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  • Sounds like you're flicking your kicks instead of using you hips and entire body. You should talk to your instructor, that's what they are there for. Thai boxing is completely different than tkd.
  • I haven't experienced this, I go 100% with new people until they scream and/or pass out, I'm that guy. Kidding. I think this type of new person is the best thing for that blue belt level type person who has holes in his basic game that are only exposed by the high energy crazy body type person. Keeps you on your toes,…
  • Do some research on resistance training and working out in general. If you aren't an expert or informed on how to make your gym time efficient there are plenty of resources available, you don't need to be at the gym 2 hours, you'll most likely just burn yourself out doing something incorrectly and/or inefficiently. Try…
  • yes, you have three months still. But, you are listing your mileage/week? What is your long run distance at? What training program are you using? There are many sites devoted to just running and have good programs for different levels and length of time before the race, which are you using?
  • What's your workout program? a surplus of 200 cal a day isn't much and shouldn't be enough to enough to add a noticeable weight gain in a short period of time. what's your average cal intake/day? what's your bmr? what's your workout program? Are you really logging everything? when most people are in a bulk phase it's more…
  • The value of each school is usually dependent on the training and aliveness and not an element of the style, although there are some styles that have tendencies towards effectiveness, in both directions. Real, "alive" sparring and limited rules competitions can be used as a quality control elements.
    in Krav Maga Comment by default August 2013
  • Weightlifting standards, by size.
  • Your food diary from yesterday only had 1610 calories, that's really not a sufficient quantity to build your muscle mass. You need a surplus of calories in order to build more muscle mass. Take your protein shake after working out.
  • If you are bulking, I don't know if the cardio is necessary, seems counterproductive.
  • Increase the weight, decrease the variety of exercises and concentrate on big compunt lifts (i.e. for leg day do squats, lunges, calf raises, one set of deadlifts-train them as heavy as possible for you). You can do more than one muscle group per day, especially since you are just beginning. Or just do starting…
  • The release of cortisol is not garbage, it does depend on your fitness level and body though. A more "fit" person will release lower cortisol in response to stress on the body. Cortisol functions to be released from the adrenal glands in response to stress (i.e. exercise). In response to the moderate to intense training,…
  • this is the area that most women will put weight on the first and take it off the last, it is an efficient place for your body to store fat.
  • Usually for men the belly area is the first area to gain the majority of the weight gain and the last to lose it, the body puts it's fuel in the most efficient place to store it. That being said, you may have recently started to deviate from the healthy eating that has produced the results. As you know your body is made in…
  • I've fought at multiple naga events, it's kind of an intermediate level event somewhere between local events and ibjjf. the only reservation I have about Naga is the uncertainity of your specific match times, you could be there all day waiting around. Is this the info you're looking for? do you have other questions?
  • I'm 35 and get my face beat in for exercise, all that time getting my head hit and choked and at least I can spell. Also, I'll chase whatever dream I'd like (although the ufc thing won't happen) and I don't feel the need to ask permission. Thanks!
  • skinless chicken breast salmon tuna quoina brown rice buffalo venison turkey tilapia sweet potato etc...
  • There are differences between people, but everyone will get strength gains (to a varying degree based on genetics, nutrition, training) if the training/nutrition regime you're following is correct.
  • if you want to lose weight, just eat less calories then you burn. "toning" isn't exactly an accurate term. Do you want to just lose weight or a more muscular appearence? What are your goals?
  • If you are serious about bulking (building muscle) you would want to increase your weights, increase your calories/day and decrease the cardio What you're doing now is more weight loss orientated. If you want to bulk, check out mark rippletoe's "starting strength" or his sections on EDIT: I should say…
  • If you are trying to build muscle and doing that correctly, your weight should be going up. It's impossible to tell what you're doing without knowing more information, such as your BF%, goals, current workout, goals, etc..
  • Sparring is the best way. Hitting bags, mitts or air will only help so much, after that in order to get better and faster at fighting you have to fight.
  • Bruce Lee was an actor, he never fought professionaly.
  • squats.
  • If you've trained the grappling arts for an extended time before just try it out any legit school will usually offer free trial classes, you should be able to discern for yourself.
  • is a pretty good website with some high level bjj/judo contributors. what comp orgs do you guys do? naga, ibjjf, mundials...? I like to hear about more local ones, they can be...interesting. I remember my second comp in bjj about 10 years ago it was in this stinky gym/stink mats and there was actually…
  • Everlast never lasts long it seems.
  • I noticed when I first began years ago that the standup was never focussed enough with bjj, I really think most exclusively-BJJ clubs would benefit by adding incorporating and devoting more time to wrestling elements into the game, maybe some more basic judo techniques as well..foot sweeps, basic hip throws..I see way too…
  • Don't take this the wrong way, but if after 3 years you cannot do a correct roundhouse kick maybe it also has something to do with the instruction you are receiving.
  • I don't know if you provided enough information to make an informed opinion, but these are the usual suspects (in no paticular order): Eat more, you need a surplus of calories to build muscle mass push yourself more, you need to induce stress on your muscles in order to encourage them to grow you may be overtraining...this…
  • headaches are normal after extremly strenous activity. Jeph-probably nothing wrong with you, but I believe this happens as a result of your body dealing with stress, will find references. Primary exercise headaches The exact cause of primary exercise headaches is unknown. One theory is that strenuous exercise dilates blood…