

  • Although I eat a very high carb diet due to my marathon training programs, I do find that if I eat a good amount of protein in the mornings I am not nearly as hungry as for the remainder of the day. Wishing you the best in finding what works for you. :smile:
  • Unfortunately, this surgery is being used as an easy quick fix by many who get it AND the doctors and hospitals making a ton of money performing the surgery. However, I do recognize that there are those folks who truly do need a medical intervention and there are those that need to focus on what is driving their eating…
  • :love: I owned several with Jane Fonda who was dressed like she was going to the Disco. It was a great workout though!
  • This has helped me a GREAT deal! I have recently taken a break from "counting points" on Weight Watchers because I knew that the general nature of points wasn't giving me the information I needed to continue to lose weight. I initially lost 65 lbs on Weight Watchers and in the last year and a half I have struggled to lose…
  • Love those washboard abs!! I'm working on getting myself some of those! :-) Keep up the awesome work!:wink:
  • I continue to exercise as it helps to keep my monthly negative "attitude" to a minimum. No one likes to exercise during that time but it also helps with cramps. If you don't want to do anything high impact just go for a long brisk walk especially during the heavier days and then you can eat a little more too. During the…