

  • Congratulations! I'm happy you have blocks to make! I have lost 2 pounds, so I need to get some blocks done also. I will post pics when I complete them.
  • Hello everyone! So glad I found this group!! Here's a little bit of my story...I was diagnosed in college and started on the meds. I was very active in high school and into college, so my weight gain was gradual. I tried may ways to lose and was successful by counting calories, losing 30 pounds. I then gained some back…
  • I was struggling with the same problem about a year ago. I was very diligent with logging my foods and staying at a 1300 calorie diet, and adding a 200 calorie shake the days I was doing heavy workouts. I lost only a few pounds doing this for over 8 months. I got very frustrated! I did some research and decided to try…
  • I have hypothyroidism as well. Although it can make it more difficult, it doesn't make it impossible. For me it's very important that I keep a positive attitude; that really makes a difference for me. Also, I have found that increasing my activity level (i.e. increasing steps per day, taking extra trips up and down the…
  • You have done amazing! Congratulations on committing and sticking to it, you look great! Seeing what you accomplished, I know you'll continue to do great!!