Anyone out there trying to lose weight with hypothyroidism?

I am 38 years old and have been stuck at around 162-168 lbs since having both of my boys. I am on meds for the thyroid and my levels are normal, but I just don't seem to have the energy to exercise! I am absolutely wiped by the end of the day. This is why I have decided to post for the first time. I figured it would keep me honest and hopefully reading what others have accomplished will motivate me. If there is anyone who could give me advise on getting a little more energy so I can do some exercising, I would really appreciate it. Before my boys and my thyroid issues I was always 126 lbs. exactly. At this point I would just like to see the numbers on the scale move down and stay down! Here's to hoping to be skinny again by 40, lol!


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    MFP has a "Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism" group:

    I have no idea if it's a coincidence or placebo effect or what, but I have more energy since I started taking Synthroid w/ a full glass of water & waiting an hour before eating or drinking anything but water. (Before, I took a few sips & waited 35 mins.) Everybody's different, but it couldn't hurt to try it.

    Could you exercise in the morning?
  • GingerJenX3
    Hey girl ....that's me!! I found out 4 months ago now that I was hypothyroid as well..........before I found out I was at an absolute loss as to why I had no energy, I started on supplements and got my butt moving again...............I have never been 126! lol but 3 months ago I was at the highest I have ever been . I think my body has finally started to level out....I still struggle with motivating myself but I real force myself and with the help of this site and the people on it I have dropped 13.5 pounds since Nov 6th..... you can do it! Add me if you like.
  • scrapalooza
    scrapalooza Posts: 335 Member
    I also have hypo.
    What started me on my weight loss was that I quit eating anything after 7 each night & started taking my synthroid before I went to bed around 10:30-11. Then I went gluten & dairy free & I have lost 26 pounds since the end of October. I am still losing now because I started feeling better & can now exercise. I would talk to your dr. before changing things up too much but it works for me. :)
  • tohealth
    tohealth Posts: 2 Member
    I've had thyroid issues for 16 years and work in an Internal Medicine office. Thyroid hormone levels usually have to be pretty significantly abnormal before symptoms appear. You may to look at just changing up your diet - eliminate known lethargy inducers like sugar and wheat. Try pushing through some exercise sessions knowing that it will produce energy and incentive. Also, I know that the further away from 30 years old I got the more difficult it became to lose weight. It's certainly possibly, just requires more perseverance. Good luck!
  • ajlandon
    ajlandon Posts: 115 Member
    Yep. I have Hashimoto's. I lost 40 lb before going on thyroid meds. I had to figure out, by trial and error, how much I could eat to still lose weight (I was 250-300 cals below predicted TDEE... still am now that I am on levothyroxine). Took a long time. Have patience, and count as accurately as possible (meaning weigh everything that is not a liquid!).

    Edited to add: I had to build up my stamina very slowly. If you cannot run, walk. Give yourself plenty of time to recover from weight lifting.
  • bethfor
    I have hypothyroidism as well. Although it can make it more difficult, it doesn't make it impossible. For me it's very important that I keep a positive attitude; that really makes a difference for me. Also, I have found that increasing my activity level (i.e. increasing steps per day, taking extra trips up and down the stairs) has helped a lot and exercising for only 30 min. The 30 min is easier for me to accomplish more often throughout the week, so I am actually exercising more than when I was trying to get in 45+ min. Hope this helps. Good luck!
  • alexislynn593
    alexislynn593 Posts: 1 Member
    I was just diagnosed with hypothyroidism a couple days ago and I am a little concerned about how it will affect me. I've been reading that most people with this disease have to go on medicine or hormonal supplements for the rest of their life which has the potential to make it extremely difficult to lose weight. Although, I've only been on my weight lose journey for about 2 weeks (with fluctuated success might I add), I am already becoming a little discouraged. My fear is that if I take the hypothyroid medicine (which ever is prescribed to me) I might gain more weight and seeing as how I am already 150 pounds and only 5'4", that is unacceptable for me. Does any one have any suggestions or similar situations that may help me ?
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Synthroid doesn't make it hard to lose weight–hypothyroidism does. Take your meds!
  • Betty_Rubble
    Betty_Rubble Posts: 117 Member
    Yes! I was recently diagnosed with Hashimoto's (and medical issues).
    Still trying to find the right medication amount (I may switch to a different kind though)
    It's excruciatingly slow to lose weight at times. Sometimes I feel like I work out so hard and eat so well, and I'll see a measly half pound drop in two weeks.
    BUT - the more I exercise, the more energy I have to get through more exercise.
    Stay focused, stay dedicated!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    It's excruciatingly slow to lose weight at times. Sometimes I feel like I work out so hard and eat so well, and I'll see a measly half pound drop in two weeks.
    BUT - the more I exercise, the more energy I have to get through more exercise.
    Stay focused, stay dedicated!
    ^^^This. It took me a whole year to lose 20 lbs. but now I weigh 20 lbs. less, and I feel so much better than I did a year ago.
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    Yes! I have it, accompanied by PCOS. It's very slow going at time, and can be frustrating, but it can happen. Ive lost 129lbs with it, and it took me almost 5 years :grumble:
  • Bizump
    Bizump Posts: 1

    I was diagnosed with Hyothyroideism 20 years ago....I have to keep a very tight check on my weight I fluctuate from 1 to 2 stone, which on me shows and I feel terribly uncomfortable....... so today is the second day on 5:2 yesterday was a fas day and today I had a great swim and and a healthy lunch. I can loose weight fairly quickly if on a mindful and healthy eating plan.....

    I do not think it is impossible to to stay a slender weight whilst on Thyroxine....

    Hope this helps!

    Happy Days...
  • Fit_Natasha
    Fit_Natasha Posts: 83 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me as a friend. I had being diagnosed with hyperthyroid a more than a year ago. It will be a slow progress (if any) until you see the changes. It is a little bit frustrating especially when you are exercising, eating at the deficit and the scale doesn't move at all! Cutting sugar from your diet helps a lot, reducing or cutting gluten and diary is a big help for the energy. I found this two websites are very helpful:

    I also think it is helps not to do highly intensive physical activities. Better stick with walking, yoga, pilates, light weights. At least with me, HIIT makes my hormones go up and down. I think with autoimmune disorders, health should be the first priority over the weight loss.
  • StuKP
    StuKP Posts: 14

    I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism about 3 years ago following a routine blood test. My Doc put me on Thyroxine and started monitoring me on a 3-month basis. After about 2 years I levelled off at about 5 on my TSH and take 150Mg a day.

    Back in April 2013 myself and my Wife (who is also Hypo) started on a weight-loss course and have achieved what we initially thought was impossible. I've now lost 87lbs and she's lost over 120lbs. Finding the energy to do anything before this point was probably the single biggest barrier to losing weight.

    We started off on a very basic level of walking as often as we could and went from there. We then progressed up to using MFP and logging EVERYTHING that went into our mouths, including any fluids, as EVERYTHING counts. To this day we still do that. It's a pin but you have to do it, and by doing so you can start to see trends of what works and what doesn't work.

    It's about discipline and holding yourself accountable for your actions. Knowing that eating that cake or having that drink will affect your weight loss.

    As we progressed on to C25K we started to notice that energy levels started increasing so we upped our intensity of exercise. It kinda cycled from there up to the point where we now get up at 5.30am to do 30 mins of aerobics, we then go for a lunchtime walk for at least a mile and then do either running, swimming or at least an hour's gym session every day.

    At my most recent Doctor's visit about 2 months ago he honestly had to do a double-take at us as we'd lost so much since he'd last seen us. My TSH has now dropped to 0.8 and my cholesterol to 3.

    I wrote a blog about my 'journey' so please feel free to have a read and see if anything can help you. It's Similarly, if you have any questions about nutrition or exercise etc please feel free to ask.
  • lane112409
    lane112409 Posts: 28 Member
    I am right there with all of you!! This hypothyroid has made my life a living nightmare with the weight gain, dry skin, dry hair and so on. My levels have been all over the place but now all are normal! It is more challenging to loose weight with the thyroid issue. I personal believe that if you put you mind to a new healthy lifestyle change you can accomplish it without a second look. My fitness pals we can do this but foremost we need each other determination and support!!!!:smooched:
  • NotNothing
    I would love to read your blog; maybe your journey would give me some insights or inspiration to manage my own fitness issues.

    About two years ago, my doctor diagnosed me with hypothyroid, and started me on Levothyroxine. Since then, my weight has climbed. I've been very frustrated trying to get my weight under control. I would like to loose some weight, but would be happy enough just to stop the gradual creeping weight gain.
  • jodi41086
    jodi41086 Posts: 240
    I have hypothyroidism too!! I workout first thing in the morning. I take a pre-workout.(My fav is either Hyper, or Axiom by ANS) that gives me tons of energy for 45min to an hour to kill that workout and be done for the day!!!