Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Abk2bhealthy
    Abk2bhealthy Posts: 55 Member
    Sorry. My phone cut off my post. Plan to try sausage, broccoli and asparagus mixes. Saute the veggies first.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Thanks so much Robin for keeping this going !
    I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend !
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Thanks for the message, Robin.

    I have sort of fallen off the wagon the last couple of days. Time for me to get back on before the wagon is too far for me to chase down again...

    Oh yeah, it's Saturday Success.... I guess I need to go back on immediately now so that that can be my week's success story. Otherwise, I'd have to mention "getting out of bed"...It's been a rather pathetic week...
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    Saturday success: Well, somehow for the last 2 weeks I was up 2 pounds. Not sure how that happened, but today I finally lost those blasted 2 pounds! Hope the scale moves down this week. This was my first week back after having the summer off. It's been busy, busy, busy, but I managed to get in my morning doggie walk before school every day. I got in my evening doggie walk every day but two and got in a couple bike rides, too. I strive to keep up the morning and evening walks plus a bike ride every day, but sometimes life just gets in the way! So, I will just keep on keepin' on!

    @Aug ~ I'm glad the scale finally moved for you! I'm going to try not eating back exercise calories and hope that works for me, too!
  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Hello to all my MFP friends, hoping you have a great weekend planned. I got Belle's 1st walk in this am even though I was tired and hurting. Only got a few hours sleep last night. I'm trying to get off the Ambien and when I do that I can't sleep which then aggravates my fibro and I hurt more. Oh well, life goes on.

    Augie, congrats on the loss this week.
    toots, sorry your mom got hurt trying to help someone. I used to try to do that too, but have started rethinking that when I got involved in a scary situation.
    Robin, thanks again for the thread.
    To all others I forgot to mention, I still read your posts and they help me keep on. Loved the crustless omelet recipe.

    Saturday Success-walking Belle 2x a day for 7 days. Having 7 days of under calories even though I had 1 meal where I splurged.

    Love you all, keep up the great job.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    Thanks for the breakfast ideas! I think I'll have to try the mini quiches! That just sounds like a perfect, healthy road breakfast! I've been thinking hard boiled eggs would be good too. But I don't know how long ahead I can pre make the eggs.

    My other option might just be making oatmeal ahead of time, taking it to work and microwaving it there. Ironically I am not that worried about lunch. I guess they have a salad bar everyday at the hospital. And I plan on keeping some almonds in my pocket as well as my water bottle with me at all times. to work in exercise when working 7-7....

    Saturday Success: When I weighed in on Wednesday I was back to my lowest point since starting this journey. Which I was so excited for. However, yesterday I was back up another 9 pounds! I know that with what I ate and exercising the way I did, it is not possible for that 9lbs to be anything other than my stupid IBS. So, I call it a success that I am going down with the actual body weight (even though my intestines are holding on to too much stuff).

    Well, off to start cleaning my house....yuck!
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    @Toots- Super scary about your mom! I live next door to my sister is always bravely confronting crazier folk than she is. It scares the heck out of me! I am always so torn between cheering her on for her bravery and kicking her tushy myself, for putting herself in a position of potential danger. I hope your mom is feeling better, and is a bit more cautious next time, if not for her own sake, then at least for yours.

    @Bigaug- Glad to hear the needle is moving for you now! Perhaps the critters enjoy the extra lap room... :happy: They are trying to celebrate with you!

    @CathEsh - I am cheering for you, and wishing that 2lbs away! You can do it!!!

    @akelts- NOM NOM breakfast sounds amazing! I'm so *jelly!

    *disclosure: I recently found out that "jelly" is teen speak for "jealous"... I did warn that I love made up and modified words, right? I generally prefer to make them up on my own, however, must give those pesky teens their props! :wink:

    Robin & Laurie- did you log a calorie burn for all of that scurrying with the messages yesterday? :wink: I'm sure Morgori has a trophy emoticon somewhere... but until then...... :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: THANKS for keeping the thread alive! :drinker:

    Saturday Success: Well, I did feel successful in finding this "thread" again, though Robin did make it super easy. (Thanks again Robin). Aside from that, my mother (who has a ton of great clothes), has started dropping off her extra clothing that she no longer wants. I put on a dress that was a XXL.. NOT to be confused with 2X, which is generally a bigger size.

    I read somewhere that you should change your calorie goals every 5lbs lost or so... When I was changing around my macro %'s yesterday, I also "refreshed" my recommended calories, and sure enough, it brought me down a bit... At this point, I know it won't effect me, because I am having to push myself to come even close to that magical calorie number.. but later, it may make quite the difference, if I am still unable to do a lot of exercise!

    **Hit save too soon!!! HAPPY SATURDAY EVERYONE!! May your day be filled with healthy options and choices! :drinker: :drinker:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    So we are over here now. :) Nice.
    Sat Success :)
    I have a NSV to share...yesterday my mother dropped me off a pair of pants that she's bought for me. I told her I couldn't fit them yet, as they were 2 sizes to small still. But told her I would try them anyway. I held them up and declared them too small for me as I eyeballed them. I nearly fainted when they fit...and weren't even tight. lol My face hurts from all the smiling.

    @Cia_Clayton- TERRIFIC!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I am so happy for you!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Many thanks, Robin, for the message. Found you guys, yay!

    I walked today outside my building at lunchtime, including up a hill on the way back. It wasn't much, but I did it.

    I'm off to DC tomorrow (actually today Sat - I'm doing laundry now so I have clean clothes to pack), will be back on Thursday.

    I can log my food and exercise on the phone but I haven't been able to get to the message boards - is there a way to do that from an iPhone?

    AuntieVaVa - if someone has an easier way to do this, please comment. I used the browser function and go to the web site.......then to the message My Topics. I bookmarked it and then I can go back easily the next time. Although this old lady is having a difficult time reading the posts on a VERY SMALL SCREEN!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    aug - way to go!!!! Yes. Wonderful. Got that darn scale going the right way. Yippee.

    naceto - love the new picture. Did you also get a new haircut? Or is that just the first time I've seen it??

    robin - thanks again for working on this. If there's a decision to start a Group----I would definitely hang in there with you as long as I'm breathing. still have my marbles (hey, I am getting older) and have a functional computer!!

    Congrats to everyone's scale and NSV for the week. Super.

    My NSV is that I've ahd two nights of relatively uninterrupted sleep. I mean 3 or 4 hours at a time without a wakeup for a bathroom run or anything. I can't claim any credit for it because I don't know how it happened but oh my----it makes such a difference in my attitude on everything when I get more sleep. Yeah.

    Later, back to chasing dust and sneezing.

    :drinker: :drinker:
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Trophy for Robin, Laurie, and Toots for mailing the group! 0008z.gif

    Hi everyone.

    Thanks for sending me the way to get here. thumbup4.jpg

    OK I am confused, can someone list the pros and cons of being a closed group? If we make it a group by invitation only, that would limit the size. If we all replied to the same thread in the group everything would still be in the same place, correct? That thread can be pinned so it is always at the top of the thread list. I am thinking that would limit the jerks and Robin could still invite some new people when we need some. We might also like having threads for other stuff like recipes, photos, exercise, etc. within the group. There probably is some stuff I have not considered since I have never started my own group.
    Whatever Robin and the group want is fine with me.

    The Dentist did call in some Tylenol with codeine for me and I feel much better. I have to go to a root canal specialist to see if my tooth can be fixed or if it should be removed. It feels so much better I want me some pepes20clam20pizza.jpg
    Pepe’s Apizza the white clam “Ah-beets” is sounding real good . Good thing I am not willing to fly to New Haven CT, I have a feeling if I was there nothing could stop me from going to Pepe’s or Modern Apizza.:laugh:
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Success Saturday- I actually CRAVE water. I know that's not much, but it makes me happy that I rather drink water than a coke. I also crave less junk food. :)
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    naceto - love the new picture. Did you also get a new haircut? Or is that just the first time I've seen it??

    Thanks Lin- the pic is a few months old- but it WAS right after a haircut!

    OH! @Raven- I am SO glad that sweet looking pup didn't do something terrible on purpose! He does look like a lover, not a biter. :smile: Heal up soon!

    Regarding a "group" vs "thread" - I am in either way. This "thread" helps me so much. I have made it part of my day to always check in here, which keeps me thinking healthy. I adore you people!!! :drinker:
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    Saturday Success:

    While seeing a friend yesterday, I had my hands on my hips while talking to her. She stops mid-sentence and goes, "Hold on a minute. You got your hourglass shape back." I just smiled so big! It's been so long since I've had a "shape" that it meant a lot that she noticed.

    I have successfully gotten up every morning this week to exercise and have been doing both of my workouts on C25K days. I even managed to talk my boyfriend into taking me out bowling tonight so that I can burn a few extra calories to start my week right. I don't think he realizes how much something that much fun can do to make a difference. Now my challenge is to avoid the penny pitchers of beer. Because Lord knows I do enjoy an ice cold draft budlight. (Maybe I'll just have one.)

    I am about to head to do Week 5: Day 2 of C25K, so I'll check in and let you know how my 8 minute runs go. :)

    Everyone have a fantabulous (stealing this word from Naceto) Saturday! :)
  • SprinklesNSparkles
    Happy Saturday all.

    Saturday success - Well, I've been having some serious stress piled on me this week and dammit, for the first time in my ENTIRE life that I didn't turn to food when my anxiety peaked. I'm down to 232.....a weight that I haven't seen in......20+ years!

    This thread has been so great. I loving hearing the encouragement people give to each other.

    I hope everyone has a pleasant and safe weekend!
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    oh good grief. what was that chick's problem? she couldn't stand not being welcomed to a group she's very unlikely to be welcomed into anyway based on her behavior? wth?

    OMG . . . such drama :noway: . Why do I always miss the drama! Actually out of all the posts on the last "new" thread that post was the only one which stuck out and I actually read. All it takes is one bad apple to upset the apple cart.
    You can close the group and make it open to member invitations. I belong to 2 other groups I was invited by members to join. Just saying.

    @Bigaug - I have to say that all the drama one person who will probably never post on this thread again has caused sure makes your suggestion very inviting (no pun intended). I'm not big on how MFP has their "Groups" set up but it may make it easier for everyone involved. Just saying . . .

    @Morgori - Good group suggestions and I hope your tooth gets better!

    @RobinsEgg & Lauriek70 - Thanks for letting me know where everyone went. I really miss posting :sad: .

    @linder4866 - Trainer #1 has been using the KT Pro tape on my left leg for 3 weeks now. It's very easy to work with and helps wonderfully with the pain. Some tricks I've learned that will help with the application are (1) Do not put lotion on the area you are taping, (2) Wipe the area with rubbing alcohol prior to taping, (3) Heat makes the tape stick to your body so make sure you rub the strips with you hand really good or I even use my hair dryer, (4) The middle area of the tape is where you need to get the tension so the muscles will react to it. When the strip ends start to loosen just cut them off.

    The area that you have taped should last up to 5 days depending on what brand you have purchased. I use KT Pro tape which trainer #1 puts on my left leg during my Monday session (Yup . . . I'm spoiled :blushing: ). I just removed the area he taped around my knee yesterday (Friday) and I will probably have to remove the tape from my ankle tonight. Here's the link to the KT website. They have some of the best application video's that I could find. Good Luck . . .

    Saturday Success :flowerforyou:

    I made it through the week . . . that's all I could hope for :laugh: .

    I'm going to try to get a trail walk in sometime today however I still have to fill out a calendar with all the doctor's appointments for my mother, email 2 of her quilting friends, and add my sisters & mothers doctors phone numbers into my cell phone. Then I have to drop off all the new clothing that I bought & laundered yesterday at the rehab center (picking my sister up on the way) so my mother has something other then her hospital gown to wear.

    Hopefully my life will have some sort of order shortly. I just need to get through the next couple of weeks and get everyone on a schedule. Lately it seems that everyone wants a piece of me all at the same time and I am finding it really hard to be in more than one place at a time.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    @Morgori glad to hear that your Dentist gave you some pain meds for that tooth.
    @Bigaug yay on scale moving.
    @Lin glad to hear you are getting some good sleep in. It really makes a difference.
    @Monarchris sorry to hear you had trouble getting sleep last night. Hopefully you will get some good rest today.
    @Robin. Thread or Group it doesn't make a difference to me. I really likes this forum. I will be a part of this. Whatever ever its called.

    I hope everyone has a good day.
    Take care.