Gastric Bypass/



  • kellyk2511
    kellyk2511 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm having gastric bypass in February. I have passed my lung, heart & psych eval. I cant wait.
  • I had gastric bypass in 2003.

    Good intentions...psych eval...lose a few pounds first...follow all the rules....blah blah blah.

    Lost 109 pounds. Felt good. Forgot what I went through.




    Gained 55 back and sat there for a few years.

    Now I am doing it the right way....mind over matter, watching my diet and exercising my butt off.

    Left over side effects of mineral and vitamin deficiencies...anemia that keeps coming back...ulcers...digestive sensitivities...all from a surgery that I thought I needed but turns out....I can lose weight anyway. And be proud of it.

    I would not recommend it. The work required is the same.
  • saulady
    saulady Posts: 3 Member
    My older brother had surgery for weightloss about 20-21 yrs ago and it worked wonders for several years then he let it fail him and he couldnt leave pop and food alone so now he is back to his before weight.
    I myself am looking at the lap band surgery to help with my health issues...I was diagnosed in April with Muscular Dystrophy and told loosing weight would help me to get around better for a longer time. Last year I had my gall bladder out and that surgeon also does the lap band, so I would try to get him as I really like him.
  • JimLeonardRN
    JimLeonardRN Posts: 296 Member
    To all the nay-sayers and those who say "just do it yourself." I wish that you could have lived a week in my shoes.....And I know several of you have. But i'm not you and your not me. Instead of downing us or trying to talk people that need the surgery out of it, why not support us and applaude us in the the effort to lose weight and be healthier? And yes several patients do gain weight back after surgery, but when YOU dont spend 3 hours on the treadmill or bicycling or whatever everyday to maintain YOUR weight, guess what YOUR gonna gain wieght too!
    So please stop downing us for using the too we used! I dont down you for what you use!
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    I had gastric bypass in 2003.

    Good intentions...psych eval...lose a few pounds first...follow all the rules....blah blah blah.

    Lost 109 pounds. Felt good. Forgot what I went through.




    Gained 55 back and sat there for a few years.

    Now I am doing it the right way....mind over matter, watching my diet and exercising my butt off.

    Left over side effects of mineral and vitamin deficiencies...anemia that keeps coming back...ulcers...digestive sensitivities...all from a surgery that I thought I needed but turns out....I can lose weight anyway. And be proud of it.

    I would not recommend it. The work required is the same.

    You say you are "doing it the right way". So then did you have your stomach un-bypassed? Stomach replacement surgery? I'm trying to understand how that works. If you had bariatric surgery several years ago then you are still and will for ever be getting that added help toward weight loss provided by the surgery. Changes in absorption, changes is hormone release, change in hunger levels, all those don't just miraculously change because ate more than you should have after surgery.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    To all the nay-sayers and those who say "just do it yourself." I wish that you could have lived a week in my shoes.....And I know several of you have. But i'm not you and your not me. Instead of downing us or trying to talk people that need the surgery out of it, why not support us and applaude us in the the effort to lose weight and be healthier? And yes several patients do gain weight back after surgery, but when YOU dont spend 3 hours on the treadmill or bicycling or whatever everyday to maintain YOUR weight, guess what YOUR gonna gain wieght too!
    So please stop downing us for using the too we used! I dont down you for what you use!

    Very well said sir. Spending 20 hours a week in a gym is not "the natural way", there's nothing natural about that. Taking exercise classes or watching videos at home? Nope, sorry, not natural. People need to quit judging others and worry more about their own selves.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,174 Member
    I'm starting the process. Still have to drop another 50 pounds before they will operate but I"m working towards it.

    I wonder if insurance companies make losing that weight a requirement, hoping if people are successful losing the 50 pounds that they will just keep going on their own and not want to have the surgery done?
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    If you are getting the surgery, your mind has to be in the same place it has to be in to lose weight without surgery. You have to be mentally prepared for it, because with the surgery you have to change your diet so much anyway - why not just do it on your own? I know people that have had it done..... one of them died. others have gained weight back. Others have lost less weight than me, in a longer period of time - and I had NO surgery. I don't get why people think this will fix it. If you can change your eating because of getting a surgery and be successful, you can change your eating without the surgery. THIS is why all too many people are not successful with WLS - why put yourself through that when you CAN do it on your own?! I'm living proof.

    SW 303.4 (1/1/11)
    CW 188.8
    30 y/o 5'6''
    I did it just by eating right and working out. That's it.
  • WeightingForSara
    WeightingForSara Posts: 122 Member
    A young woman I work with had it done a few years ago and lost over 200lbs. She has now gained most of it back and lost a lot of hair and has to take B12 shots. She looked amazing and if she had done as the doctor recommended and followed the plan I am sure it would have been alright, but she didn't. I think people look at it like a quick fix but you CAN gain it back and most people do.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    To all the nay-sayers and those who say "just do it yourself." I wish that you could have lived a week in my shoes.....And I know several of you have. But i'm not you and your not me. Instead of downing us or trying to talk people that need the surgery out of it, why not support us and applaude us in the the effort to lose weight and be healthier? And yes several patients do gain weight back after surgery, but when YOU dont spend 3 hours on the treadmill or bicycling or whatever everyday to maintain YOUR weight, guess what YOUR gonna gain wieght too!
    So please stop downing us for using the too we used! I dont down you for what you use!

    Very well said sir. Spending 20 hours a week in a gym is not "the natural way", there's nothing natural about that. Taking exercise classes or watching videos at home? Nope, sorry, not natural. People need to quit judging others and worry more about their own selves.

    Soo. wait. working out, getting active, and eating right isn't te natural way - but surgery is? Don't think so. sorry.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,174 Member
    To all the nay-sayers and those who say "just do it yourself." I wish that you could have lived a week in my shoes.....And I know several of you have. But i'm not you and your not me. Instead of downing us or trying to talk people that need the surgery out of it, why not support us and applaude us in the the effort to lose weight and be healthier? And yes several patients do gain weight back after surgery, but when YOU dont spend 3 hours on the treadmill or bicycling or whatever everyday to maintain YOUR weight, guess what YOUR gonna gain wieght too!
    So please stop downing us for using the too we used! I dont down you for what you use!

    I don't think anything anyone says here is going to stop a person who is really desperate to lose the weight from having the procedure done. There are pros and cons, all of which need to be discussed with a medical professional, not the people here. But if someone is going to post for opinions, they are going to get them....whether they agree with them or not.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    If you are getting the surgery, your mind has to be in the same place it has to be in to lose weight without surgery. You have to be mentally prepared for it, because with the surgery you have to change your diet so much anyway - why not just do it on your own? I know people that have had it done..... one of them died. others have gained weight back. Others have lost less weight than me, in a longer period of time - and I had NO surgery. I don't get why people think this will fix it. If you can change your eating because of getting a surgery and be successful, you can change your eating without the surgery. THIS is why all too many people are not successful with WLS - why put yourself through that when you CAN do it on your own?! I'm living proof.

    SW 303.4 (1/1/11)
    CW 188.8
    30 y/o 5'6''
    I did it just by eating right and working out. That's it.

    And just why do you give a eff you see kay what another person decides to do? It does not affect you in any way shape or form. Just because you managed to do it does not mean others can. Some people can do lots of things others can't. Do you judge them too?
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    A young woman I work with had it done a few years ago and lost over 200lbs. She has now gained most of it back and lost a lot of hair and has to take B12 shots. She looked amazing and if she had done as the doctor recommended and followed the plan I am sure it would have been alright, but she didn't. I think people look at it like a quick fix but you CAN gain it back and most people do.

    No ma'am, most people DON'T gain the weight back. Try doing some actual research and reading real statistics instead of going on what your uncles brothers cousin said on MFP.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    My husband had it 7.5 years ago. He lost 145 pounds and gained only 10 back since. He would do it again in a heartbeat. No complications for him.

    Also, his program did not require him to lose any weight before he had it done.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    You can do the same thing by simply eating less.

    If you have a lot of body fat reserves you would be surprised at how little you can eat (unless you have emotional eating issues or disorders). The leaner you get the less your body has to draw from and then you have to taper up your calories. There is no such thing as starvation mode for women over 12% body fat or men over 6% body fat. I am a living breathing example of that. I went from obese to now under 12% BF and I've maintained for one year and built muscle the whole time. You don't BUILD muscle in starvation mode, so I proved everyone wrong. And I learned it all from a coach with multiple PHD’s who wrote The Anything Goes Diet and The Venus Index Workout and the The Adonis Index Workout.

    my blog
  • JimLeonardRN
    JimLeonardRN Posts: 296 Member
    I had gastric bypass in 2003.

    Good intentions...psych eval...lose a few pounds first...follow all the rules....blah blah blah.

    Lost 109 pounds. Felt good. Forgot what I went through.




    Gained 55 back and sat there for a few years.

    Now I am doing it the right way....mind over matter, watching my diet and exercising my butt off.

    Left over side effects of mineral and vitamin deficiencies...anemia that keeps coming back...ulcers...digestive sensitivities...all from a surgery that I thought I needed but turns out....I can lose weight anyway. And be proud of it.

    I would not recommend it. The work required is the same.

    Sounds like you failed the tool......Not the tool failing you!
  • JimLeonardRN
    JimLeonardRN Posts: 296 Member
    You can do the same thing by simply eating less.

    No you cant do the same thing by "simply eating less".....Im glad it worked for you.....But yet again "IM NOT YOU!"
  • jeleclekat
    jeleclekat Posts: 124 Member
    I had it done in the mid 1980s. I loved it at the time - went from 213 to 145. BUT, with marital problems, etc, I started eating and drinking , and gained it all back plus some. You must be sure you can live with the smaller stomach. It is so easy to start stretching it out again. I did start today with Roco lab surgery free gastric bypass - hard to explain, its a drink mix you take once a day to fill your stomach with a fiber mix, and is a lot cheaper than surgery! You can check it here:
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    my bff just had it done. I told my husband how much she had lost since her surgery two weeks ago.....15 lbs. I am up to 28 pounds lost. My husband said the best thing ever to me. he said.." and you didn't have surgery"

    My thoughts on this are quite strong. It is not for everyone. If you have to adhere to a special diet after the surgery.....why not just do it before the surgery too? I wish my friend the best......but everyone I ever knew that had it done gained back a significant portion of the lost weight.

    THe whole point is, some cannot do it without the surgery. My husband was hungry all the time and never felt full. WIth the surgery he did and is so happy now that that horrible part of his life is over. Maybe it different for each person but the surgery is what worked for him. It does not make you a better person if you can do it without. Mor epower to you but don't bash those who need it.
  • Unfortunately, this surgery is being used as an easy quick fix by many who get it AND the doctors and hospitals making a ton of money performing the surgery. However, I do recognize that there are those folks who truly do need a medical intervention and there are those that need to focus on what is driving their eating habits not the weight itself. I know 5 people who have taken advantage of getting the surgery. Three have gained it all back plus some and two are struggling desperately trying to keep the weight gains minimal.

    It seems that alchohol consumption has a lot to do with the struggle to keep the weight off in addition to having not addressed the underlying issues regarding food.

    Regardless how the weight is taken off, I wish everyone the best and hope that the process is well-rounded and helps them ultimately win the battle of the bulge.
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