Gastric Bypass/



  • lilolegranny
    lilolegranny Posts: 17 Member
    Great post with some valuable information and insight! I know many people that have had this surgery and gained alot of the weight back and seen many with complications. Many people do not know that with RnY you can not get kidney or any transplants due to the inability to metabolize the anti rejection medications. This I just found out and I had researched ALL of these surgeries for about 10 years. Drs said only surgery available to people with kidney failure is the sleeve. MFP is my last hope b4 such a drastic surgery!
  • I have know too many people that have had really bad results after awhile..
    It does work but in the long run it can make it harder to lose weight if you don't commit to mantaining it.
    Slow and steady is the best way for me..
  • My wife had it over 10 years ago. Hasn't gained anything back
  • authormarieskye
    authormarieskye Posts: 64 Member
    I've had it done on 8/9/2011, and no regrets.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I know about 7 people who've had gastric bypass and of those 7, not one of them had changed their eating and activity level...all but one of them had gained at least 50% of their weight back. So if you consider it, please remember that you still have to make the lifestyle changes in order to keep the weight off. It's such a risky surgery and if you go back to your old ways afterward, it is possible to stretch out what stomach is left. So please commit to a lifestyle change before considering it and get support!
  • 48vixen
    48vixen Posts: 25 Member
    I had RNY 12/15/10, I have lost 160 pounds and YES I have kept it off! In fact trying to gain 20 of it back. It was the best decision I made for myself. I will not lie it is work. You have to want to change your lifestyle to succeed. I am almost 2 yrs and just starting to have 4oz of soda and only if I have an upset stomach. Everyone is different and of course you will hear every horror story known to man. If you believe in the doctor you choose and you do the research on your doctor you will be fine. Of course with every surgery there are complications know this going into it and you should be fine. Medicine has progressed just like most everything, so people who had the surgery even 5 years ago had a different experience. If you want to message me or friend me please do so I will be completely open and upfront with you. Best of luck in your future weight loss.:happy:
  • lilolegranny
    lilolegranny Posts: 17 Member
    Love your story and congratulations on your weight loss and continued success! :flowerforyou:
  • jojorocksforeva
    jojorocksforeva Posts: 303 Member
    I really get thissss.
  • lilolegranny
    lilolegranny Posts: 17 Member
    Congratulations with your weight loss! Doesn't it sound kind of funny to you now saying that you " NEED " to " GAIN " 20 lbs? :flowerforyou:
  • I had gastric bypass May 14, 2012 and have since lost 59 lbs. But it has been anything but easy. you not only go through a lot of physical changes, but psychological and emotional changes as well. It's hard hard work and not for the weak. with that said, I would do it again. If you use this tool for what i is intended, there is no reason why you should have any trouble. This"tool" saved my life.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,171 Member
    My ex SIL, a nurse( and the same age as me), had it done awhile back. She lost a lot of weight. I saw her a couple days ago. She looks like she has gained most of it back.

    She never took care of the WHY of her weight gain. She never changed her eating habits. I would rather do what I am doing.
  • kmcintyre57
    kmcintyre57 Posts: 109 Member
    I had it done 8 years ago. Worked good for me (95 lbs) and then one year ago, I quit smoking and even though there were no changes to my diet, I did not exercise more for the metabolism changes from quitting, so I gained 40 lbs in a year and a half. Now that I have the weight balanced from that I am back on track to losing. That is why I am here. But back to the Gastric, I do not regret my decision, it really helped me with the mind over matter idea, the more the gastric helped me lose the more I did to improve my own way of eating, etc. My brother had it 5 years ago and gained half his weight back, because he went back to some old ways of food, however not all of them. I agree with the others that you have to use it to help but that it is a tool only and is still up to you. I also have two friends that look terrific and no problems.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I was an early adopter of the RNY gastric bypass. I had the surgery in 1980 at the age of 24. I lost 92 lb, going from 232 to 140. My weight fluctuated from 140 - 170 for years, but after my second child was born in 1995, any advantage the surgery gave me with early satiety, and unpleasant reactions to very sugary foods, left me almost completely. I went up to and exceeded my original weight before gastric bypass.

    It is NOT a panacea. You still need to watch what you eat. It also makes you prone to nutritional deficiencies--most notably iron, vitamin B12 and calcium. That's because the site of absorption is mostly bypassed.

    There are also the usual surgical risks all operative procedures entail. I knew someone who developed adhesions and ulcers, and had at least a dozen surgeries to correct it, though the additional procedures made the adhesions worse several times. I know another woman who died at 30 after an anastomosis failure poured the contents of her digestive system into her peritoneal space. She lived a couple years in a lot of pain, before dying in a nursing home.

    Go into this surgery with your eyes wide open, and for goodness sakes: if you can lose weight without it, do that!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Nope. I think it should be an extremely last ditch effort. It's not easy and it's a lot of stress and hard work, not a cop out like people think it is. To me, it's NOT worth putting my body through surgery just to get me to eat less. I can do that on my own.
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    I've known several people who have had one form of this done. They've all been successful at first, but if you don't learn how to eat and curb your addiction you run the risk of shelling out a lot of money for nothing. 2 of the people I know had to have it reversed because they suffered from malnutrition. Another didn't learn to properly eat and gained it all back and then some and the last one lost about 50 lbs and got pregnant, which they say you shouldn't do during the first 6-12 months after surgery. It was a huge health scare for her through the entire pregnancy.

    Good luck to you if you're planning on doing this. It is not an easy fix, so you have to work on your mind, body and soul in order to make this work right.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    My husband had the Rny 7.5 years ago and lost 145 pounds. He gain 10 back and has maintained since. He would do it again in a heartbeat.
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I know 4 people who have had it done. 2 were very successful and 2 would not stop drinking alcohol. The latter gained all their weight back plus. The 2 successful ones still exercise and watch their caloric intake. Their biggest problem was with vitamiin deficiencies. As was said it is only a tool and must be used wisely.
  • kaytee003
    kaytee003 Posts: 18 Member
    I know a lot about this type of thing My uncle had the GB I want to say 4 years ago now, he had sleep apnea, and diabetes along with being overweight, and he slimmed down that's for sure he looks great. There was a time where he gained some of the weight back but took it back off. I talked with him about it and he said he tries to stick with soups, he can't really go out to eat and if he overeats it comes back up. Although eventually your stomach would stretch back out.

    My cousin got the sleeve. I am not as informative as this she had bounced around with her weight for a while and the sleeve took it off and she looks great, but I rarely get to see her so I don't know if she is keeping it off.

    And then there is the lapband... which I think is weird since there is a port. I know 2 people that have had this procedure. one just recently but the other only lost 60 pounds and she was still very much overweight. I have known the lapband to only really be able to tolerate softer foods and this lady would constantly eat just ice cream and cottage cheese... macaroni and cheese... her diet was horrible.

    I may be a hypocrite but I'm ok with these types of surgeries if people use them as a tool and not a "quick fix" or just continue to eat crap and don't learn from it. I could easily go and take the same road but I'd rather do it myself, so I can be proud of myself for it. Not that it's not the right choice for you! just make sure you can adjust to the lifestyle and become healthier with it!
  • 48vixen
    48vixen Posts: 25 Member
    I had the surgery Aug 7, 2012 and am soooo very happy. Have always been able to lose weight, but the struggle continually was keeping it off. I am so grateful for this surgery, yet I was very scared to have it. I am down 54 lbs so far and so excited. Know 5 others who have had the surgery and it has been a blessing to them all. It can be a great tool to help you learn to eat properly and smaller portions, to eat healthy and to exercise. But like anything else, if abused, weight gain can return if you sabotage yourself. I had tried all the diets and many of them work to lose weight, but the big deception is that none of them help you keep off the weight. My appetite would always win and also once I reached my desired weight, I had to exercise for hours a day and starve myself to keep the weight off. I could not maintain this long term and my appetite would eventually win out. For once in my life I am in control and can think with my head (vs. appetite controlling me) and have freedom.

    WLS may not be for everyone, and there are a few horror stories and many nay sayers, but you know what there are far more people who die from obesity and obesity related diseases. I have a new lease on life, no more sleep apnea, no more snoring, no more gout, no more high blood pressure and no more pills, no more sore joints or sore feet, or back, reduced chance of cancer and heart attack. I feel wonderful and am so looking forward to the rest of my life and living it the way I envisioned it.
    Way to go Carl! I had the surgery almost 2 yrs ago and lost 160. Still keeping it off!! I no longer have diabetes or sleep apnea. You summed it up I was the same tried everything and then hurt my back had 2 back operations and was not able to do any walking, exercise anything that is why I did the surgery. No one should judge they do not know the situation of others!
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