

  • Sounds delicious! Thanks.
  • Way to go! You left me in the dust today. I had a not so great day of eating, but will do better tomorrow.
  • Ooh, sounds good. I have to be very careful of sodium but I could just leave the bacon out and it would still be a very filling and healthy sandwich. Thanks for the idea! Love the sprouts idea. :smile:
  • Hi Sandy, Great to "see" you here!! I was wondering if I was the only one here, but am glad to see you and Rhenee' coming here too. I have to tip my hat so to speak to you for your trip to Olive Garden. That is the "pit of hell" for dieters, hehe. I'm amazed you did all your homework and stuck to your plan. It just so…
  • I am very passionate about this subject, probably due to the fact that several "men" (term used lightly) wouldn't date me or even acknowledge me when I was overweight. But, when I lost over 110 pounds and walked back into town...they were some of the first ones to ask me out! Imagine all you out there in MFP-land the fun I…
  • QUOTE: QUOTE: QUOTE: if that was his excuse and if that's a reason he not only an @$$hole but a coward too So he'd still be an a-hole for leaving because he doesn't love her anymore? I'm for supporting people, but really we're only hearing one side of the story. His version could be different. I am supposing no one here…
  • OK, I believe he didn't leave you because you're fat...he left you because he got scared. I see by your ticker that you have made astounding progress, so ask yourself why he would wait til now to leave. He is probably a very insecure "@#$ hole" who needed to put you down in order for himself to look big!! He has managed to…
  • Yum! Sounds great; I have to try this week. Thanks for this recipe.
  • Nice to meet you all, I'm in Maine, USA. I am so happy to find a group like this as I have dabbled in composting, growing herbs, etc. and know I have alot to learn. I am very interested in being as self-sufficient and organic as possible. I would like more information on growing herbs and sprouts inside since I believe…
  • Steel cut oatmeal or at least old fashioned oats are what I try to eat for cereal. Throw in some chunked apple, dates, dried cranberries, blueberries, (the variations are endless) Otherwise, it's organic eggs and multigrain toast for me.
  • Yeah, I too have to get rid of my clothes as I go, otherwise I "have something to fall back on" should I start to faulter.
  • You're only as old as you believe you are. My 83 yr. old Mom was considered "cool" by any generation she encountered right up til the day she died. She never let age or her polio make her feel old or "uncool". So, you are can be cool at any age.
  • Southern Maine or Northern Boston, however YOU see it.
  • Super Congrats! That is alot of hard proud, and keep going; stay in touch.