Why Eating Exercise Calories is so important.



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  • shellsy0424
    shellsy0424 Posts: 127 Member
    replying to subscribe, so that I can read this in my spare time. Thanks for the post :-)

    Me too, this is interesting to me. ]
  • DBlythe50
    DBlythe50 Posts: 18
    Thanks for the info....I increased some of my calories but felt guilty eating back all and I only lost 1 lb this week and before I was averaging 2.5 to 4 lbs a week.
  • rscott813
    rscott813 Posts: 16 Member
    Bump. Thanks for taking the time to help myself and others who may be struggling with understanding this.
  • adweber98
    adweber98 Posts: 9 Member
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Sooooo confused! Why even exercise if your just going to eat more?

    For cardiovascular/muscular health and fitness and the ability to do something with your newly skinny body besides lie languidly by the pool in a bikini :)
  • billcastro123
    billcastro123 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you. Now I can relax and enjoy my weight loss journey...for the long haul. I just want to stay healthy and have fun doing it.
  • lvnh
    lvnh Posts: 60 Member
    Great explanation! Thank you OP!
  • bump
  • willing2try
    willing2try Posts: 23 Member
    Awesome article! I never heard it explained so clearly!:smile:
  • Kempossible
    Kempossible Posts: 158 Member
    Thank you for your post!
  • sawyermark
    sawyermark Posts: 74 Member
    Great info! Thanks.
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    Thank you for this thread.

    I was eating 1000 - 1100 calories per day and doing cardio at least 6 days every week. I lost 12 pounds, but it took a long, long time, and my weight loss had stalled lately.

    Four days ago I increased how much I'm eating. I *feel* much, much better. I didn't think I was hungry before, but emotionally I was terrible--feeling really edgy, and downright *****y and angry all the time. I've started to think that I can really make this a lifestyle change.

    And guess what? I'm down two pounds. I know that it hasn't been enough time yet to say for certain that that two pound weight loss isn't just a quirk, water weight, whatever. But I'm encouraged.

    And I want to stress that I feel so much better. A big THANK YOU to the O.P. and everyone who posted info here.
  • This has helped me a GREAT deal! I have recently taken a break from "counting points" on Weight Watchers because I knew that the general nature of points wasn't giving me the information I needed to continue to lose weight. I initially lost 65 lbs on Weight Watchers and in the last year and a half I have struggled to lose the last 10! I am an avid runner and exercise fanatic so having plateaued so fiercely was confusing and frustrating! Having recently joined MFP I am beginning to understand the nature of my problem especially when given accurate and helpful information such as what you provided in this post.

    I am looking forward to monitoring my progress over the next few weeks to see how this new way of tracking my energy sources and expenditures works for me!

    Thank you, again, for posting this. It is very helpful!
  • nellyb2011
    nellyb2011 Posts: 167 Member
  • yuliyax
    yuliyax Posts: 288
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  • angelasmith230
    angelasmith230 Posts: 70 Member
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  • sandyrrt
    sandyrrt Posts: 255 Member