

  • Hi there girls! Congrats to all! I am getting married April 15, 2016! After avoiding it for as long as possible, I am dress shopping for the first time next month, I am really hoping I can relax and enjoy it, rather than being too critical because I still have some weight loss and toning to do... Good luck to you ladies!
  • Congrats!! I'm also newly engaged (as of nov 2nd)... wedding will likely be in 2015, although we really have no idea yet, want to put off the planning for a little while and just enjoy being engaged :)
  • Torrington here!
  • Way to go! Definitely a motivator to stick with it!
    in holy s*&@ Comment by laur425 March 2012
  • PS- stick with it for a few classes! You're bound to feel uncoordinated and silly the first couple classes, but you'll catch on... And everyone is wrapped up in their own workout, not focusing on anyone else's moves!
  • Try it out! There are usually 1 or 2 guys in my classes, one comes with his wife I think... They don't usually do ALL of the moves full out (ie: a little less hip swinging usually... Figure out what's comfortable for you). Definitely go for it, it's a great workout!!
  • Haha this is great! And very true for me right now too... My body is changing, but you'd never know it from the scale! Frustrating for sure.
  • Welcome to MFP! I'm pretty new too.. Having friends on here definitely makes a difference for me, keeps me in line! Haha good luck
  • Hope I find my twin! Age:23 SW:200 CW: 194 (slow going for me so far...) GW: 130 Height:5'3"
  • My target each day is 1540! I also eat back my exercise calories (for the most part). I am usually a little under my target, but not much- I definitely notice a difference if I don't eat enough, end up feeling pretty sluggish.
  • Awesome job!! Congrats on sticking to it! Can't wait to try it!!
  • Hey! I'm Lauren- also new to MFP. I'm 23 and from CT. I'm also a Social Worker (almost!- finishing my MSW in May). I started a few weeks ago and have lost a couple pounds so far, looking to amp up my efforts and start dropping some serious pounds! Good luck to you!!