lja7269 Member


  • I have been at this since for 9 weeks. I have weeks where I have lost 3.5 lbs and weeks where I have lost 1 or nothing...UGH! I have pretty much done the same thing each week. This week for instance I stayed at or under my calories, walked or ran for a total of 19 miles and also ran bleachers a couple days. Only lost 1lb…
    in Frustrated Comment by lja7269 March 2012
  • 5ft 9 and presently 167. My goal is 155.
  • Ok I apologize for my freak out. Just very frustrating to not see any loss and then to see a gain is even worse. As far as the comments about being hungry I do not have a problem with that. I made up my mind to lose weight. The first 2 weeks were hard but I pushed through it. I was eating around 1200 calories up until a…
    in I give! Comment by lja7269 February 2012
  • Still doesn't make sense to me. I am eating less calories and running 2.5 miles at least every other day. I have gone back and forth with the starvation mode thing. What are you suggestions of right foods? I have been cutting back on carbs. I also do not like fruits.
    in I give! Comment by lja7269 February 2012
  • I know right! That is usually why I do not post on these sights. Seems there is always someone lurking waiting to attack. I clearly stated it was my opinion and it worked for me. Good luck!
  • I never said it was scientifically proven. Chill out already! I said it worked for me and it has. I also said it was my opinion.
  • I would suggest not eating so late at night. It has worked for me tremendously. All of these responses are opinions of course. I eat all of my calories for the day before 3 generally. I have a cheat day on Thursday and do as I please. Well, really I just don't think about the diet is what I do. I am down 20lbs in 6 weeks.…
  • I will try to get my calories to 1200 each day. Should I add back the calories I burn exercising? I do not know how to make my "food diary public"