adjust his recipes (checking with me about ingredients ahead of time), or if he really wants to make something high cal, he tells me a few days ahead of time so I can plan my workout and eating and be able to enjoy the meal. He also no longer expects me to eat huge amounts of whatever he's cooked. He still slips up all the time (and sometimes I do too), but for the most part he's learned that I just won't eat the food if I don't have the calories to spare.

    @aug--I :heart: your doggies!!

    @annie and doug--great running guys!! :drinker:

    @robin--congrats on your 2lb loss--you were due for a scale drop!! :flowerforyou:

    I know I missed people, but I'll catch you guys on the next round. :wink:

    Thursday Truth:
    School was really great today (even with all of the afternoon meetings). My students seem really wonderful (I know, I know--it's only the first day :tongue: ) and I have quite a few less, which will lighten my grading load. Specifically I *only* have 49 students in my 2 AP courses--that's down from 60 last year! :drinker: Considering that 11 papers take me close to 3 hours to grade, that's a huge difference.

    I'm also super duper pleased with myself b/c I came home from work and went to the gym! I could easily have rationalized that "I went on Tuesday and will go again on Saturday, so I'll just take the dog for a walk..." but I went! Yay me! :bigsmile: Oh, and don't worry, I still took Gunner for his walk. :laugh:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    @Robin. Great on the loss.
    @skinnyjean glad today went ok
    @Annie I hear you there not to have your thighs rub together. :)will be nice one of these days for sure.
    @Laurie Thanks for recipe will try it..

    Thursday truth. I. am working with my least favorite client tomorrow. It makes me want to call in
    I won't. I always work to do right by this client.

    Take care
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    Thursday truth: I have an obsession with the scales. I weigh every day. This week I was up 2 pounds on Sunday, then down two pounds on Monday, then up 2 pounds on Wednesday, then down 2 pounds today! :huh: No kidding! My weigh-in day is Saturday, and I'm doing everything in my power not to let the scales run my life, but I absolutely cannot stand it if I don't weigh every morning! It's like a compulsive habit, and I think I know how my students with tics must feel. They can't stand it unless they do it. That's like me with the scales! I just hope I'm down 2 on Saturday, my weigh-in day! :frown:
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    I can't believe its 10:30 PM and I haven't been on yet today! I made it to the mailbox today and walked Belle. I am so tired tonight I'm going to bed early. Read all the posts and I just say ditto to everything every one else said! Okay, maybe that is a bit lazy, but I just am too tired. I'm thinking of you all and write more tomorrow. Night!

  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Ok I made it before the day was over. It seems like I have been running all day. Nothing major just enough to keep me busy instead of lazy, lol. `I have been scanning the different forums especially the recipie one and was led to some great websites for recipies. My head is literally spinning. Cant make up my mind were to start. Well not true I started tonite with lasgna cupcakes and they were GOOD. Had to fight my eighteen year old for the last one that I wanted to take over so my dad could try and that was after he ate five of them, lol.

    So thursday truth: I find it ironically funny that with relatively few tweaks to my eating i have gone from god knows how many calories in a day that got me to here, to having trouble getting in over 1500 leet alone the 2000 I am supposed to have. I am at a 500 plus deficit almost every nite after dinner now. So I have been trying to get creative and find good alternatives to fill that in and not give in to the junkffod monster. So far so good but I need to find a way to eat more during the day because I really dont like eating at nite like this. It is a bad habit I am trying to break. I think one of the reasons it seems somewhat simpler this time is I have developed a passion for cooking in the last few years and discovered the joy of spices and intense flavors. So less just seems a lot more filling now. If only I had discovered this 20 years ago, lol.
  • LAMypie
    LAMypie Posts: 127 Member
    @Vinsonh42 - I've had headaches my whole life. I've worn glasses since the 3rd grade. New Rx doesn't make them better or worse, so I know that isn't the cause. I wish it were that simple! Thanks for the reply.

    @Robin - My BP isn't great, probably hasn't been for years, but as I just said to Vinson, I've had them my whole life. Even back when my BP was superhuman good. As for the scales, we got one a few years ago that is supposed to tell you your weight, body fat %, and hydration level. However, it only goes up to 310, so I had to get a new one when I started losing so I could keep track. Hence the reason I use the new one to record my weight. I dunno...Just stupid mechanical things. Thanks for the comment though.

    It is almost midnight, and I'm HUNGRY! But I already completed my diary for the night, so no snacking. In fact, it's bed time! Buenos noches!!
  • vidvox
    vidvox Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks Robin for your support, and congrats on your loss!

    I know it's after 12, but I'm still going with my Thursday truth (after all it's only 10 on the west coast!): Right now I am just counting calories, but I know I need to eat better food and less garbage. In particular, I need to stop drinking so much sweetened iced tea. So I've been reading books, and watching documentaries, and talking to friends on here... but there are so many different approaches to weight loss. A good friend of mine is doing low carb/high fat and having good success. But it just doesn't seem right to me to eat so much animal fat. Others are doing a mainly plant-based diet, which seems to make more sense, but the thought of eating kale and spinach all the time is a bit off-putting. I just need to figure out what I will and won't eat, then I can plan breakfasts, work lunches and family dinners around that. Do others get confused by such things too? Or do you just worry about counting calories?

    Have a great Friday everyone!
  • CelticHippo
    CelticHippo Posts: 117 Member
    @vidvox (I suspect) Like many people on here I have tried all sorts of variations, some with success, some without. I have ended up calorie counting as the best option for me. I have then just slowly tweaking the food I consume to be healthier, such as ensuring I eat at least one portion of fruit/veg with each meal (current one) or reduce saturated fat (probably next one).

    Friday Fitness - Keep up with the five 30 minute Gym workouts. For this weekend I am away, which usually means I do no exercise, so I aim to take at least 1 walk each day.

    As for today, I am about to head off to the gym, then the butchers (can't believe its time for my monthly shop there already)
  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    @Robin - congrat's on the 2 lbs! Well done!

    Well, I got up and was driving to work when I realized I needed to check my pager. Good thing I did, b/c my clinic was cancelled for the day! At least I was only a couple minutes down the road! So, for my free day I am going to clean and hit the gym!

    SInce I didn't post last night, here is my truth a day late: I have found myself "embarrassed" to lift weights in the gym. I'm not really sure why. I got the book The New Rules of Lifting for Women and have the 2 routines for phase 1 that I am doing. I had to alter 2 of them - I do the seated row standing and I don't do the prone jack knife (I tried once and almost broke my neck...maybe once I get more balance). I don't know if it is b/c it's only 5 exercises a day or what, but I have this weird mental block once I cross from the machines to the free weights section of the gym. I should also say that everyone there is totally nice - always smiling and saying hi and such. So I don't really understand at all where this is coming from!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Glad the first day of school went well for all of the teachers. My sister emailed last night about my nephews first day of kindergarten and my other nephews first day of preschool - quite comical.

    Well, the good news is that 2 # of the 3 I gained while on vacation were gone this morning! :happy:

    Friday Fitness~My Achilles has been acting up, trainer used tiger tail last night to roll it and my calf out (okay, super painful :cry: ). Its probably from overuse (using the same cardio equipment all the time), so its the pool for me for the next two days - he wants to start some really intense workouts so I need to rest and ice it as much as possible before I see him again on Sunday. But I will still get my workouts in.
    SInce I didn't post last night, here is my truth a day late: I have found myself "embarrassed" to lift weights in the gym. I'm not really sure why. I got the book The New Rules of Lifting for Women and have the 2 routines for phase 1 that I am doing. I had to alter 2 of them - I do the seated row standing and I don't do the prone jack knife (I tried once and almost broke my neck...maybe once I get more balance). I don't know if it is b/c it's only 5 exercises a day or what, but I have this weird mental block once I cross from the machines to the free weights section of the gym. I should also say that everyone there is totally nice - always smiling and saying hi and such. So I don't really understand at all where this is coming from!

    I think crossing into that section of the gym can be intimidating at first, it will get easier.

  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    Less than half the calories sticky buns - from the chew - Check out these less than half calorie (half the calories than the real thing) whole wheat sticky buns on the chew. 300(?I don't remember the exact number) versus over 700 calories per serving of the real thing.

    Friday fitness - I made it to the gym Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, so I win Friday fitness again.

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Friday Fitness - I swam yesterday for 30 minutes and today have less residual pain than I've usually had. Good - that means my muscles are getting used to the work out.

    For those who don't like eating spinach, kale and greens: try eating Green Giant Steamers - my current favorite is their Farmer's Medley - it contains cauliflower, carrots, sugar snap peas, and dried cranberries. Now I usually don't like these ingredients alone, but together they taste like candy. I fix a bag and eat half with my dinner meal, and save half for the next night. Its delicious.
    It gives you all your veggie requirements.

    OK - the weekend is here - and time for my weekly heads up on cautious eating over the weekend. If you are eating out, having alcoholic beverages, or expect to go over your caloric total in the evening - then make a conscious effort to save a few hundred calories today, tomorrow and Sunday from your breakfasts and lunches to make up for the overage. You CAN do it!:drinker:
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member

    @tina--if it makes you feel any better, I wasn't even slightly concerned that you might be giving up on this. No way, no how b/s YOU are a rockstar, my friend! You've just briefly lost your mojo--it happened to me for close to 6 months. Now mine's back. Wish I could tell you HOW I reclaimed it, but really, I think it was just sticking with it day after day. I also think acknowledging that it was OK that I was just going to maintain for awhile & not pressuring myself too much actually helped as well.

    Thank you. I am slowly working on getting my mojo back lol that's for sure. Next week starting Monday it is ON! I am making a schedule out this week. And everyday I will have an appt to exercise. I will fit it in everyday and will make it work. Even if that means i have to get up super early to do it.
    And that's one thing I'm doing is just trying my best to stick with it and do the best I can. And I will get to where I want to be.
    Thank you for always being so encouraging!
  • joerobbins2001
    Thursday truth - I am grumpy. Yep I said grumpy. We are traveling this weekend to see my family, so bring on the drama baby, cuz you know I love me some drama. Next week my better half starts back to school, which means that she devolves emotionally to high school. She has told me a thousand times, "You are not my father, you can't tell me what to do!" Well I'm not her mother either, and definitely not her maid. That's 2 rants in a row. I'll try to avoid making it a trifecta.

    Dale the greyhound says to me this morning, "Hey bub." (He calls me bub) "Get the leash and let's get to steppin,' I got business needs doin!" Then DannyBoy the wiener said, "I'm glad you're up someone pooped on the stairs."


    Oh dude!!! Thanks for the smile this morning, I needed it!!! You and I would get along swimmingly as I tell everyone my family puts the "fun" in disfunctional and somedays we even put the FU in fun!! Hang in there man!! :tongue:

  • MimiFlame17
    MimiFlame17 Posts: 6 Member
    :smile: I am new to MFP today and have over 100 pounds to lose. I would like to join this thread please