debdsk8gld Member


  • I realize people are tryng to help, however you are the one that said I am lying. I am most certainly not. Everything I said is the truth. It absoultely makes no sense why I am not losing weight. In 2011 is lost about 15 lbs and felt great. I have continued to do the same thing ever since. The only thing I have changed is…
  • Well obviously they do because I am living proof!
  • I got here to see if there were any other people on this board that had a hard time losing weight while exercising and eating right.
  • I have been to the doctor, they have ran all kinds of tests. My hormones are all normal. I've seen a dietician and I eat right all the time. Nobody can figure out why I keep gaining and losing. I workout every chance I get. I rarely drink soda, maybe one time a week, and I drink water all day long.
  • I am using a scale, so I think I know how to use it.
  • I do know how to use the food log and I do know how to measure my food. My company has a wellness program that has the same type of database as myfitnesspal. We have many challanges here at work so I have been logging my exercise and food in our program here. It was time consuming to enter it in 2 places.
  • I keep track of my food intake every single day, I even measure everything I make.
  • I eat around 1400 calories per day. I just don't get it. They say it take 1 hr a day just to maintain, I am doing at least 2 hrs a day and still gaining.
  • I stay around 1400 a day, and work out 18 hours a week and can't lose an ouce. I had a complete physical everything is normal. Doctor says to work out more and eat less. Not sure how that's possible.
  • I have heard it was harder to lose weight when you are older, and even though I am struggling to lose weight I am not buying it. It all boils down to finding the right combination of diet of exercise. Hopefully I will find the right combination soon. I normally work out 14 hours a week and can't lose an ounce. For the last…